what the fuck was their problem?
What the fuck was their problem?
They just wanted to stop Christian barbarians from destroying Al-Andalusia, the most advanced and sophisticated culture in the world at the time.
They actually attacked the andalusians (and almost everyone else they conquered, basically) because they believed them to be degenerate and bad muslims. They were medieval ISIS.
They were mad that they were named after fucking Pillows
They were tired of seeing fucking Chirst/Jew tolerating, poetry reading , wine drinking faggots rule over Islamic lands.
Basically, they wanted to make Al-Andalus great again
I like their flag.
>a shield with ponytails
probably scalped off the heads of Christian and Arab enemies
Oh look a fucking turncoat...who hasn't he fought for?
At least they gave us the most badass battle in all the reconquista
why do Muslims always lose despite having greater numbers?
Are they like the ancient Persians against Greeks?
Jesus>dirty camel nigger
They can't in2armor
> why do Muslims always lose
> despite having greater numbers?
*according to Christian sources.
> Are they like the ancient Persians against Greeks?
Yes, both cases we only have unreliable and biased sources from one side.
Muslims write a lot when they're subjugating people but not too much when they're getting thrashed. Such sore losers
Actually, in the Muslimn case we have plenty of their sources, I dont know if there is any source fot that exact battle, but a fair bunch of muslim campaings can be followed thanks to their own sources. Which are pretty biased and somewhat unreliable themselves, but you know the treand.
>Muslims can't in2armor
u wot m8
Youre dumb f a m
In these battles the Muslim faithful were outnumbered but they still won
*according to Arab sources
> Ahmed claims that the Byzantines brought 200,000 men
> Literally twice the size of the entire Byzantine military under Justinian
> Forgetting that their Ghazavid Cav left the battle before it even started.
This is one of the Ottoman Sipahis who were basically just Byzantine Akrotai with a new master.
> Ottoman Sipahis who were basically just Byzantine
Sipahis were freemen, and their armor was based off of Turco-Persian craftsmanship, not some shitty Greeks that crumpled like leaves before Alp Arsalan at Manzikert
Its true that the initial Arabs were based warriors : They were hardened desert folk lead by Khalid Ibn Walid aka the sword of Allah. However, afterwards they became decadent and dependent on Ghulam slaves to do their fighting and as such became the shittiest soldiers the world has ever seen to this very day when they lose every single war
Were they black?
Most of the Troops at Manzikert were Western and Muslim Mercenaries who fled before the battle even really began, the only troops who stayed and fought was the Byzantine contingent of Infantry and the emperor. Also there was no Greek Cav at Manzikert you idiot, and they BTFO'ed the Turks many times during the Komnenian dynasty.
>the most advanced and sophisticated culture in the world at the time
It wasn't even the most advanced and sophisticated culture in Europe. That would be Norman Sicily.
Pssh, as much as I admire the Norman Kingdom of Sicily, it still played second fiddle to Byzantium. In WESTERN Christendom, Norman Sicily was certainly the most advanced and sophisticated since it blended Byzantine and Arab influence.
And al-Andalus is still pretty awesome even after the Caliphate of Cordoba split and the Reconquista was in full swing.
Why don't people get assblasted over al-Andalus as much as they do about the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans?
>Why don't people get assblasted over al-Andalus as much as they do about the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans?
Just a guess, but I imagine it's partly because the nations that emerged afterwards were pretty big powers in their own right, so they don't have a chip on their shoulder. It probably also has to do with the fact that Iberia was pretty irrelevant before then, whereas the Balkan states were part of bigger empires. Spain was part of the Roman Empire, but everything was, and it was at the very edge so mostly ignored. I suppose al-Andalus was also way better than the Ottoman Empire, compared to Western Europe at the time.