>b-but you cant invade russia!!1
B-but you cant invade russia!!1
pic related was pretty much the reason why
when you are the bastard child of Vikings and Mongols no can fuck with you anymore.
>it's a "retards think Russia existed before 16th century / Kievan Rus was Russia" episode
Poland took Muscovy tho, Germans did pretty much the same through Lenin too. Russia is pretty much a conquest empire and if you contain it in its borders long enough it will collapse from the inside.
Found Ukrainian.
>it's a "swing and a miss" episode
Russia was created by Ivan III, Kievan Rus was just a bunch of loosely associated shithole principalities. It's like calling modern EU a country.
It's like saying Germany was created by William I in 1871. Technically it's right, but the concept of Germany as a cultural, ethnographical and geographical entity existed long before it became the name of the political entity. So it's pretty much correct to use the term Russia for the collection of East Slavic principalities in 13th century with common culture, religion and language, as it's correct to use the term Germany and France in the same context.
>russia is undefeated for thousands of years russian winter lol haha everyone fails
Nothing trigger me that much.
Germans exist =/= Germany exists. Two extremely different things. OP is literally claiming Mongols successfully invaded a country that haven't yet existed.
>Germans exist =/= Germany exists.
Not Germany as a state but Germany as a cultural space, the place where Germans live. I mean, even Greeks and Romans had a concept and term for Germania. Same with Russia, cultural unity existed long before political one, so you can say "Mongols invaded Russia", just like you say "Romans conquered Spain" and "30 Years' War devastated Germany".
Some people use the HRE and Germany interchangeably, and while I don't agree with it at all, it still makes more sense that claiming an existence of Russia since it had clear borders, an emperor and a diet. """Russia""" didn't have anything like that.
Holy Kek, by that logic ancient Greece was a unified state.
"Greece" already existed back then and the fact that it was a bunch of city-states doesn't mean you can't talk about ancient Greece in a meaningful sense. Same for Russia.
That's my point, there was no state of Russia, but you still can say "Mongols invaded Russia", just like we say "Persians invaded Greece" despite there being no unified Greek state at the time.
Well yeah you can if you come from the east, but that's poor sportsmanship
That's like saying North America was "Native Americania" before Columbus. Do you even brain? Obviously when people talk about invasions of Russia they mean Russia the country, and not just scattered principalities where Russians happen to live.
Stop with the false equivalency. North America was not "Native Americania" because North America was not a distinct cultural region. Russia, or 'land of the Rus', did exist as a distinct cultural, ethnic, religious and political region and was recognized as such by its own people and by the rest of the world.
Just because political unity doesn't exist doesn't mean the region doesn't either. Are you also going to tell me that the Mongols didn't invade China because China wasn't a single unified state in the 13th century?
>Do you even brain?
You stink of reddit.
You might have heard of something called Pre-Columbian America.
Retard. It wasn't a unified state
Well, I don't see all of Russia covered in red there, only the western cities like Moscow.
Roach here. I'll always be incredibely butthurt about the fact that Tamerlane raped the golden horde aka his related mongol-turkic cousins.
The east today (including the whole of China) would literally be turkic if they've had common sense and just a bit of intelligent thinking. Pretty sad.
>The east today (including the whole of China) would literally be turkic if they've had common sense and just a bit of intelligent thinking. Pretty sad.
Thank god they didn't have any common sense or intelligence. Then again, you'd be hard-pressed to find a Turk with either of those.
Who said it was a unified state?
He raped the shit out of the ottomans too you buffoon. He also considered himself mongol which it's different than turkic
They were plenty intelligent and did well for themselves, it's just that they didn't give a fuck how some roach peasant would feel about it 500 years laters. Pan-nationalism is a mental disease.
>The east today (including the whole of China) would literally be turkic if they've had common sense and just a bit of intelligent thinking. Pretty sad.
There's no way Tamerlane would have taken the Ming at its height.
Tamerlane was the best
You're a fucking idiot.
WAit a minute, then who was the first "Russian". Who even defines as Russian?
And greeks. Russian rulers had a boner for byzantine girls.