Turning Tides edition
Also still playing this shit xddd edition
Patch notes will be posted once the new update goes live
/bfg/ Battlefield General
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping with my run-in with this asshole. I killed them twice with a bomber while they were in their precious tank and they sperged
And here’s the pic they sent
One last bump
>/bfg/ threads anymore
hardline killed battlefield, 1 buried it.
dead btw
I hope you reported them, sony will fuck them up for that. As long as you did abuse them back.
The only thing I messaged them back is “good for you?”. I really should have reported them. I could have got even more laughs out of it
Was Hardline really as bad as other people make it out to be? I honestly never picked it up because I was poor(er) a while back and had to stick to bf4
it was a decent concept but it should not have been a battlefield game. To me bf games have always been about large scale combined arms war with tons of customisation. hardline tried to be an arena shooter more like cod but also kinda tried to be a battlefield game with vehicles. it didn't really achieve anything it set out to do. It wasn't a good battlefield game and other games do the arena style shooter much better. the playerbase died straight after release too, no idea what it's like today, probably a few people sticking around.
what a bunch of shiiters. if i die once to a bomber in a tank I spend the rest of the game looking for that nigger so I can shoot him down (with another tank of course).
>not shit talking them back
>shit talking on console messeging you call someone a poopy buttface and you'll get banned
>implying getting someone banned for something as trivial as that isn’t glorious and funny
You think I wanted to spend the next few hours arguing with literal raging autist? There would be literally no point to it. That’s one thing I never understood. Why throw gas on the fire when you can just ignore and let them stew in their own rage?
Post stats of some kind
I got a lot of P08 kills since the last time we had a thread.
Anyone looking for a Xbone platoon? Me and some of my friends are looking to expand. Right now we are a group of college age bros, sometimes play to win, sometimes have fun with it.
Last night we played the new supply drop mode (we usually do operations) and realized that 3 man mortar team is trololo mode. Good times.
If you're interested add me mnapoli94. Platoon is The Legion [SPQR]
Nice. Did you get the new legendary skin for it too?
Yeah, first box I opened
Now I gotta get the new C93 skin.
First box? Wow. Some people are extremely lucky. I was at 10k scraps when this one came out and you can see how much it drained me trying to get it
Hi guys, I don't usually post here or in Veeky Forums but I wanted your opinion, I'm thinking of getting a PS4 or a PS4 Pro (is there a point in getting the pro?) but which game is better? BF4 or BF1?
I've only played 1942 and 3
>le console pleb ecks dee
In all seriousness, just get a regular PS4 with a terabyte of storage. Both games are good in their own ways. Maybe get both since the total will probably be less than 60 usd anyway?
check bfstats to make sure 4 is still active if you want to play it. also, 4 used should be pretty cheap by now
personally I skipped 4 and just now going to get 1, kinda hyped for it. should I watch any videos beforehand or just go in blind?
It’s a good game. Go in blind or watch whatever. You shouldn’t be disappointed for the most part
Why release dlc on a Monday?
i know this game is more alive on console buts fuck that shit
if you dont already have a ps4 then you get a ps4 pro its as simple as that
if you already have a ps4 just stick with it
Thoughts on the two new maps?
I have enjoyed playing Achi Baba but cape helles is a crap boring map
most of the maps in this game are terrible
Jesus Christ this new Operation is hilarious
>Playing defense on the first sector and all of my teammates are blowing the boats up with Rocket Guns the second they touch the sand
>Medics running around reviving people trying not to get in firefights so their revive steak stays alive
>Multiple Supports out suppressing a single enemy 200 meters away
>Scouts popping off Flares like there's no tomorrow
I almost felt bad for the Offense
>playing anything but conquest
>Go 116-40 in a Conquer Hell on Defense
>Still lose
im starting a new platoon for EU BFG players because nobody plays together in the current platoon and most of you are US
search for EU BFG
how are the new soldiers looking like?
Floating dreadnoughts.
New support is dressed like thr hunter from Jumanji, it's kinda cool
Unlocked the carcano and C96 trench thingy already
Why is the carcano so bad? I headshot a guy ~100m away and it only did 97 damage
Died a million times to automaticos, BARs, and the Farquhar-hill
How's the C96 carbine? Looking to try and get it as soon as possible, have a huge boner for Broomhandle.
Applied to join, I think, it seems broken.
I will accept you
Well, that sounds cool.
It didn't feel very good in the trenches on achi baba but I think it will be a fine choice on something like fao or galicia or whatever
Guy with Shaggy avatar reporting in.
Is only leader able to accept invites?
I accepted you.
i want to play some BF1 with eu people
im going to play some conquest on new maps so join me if you want
i will promote you
would seem only i can accept invites. im active most days so ill keep an eye on it
So did they not add the credit weapon rebalance? I don't see it in the notes. If not, what the actual fuck are they doing?
CTE fuck not credit.
what did they rebalance?
Lmgs got a damage buff mainly at range, medic rifle accuracy buffed, smg buffs. It's been in cte since September
Any PS4 fags want to make an alternate bfg for actually active players? And active emblem changes? If at least 3 say yes, I’ll make it
I'm on almost every day so I'll join
Not in this patch. Shitters would complain about the increase in skill ceiling
Fuck thanks for the reply though
>tfw Xbone is basically ded
I blame you Typhoon, your shitty additude killed us AND /tfg/. Hope all your bitching about Islam was worth it
>Improved the bayonet sprint penalty on the Model 1900 shotgun's bayonet
>Improved spread and recoil for the Model 1900 Shotgun
When it says "improved" is that good or bad? I hope good but I don't know, the wording seems off to me.
I think it means the ADDED more recoil to it? I’m not sure
If so that's a shame, I love that thing.
Sorry user. Maybe it won’t be too noticeable if they did add some recoil on
Does anyone have the auto pistol yet? Is it as cancerous as it was in the cte?
VIETNAM IS BACK. Get your F-2 Phatoms ready.
F-4* rip
>playing with Typhoon
>15 minutes in he goes off on some irrelevant topic
I like him, but EVERY one of my other friends thinks he is a huge fucking autist.
>he believes in the 6 gorillon
I like peabs and his autist whine he makes sometimes lmao
>Bad Company 3 will move away from Battlefield‘s standard all-out warfare style to focus on maps that will promote “tighter gameplay,”
sounds like shit desu. I'm a big boy, I want combined arms.
Sure I'll do it
Harvest was a pretty large map desu. So if they're using that as a big map that's not too bad
>Steamroll on the first map
>Get shut down in the second
Every time
I’m going to make it application only to filter out random shitters. I don’t give a fuck what region you’re in, just please be slightly active. You’ll be colonels and have control of our emblem. I think. All I ask is no /pol/ shit or other anything political for that matter, no racist shit and no normie memes. Everything else ww1, anime, and Veeky Forums related is good to go.
Look for Battlefield General 1
Okay, I applied.
Oh nice. Another person who plays operations. Got you in
Anbody on PS4 wanna play? I have premium if that matters.
Anyone else not hearing any music? Not just menu music but ones like end of round, spawn screen, etc.
Yes. Just finished did that to me on Achi Baba. I didn’t even notice the game was about to end
Glad it's not just me. I had the same reaction on my games on Monte Grappa and Suez.
Anyway, good night /bfg/. Hope this thread survives it.
Join our new platoon if you want. We mainly play operations though
BF4 or BF1?
I'm poor
Then 4.
If it's on PC.
You can get 4 for about $7 on CD Key sites and the version with all DLC for $25.
BF1 alone costs $30, and with all DLC $35.
If I got BF1 and went through 200 hours would I still be able to go to 4 or would I be burned out?
BF4 has more content, and the maps are different since they are much more vertical, and maps have bits that change, like one map that's in a city with a huge skyscrapper in the middle, and you can actually take down that skyscrapper changing a huge part of the map.
What you could do is get BF4 now and play it while BF1 lowers it's price.
reminder that the 1911 is a shit
so they're putting out the other maps in january? seems like a shitty way to drag out the fact that they couldn't get the expansions done in time
it really is amazing how fucking stupid dice is
I actually really like the P.16
P16? Nani?