I think all rightists should be killed and liberals should be forced to work in gulags. And those who unironically believe in a god should be crucified.
what do you think?
I think all rightists should be killed and liberals should be forced to work in gulags. And those who unironically believe in a god should be crucified.
what do you think?
> Iosif Vissariónovich Dzhugashvili
> leftist
>what do you think?
I think Schoenberg is better than Stravinsky. John Coltrane is the best saxophonist I've ever heard and MF DOOM is the best rapper. I wish Leonard Cohen hadn't died.
I think Scotland, Kurdistan and Catalonia should be independent countries but that Kosovo and Northern Cyprus shouldn't. I think Ireland and Korea should be united, but Germany and Russia should be balkanised.
I think Angela Merkel is legitimately a good Chancellor and I hope she wins another term.
I think people should be paying more attention to climate change, and politicians should factor the technological changes into governance and campaigning to a greater extent than they do now.
I think urbanisation is a good thing and that more wilderness should be permitted to grow.
I think the late Roman Empire is more interesting than the Republic or early Empire, and has a better aesthetic. I'm saddened by the fact that orthodox LARPers have lessened my enjoyment of the post-Islam Byzantine aesthetic and I'm generally worried when Veeky Forums affects my views on anything.
I think I'm a middle-brow pseud and I don't know how to better myself.
>John Coltrane is the best saxophonist I've ever heard
Goddamn right he is
Stalin was actually way more of a rightist than people give him credit for, you could argue that he came closer to bringing about real national socialism than Hitler did. As a fascist I even kind of admire him.
>Germany and Russia should be balkanised
Can't tell if you're a perfidious Anglo or a butthurt Pollack.
>h-he's rightist by amerifat standards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go away burgers
communism is good
communists a shit
All college students and adults under the age of 25 shouldn't be allowed to vote
no one should be allowed to vote
>what do you think?
I think you desperately need to get laid
Kill yourself
I'm a Hungarian.
insight? on MY Veeky Forums?
honestly, should people who don't contribute to society be killed?
how would you even propose that?
Come and get me nigga i'm waiting
Neither, just an autist.
Same for anyone over 65.