/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

/hsg/ was wrong edition


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>General survey

Previous thread:

>he plays priest

Spell hunter must be shit, it can't play patches nor can it play corridor creeper by definition

top 100 for kill all priest mains

We have an old thread up.
I am not sure why faggots keep forcing thread wars for /hsg/ of all places.

rogue is good

Will everyone please stop posting shit about the dungeon run?

No one cares that a funny story happened in your no-stakes cuh-razee AI battle

user you alright?

That's one skinny bitch

What stakes are there in "regular" battles then? And all matches might as well be against bots, because there's no way to even talk to other players, and the game has no end goals.

>blocks your side

>flares your butt

What's the best mage strategy in the dungeon?

posting this again but in the new thread

WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat

>What stakes are there in "regular" battles then?

- A golden epic
- 10 gold
- Multiple packs and hundreds of gold if playing Arena

>i want to be you

Look at how popular she is, who wouldn't want to be her?

Careful not to cut yourself over all that edge kid
Besides, it seems you are wrong just by the fact that people do respond to and discuss these posts.
So not only you're an edgelord, you're a wrong self-righteous edgelord.
I'd show you the way , but I don't want you to shit up that board.

*not only are you

Damn does being a LK make you thick



>killed every minion of Tad
>didn't received any treasure
In /hsg/ we trust.

>got Treasure room as next encounter
>0 friends online

It's 11th, doesn't Wild have less than a hundred legend players right now?
I remember it being less than 800 by the end of September, and that was during the summer holidays for many students, myself included

Cloak of Stealth + Animated Armor

Literally who?

I bet you just added Tad after the game to avoid having no friends online

>want Call To Arms but don't want to risk opening extras
They have to change epic opening rules if people keep complaining, right?

I mean people used to play barnes ysarj Hunter which was only two minions. Now you just summon all your shit through spells


/ourguy/ NaviOOT did it!!!


>Seriona as 2nd boss

fun game

What pick



>small backpack
not gonna make it


>Epics still cost way to much for their core cards in niche decks
>Dungeon Run is pointless and brain dead for 5 matches
When is Blizz going to do something about the Economy of the game? Is it going to require another game to knock them off?

No arena in this xpac yet
what should I pick

Rogue is always the best pick

>First dungeon run attempt
>Pick Lock since that's what the dice rolled
>First buff
>All minions over 5 now cost 5
>Get option for big minion Lock
>Get big minion 5 more times
>Other 2 are hand lock
>End up with 7 Molten Giant and 2 Mountain Giants
>Also get free turn card
>Didn't even hit 10 mana on final boss

Did I just get super lucky with the picks or is the dungeon really that fucking easy?

The only one time I won was with hunter but I only won because I picked justicar's ring.

>Did I just get super lucky with the picks

A bit of both. The only time I've ever had a hard time in Dungeon Run is running into an enemy that completely counters your deck, like the Trogg that summons other Troggs when you cast a spell and you're running a spell heavy mage deck.

>picked mana over battlecries as rogue
>immediately start filling my deck with jades
I hope I get that offered again

so ez

>67 bosses
>1 run

you got the joke! Nice job dude!

I think that was the joke

>67 bosses
>1 run



no one cares about your shitty bad beat story either user

>Lava filled room
>Scepter of Summoning
>2 Rotfaces in hand

>ages ago no
how embarrassing

>constantly given spell based treasures as warrior
how am i supposed to make this class work

>Cuckduin rolls Barnes off of Shadow Essence on 6

is there a better feeling?

>play Coldlight
>it mills Raza and Anduin

What a greedy ass deck
I tried to curve as low as possible but it's a mess.

>YFW Trapped Room

Get lucky with scepter of summoning, then play dragons/pirates. Got this lucky on my first run with warrior.

Dragonhatcher is actually really good at only 5 mana.

it's simple if you're playing quest warrior

if someone posts boardsafe rule 34 of Jaina i'll post my secret burn mage that got me to rank 5 in two days with 90% winrate

Is Xol unbeatable or just really really fucking hard?

>Lmao I discard my hand but I get infinite value hero power anyway so it doesnt matter

Why would we do that when we all know the decklist for secret burn mage?

Just pass every turn
Trapped room literally only has secrets, and if you don't give it anything to play it won't play anything
Until it dies to fatigue





It plays minions too.


Dont need an excuse but I'll take it

Hardly any. It's the best way to deal with it - only remove some minions and nothing else.

if you're talking about the ahirun deck, i'm not using that. This is my own creation. It's not as good as mine, and it's getting countered hard.

I've fought Trapped Room around 7 times and never lost. I consider it the easiest penultimate boss.


>anime style

trapped aren't gay

into the collection they go. changes are -1 block +1 counterspell.

>have permastealth as Rogue in Dungeon Run
>easily beating everything
>Xol is the last boss
>3 times in a row it steals my minions early game
>can't recover from that
I've found that I think losing in Dungeon Run is never something where I don't feel cheated.

>dont have aluneth

>It's not as good as mine

>acolyte of pain

I prefer Medivh to Alex as by turn 9 your opponent should already be low health and sometimes you can use it to replace Aluneth so you don't kill yourself in fatigue.

Just when I thought I had a chance at winning...

You're the person who keeps responding "zero friends" to everyone aren't you.

>there exists only one person on an anime imageboard who spams anime reaction images
besides, fuck that guy

It's the fact that you're posting that same Aqua gif in multiple threads in a row demonstrates a willingness to sit in these threads all day posting the same thing over and over again, just like "that guy".

It's a late game card. your only draw machanic is alu which at 6 man is kind of cluncky. Found myself running out of cards, a lot. acolyte was MVP, especially for late game when I exhausted my hand dealing with ridicoulsy aggro paladins or secret hunter and no time to play 6 mana card that does nothing for you that turn.

Bodies don't matter, The ladder on US at 15-5 is fast. Alex prevents pop, and gets into burn range. Madvih is a win-more card. You're not going to have the board, so summoning minions that attack two turns later after you use all your mana for madivh is shit.

The truth is I really need to replenish my smug anime girl folder

>no aluneth
>no primordial or explosive runes

they really want me to drop more money on this game, do they

Xol is hard if you've been aggro or kinda controlly, something like Deathrattle Jade Rogue, Buff Dude Pally or anything that gets you a respectable board early enough just shits all over her. Had like 5 Bolvars (reg), a Lich King, 2 Thaurissans, Tirion, Boots of Haste + Ring + Flag and she couldn't fucking deal. Then again, that deck was pretty busted regardless.

I'm done, fuck dungeon runs. Shit is just flat out cancer. Doesn't matter what deck you run, you are only going to win if you pull the best synergy treasures and deck archtype and even then you can get fucked over by who you face.

Primordial might be the best card mage has. Just gotta craft it if you want to play mage.

>Arcane Intellect

It really isn't worth running Acolyte

>tfw you get wrecked by flamingobums on ladder


That's literally what the game mode is. Get lucky and the stars align or waste 20 minutes.

I did it! Won my first run! All it took was all minions at 5 mana and lots of them in the deck. \o/

It feels like there's a sudden bump in difficulty at the middle on the run, but if you get lucky with RNG, then the rest of the run will be EASIER than the start. Kinda weird.

Warlock's savior.

oh yea I forgot about that card, I guess it wasn't enough so i added more draw you're probably right thought what would you replace him with? kirin tor is not very good right now imo, there are too many news cards that deal with it easily. babbling books or antony come to mind.

>Winning against the Darkness off a 25% Brawl when we're both in fatigue

Feels fucking good, man.

It took me no more than 4 tries to win with every class except Paladin and Priest. Paladin took me like 8. I lost track of how many Priest runs I failed on. I was at over 130 bosses though when I finally fucking did it.