Reviving European Monarchs

Is it possible? Is there any way that Russia and Germany could have a figurehead monarchy like the UK again?

idk much about royalty successions rights but I´ve read in the case of Russia the aspirant to the throne would be some english noble, so it would be quite retarded

If the stupid left & right politics keeps up, people would probably start wondering if bringing back Kangz n shiet would be far better since Monarchical Dynasties did their job better as arbiters of the political debate and being more impartial than stupid elected executive offices.

Too bad, people literally believed in meme beliefs that Kangz sit on thrones and people do whatever they want.

When in reality that sort of rule was never true in the great monarchies of the world. Even Chinks had to deal with debates in their ministries.

>Is it possible?

No. Nobody wants it. Reactionaries and monarchists only think they want it because they are of the idiotic assumption that the monarch would govern EXACTLY as they wanted (unlikely), or the childish delusion that THEY would be this monarch.

If they had a monarch that they did not agree with, you can bet these same modern-day monarchists would be on the streets, rioting and calling for a more republican form of government and representation and limits and oversight of the monarch.

> Is there any way that Russia and Germany could have a figurehead monarchy like the UK again?
I'm pretty sure this is what they would be right now if not for WW1, but now it's too late for this nation-wide LARPing.

M8, it was purely for nationalism and the monarchs would be figureheads, like in Britain.


>it was purely for nationalism and the monarchs would be figureheads

Then why even bother putting up a monarch? Just because some autist think it looks cool reading about it on the Wikipedia page of that country?

Knowing Russia the Tzar would inevitably become an autocrat again

> Monarchical Dynasties did their job better as arbiters of the political debate and being more impartial than stupid elected executive offices
What time period are you talking about, Middle Ages? In the past 400 years most of them failed to do so and was replaced by much more efficient regimes.

OP was the one asking a simple question that you had you sperg out over like some smug faggot.
Pretty sure there's only one autist ITT.

If Austria joins V4, which Hofer certainly wants to do, they're onky a step away from recreating the ekpire.

Because of the same reason we like to have complex symbology on most of our flags rather than a blank field with text on it.
Because it gives culture and history.

You want a real answer?
There was some monarchist revival in the 80's but it slowly dissipated after Mitterand left office and anti-monarchist laws were swept under the rug. They're having a revival since 2008, mostly the AF (Orleanists - National Syndicalist, anti-globalist), NAR (Orleanists - center left Keynesians anti-globalist) and AR (Legitimist reactionary conservatism), but they represent such different ideologies it's hard to imagine them cooperating, they have some following in one of the factions of the FN, but they're not relevant.
Some fringe organisations without any political clout, mostly harmless
Die Monarchisten consistently get around 1.2% of the popular vote and are pretty active. They also have active branches in Trieste and the Czech Republic, but considerably smaller, minuscule presence in Slovenia.
Royal family had some prestige when they came back in '91 but they squandered their chances by getting too involved in politics
The Zog dynasty actually won a 1994 referendum on the restoration of the monarchy, so the mob government had to rig it and declared it null and void, since then they slowly lost momentum and fell into irrelevancy
No idea desu, but I imagine not much
The tsar Simeon came back in '91 and actually got seriously involved in politics and was even prime minister from 2001 to 2005. Sadly he got too involved in party politics and lost popular support
The king was very popular back in '91 and the government had to do lots of backhanded tricks to prevent a referendum, he also got involved in party politics in the late 90's but less than Simeon so he still retains some popularity
I know there are some hard core pro tsarist organisations since the 90's but there's no way Putin was/is having any of that.

There are also some tsarist biker gangs and there is some nazbol overlap
I know there are some minor pro-Savoy organisations and that the House of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies is currently lobbying pretty hard with both the upper (other aristocrats, church offcials, "old money" people in general) and lower class in Naples, they're also slowly taking over the southern autonomist-independentist parties
A small monarchist party was founded in '74 after the Carnation revolution, they were never really relevant, consistently getting only 2 seats in the National Assembly and they're even losing that since the early 2000's
Non existent, there's no way they're ever letting the Habsburgs back + Jobbik has a monopoly on right-of-center politics and they're republicans
That's it more or less, there may be some other ones I'm not aware of, but as far as I know, that's the extent of the monarchist revival in Europe. Correct me if I'm wrong.

The royal family is supported by:
1)warn out politicians/intellectuals and the occasional celebrity
2)pol sci students (pictured at the start of the lib-right quadrant) who want to get their career going
3)right wing kids who listened to some some songs from ww2 and now want to grow beards
Most people disregard him/them entirely, because the heir/pretender speaks some really shitty Serbian, it's become a literal meme.

They may have a chance later tho, especially if the princes practice the fucking language.

I totally agree with this, coming from the "reactionary" side. There's no reason to believe that a monarch wouldn't be a perfect SJW. See Pope Francis. The Pope is also a monarch, in case people forgot.

They can go fuck themselves.

Could I see a translation of this into English?

From top left to right and then down, as you'd read a normal text (btw, notice how it turns cyrillic when you're near the top)

>average middle aged voters of the radical party, SUBNOR (WW2 vet organization), Serbian orthodox church, unironically agreeing with a serbian ironic meme page pujo sotka (dolan meme spin off), i'm 15 and into politics, the radical party
>your grandma who votes for SPS (leader of the party is used) because she's socialist, BRUH, HAVE YOU SEEN THE WEIGHT OF CHAINS??? VERY SMART MOVIE, "moderate" "apolitical" average serb, KOSOVO IS THE HEART OF SERBIA, current prime minister, If only prime minister Djindjic were not assassinated
>60 year old yugonostalgics, the Belgrade bohemian, "Urban right"
>tarzanija (satirical website that writes articles), i still delude myself that the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina is not a nationalist party, "left wing" parties like the Democrats (DS) and Socialists (SPS, the grandma part), There is no alternative to the EU (Europe)
>i act like student and union protests actually achieve anything, i listen to EKV and defend moral values from reality tv, Borko "Syriza" (splintered from DS), where NGO-liberals actually are (you'll see later where they think they are)
>Do you follow Istok on twitter he's very smart, Pol Sci students who lick the ass of the pretender/heir Karadjordjevic, the 5 people that actually vote for the liberal democrats
>20 year old yugonostalgics, i walk for Zoran (Djindjic, aforementioned killed PM), Metalheads, Pol Sci students, "apolitical" liberals
>where NGO-liberals think they are, dude from the hood who smokes weed all day at the basketball court, every IT nerd that wants to get into politics, Istok Pavlovic (Twitter fag, i don't know anything about him, fuck twitter)
>trivunac ratibor (anarcho-syndicalist), he's dad's a CEO, fuck the state (a phrase you'll hear often in Serbia), Libek (Libertarians)


Correction, his dad's the manager of the local Hyatt, not a CEO.

>They're having a revival since 2008
>a revival
I see 8 directionless adults in the photo and they got what, 0.5% of the vote in the presidential elections?

>The Pope is also a monarch, in case people forgot.
He's also a massive troll, actually.
Made fun of swedes and banned the proposal of female priests forever after going there to commemorate the Reform.
Said nice things about LGBT while also saying they are worse than nukes, and banned the french ambassador for being gay.

not a monarchist, but that was so edgy and fedora it hurt.

Let's make a comic where the guy isn't an asshat and the word choice isn't so obviously biased and let's see where we are at.

>Efficient regimes.
>That kept destroying themselves and undergoing revisionisms for quite a fucking lot.

>spending taxpayer money on granting an incompetent literally who a castle and title

>Electing an incompetent literally who.
Even worse...

Putin got the Byzantine Emperor's chair back so he can definetly call up the Tsar's relatives in America, failing that just get a British prince on the throne to fuffill leopold's dreams

>Spending tax payer money to tutour an emergency ruler
Crazy I know

>giving 80 IQ retards the power to elect their fellow retards into office

We've spent on dumber things.

Things that have worked towards bad ends.

When the monarchy stops existing it can never be successfully reintegrated again. It becomes something people laugh about.

I think the Bulgarian monarch managed to become prime-minister(or still is?) and that's the most success I've seen a monarch achieve in a non-monarchy.

I'm pretty sure one of the Romanovs tried to reintegrate in Russian society, but they're basically not even Russian when they've been in exile for so long. Probably barely speaks Russian, knows nothing about living in Russia etc. I think he was denied, but I read it a long time ago so can't be sure.

Besides, Nikolai II abdicated so all their claim to the thrones are null and void.

That guy is the biggest joke around. He couldn't learn how to speak proper Serbian for decades now and everyone sees him as a British agent since his family ran and hid there during WW2.

When people cheer for monarchy they definitely don't have this fuckwit in mind. Monarchy is dead though, next in line in Serbia is a good old military dictatorship or plain on absolute fascism since we didn't have one of these so far

That's a bad thing?

Wrong. Whether the monarch agrees or disagrees with me is of little importance. What I do know is that the monarch would have a direct incentive to do his best intentions for the future of the country and his people.

From which branch is he from?