/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Good ol' King Tiger Edition

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Reminder to teamkill every slav you see.

first for animefags publicly hanged fucking WHEN

This tiger slaps your gf in club with 88, what to do ?

call in the british gentlemen and have him deleted

laugh at him for not having a 105mm and slap him with my 120mm



delete his ass with my very hard to use post-war time travelling 90mm HESH.


>paper plane
After the US gets a super sherman.

looks cool desu

how come the germans managed to design such "futuristic" aircrafts?

You could have the late war attempt at up gunning a Sherman by putting a Pershing turret on it

Bitch slap him and his pals with my big thick 122mm

>doesn't want animefags
>on an anime website
Do you also bitch at Taco Bell for selling Tacos?


This game has other maps right?

French getting all of the American tech without America getting any of it makes me want to jettison this game

>this argument
animefags truly are pathetic

why is there a whole BR between the STB and the type 74

Yeah the burgers sure are missing out on having more shermans.

>he doesn't like shermans
Go away.

Not the original user but I MIGHT have an answer.
I figure it's just a kind of convergent evolution( the independent evolution of similar features in species of different lineages).
As an example the British gloster meteor looks somewhat similar to the arado which is most likely a case of similar needs resulting in similar designs.

havent see half maps for months now

I think I got the snowy map with the town north and train tunnel to the south once this month

If you don't get why the Super Sherman is in the French tree then maybe you might have jettisoned your brain

>American tank with french gun used by neither the US or France
>both go to France
Yeah I don't understand why either.

Hungarian branch for Germans when?


>literally who gipsy land
>not austria
>not switzerland
kys lmao

Canadian tech tree when?


does the tanks have to be in different colors and believe in different gods?

>American tank
>French gun
>French conversion
>Used by Israel

2 out of 4 for France, ergo the tank goes to the French tree.
If it had HVSS suspension it would clearly be an Israeli model as the French conversions both (75mm and 105mm) used VVSS Sherman but this is not the case here


>frenchies get isherman
greatest ally why?

Unless we get the IDF it makes more sense for the french to get it then anyone else. The french are gonna be strapped for vehicles after 1940 until the coldwar unless gijian is gonna break the one remaining rule no paper only designs. every thing else has at least been actually stared or would just need a modification to function. It's almost a given the french panthers are gonna be in the game and just like the teebs we will probably see massively under tiered post war tanks fighting 5.0 and possibly 4.0. Its gonna be a shit show either way

i would say around never

looks neat.

>annexed by Germany in 1938
>neutral power with mostly german designs
What unique choices desu

>used by israel
So we're back where we started.

It better have an IDF camo to trigger muds

So according to the leak from that french site, the update releases on friday?

I fucking hope so

Did you pre-order anything, user?

but which friday

the one after thursday

12 th sherman in the game
bravo gajin

That image made me physically sick.

Just unlocked the FV4202 chaps.
How the fuck should I play it, and what to research first.
Also what am I in for?

you're unhappy

I know it's great. Sucks its in the wrong tree though.

I pre-ordered the B1 and the Sherman. I'm gonna get the last at a later date if it's good. If you're implying that i might be afraid that my premium time would be gone by the update drop, i'm not. I have like 100 days left.

Point and clicking tiger1 and pantherD 70% of the time, having to actually think when fighting tiger2s 10% of the time, being useless and helpless the 20% of the time you fight slavs

>he didn't refill his premium time during the sale for another year

>no paper only

>implying it's not premium left from 2015
Joke aside i just didn't had the money to do so when the sale happened. I don't really give a fuck, premium isn't even that expensive to begin with imo.

KYS Gipsy

>premium with talisman= 10k xp/battle
i wish i was rich

>category 4 chimpout about jew tank

Who here /japensetanksandplanes/?

>oscillating turret
French tree)))))

Don't get hit, because literally everything will overpen you, even Pz4s. Also, it drives slow and you can't reverse.

So have fun.

11 unique US Sherman variants, 5 re kins, at least 2 french shermans and possibly 1-3 Italian shermans. 19-21 shermans

Super Sherman when?

So does the tree start in the Cold War or does this just get put in the german tree.

I don't want a new tree nigger, i want it in the german tree.

>premium isn't even that expensive to begin with imo
When you compare it with WoT, and with the recent RP decrease, it's actually pretty generous.

I can get a tier 4 tank in less than a day with it if I want to now

>you can still shoot into the allied spawn

>one tank built in Austria
>an entire tree or large branch that could help make 5.0 and latter games something other then teams of The same 2-3 german tanks with maybe a few nip tanks

>I can get a tier 4 tank in less than a day with it if I want to now
i have to grind weeks to get one neation tree to t4
i wish i had money

This map is an atrocity, not even the WoT guys managed to make something as cancerous.

who /QT508/ here?

A shame for you, user

I've been playing the T44 the past day, already 60% through into the T44-100 and I haven't even gotten half of the T44's modifications yet

and for those who wonder, the T-44 isn't too bad in AB when you get downtiered

>one tank that could be added to the game right now and no one would mind vs gipsy bullshit tree
ok kid

The really old swamp map or what ever it was might take the cake. you could fire at the beginning of the match and possibly hit the enemy team or just have fast movers like e-25 rush to a hill where you could see the entire enemy team with yours having a clear firing line on them

i have small af speed of like 60k exp/day (30 battles)

It also depends if you're playing the tank before, then you get that 30% bonus

>gipsy bullshit tree
implying Hungary didn't have AFVs in ww2


Stranger Danger! xD

>posts vehicle that didn't go into full production

>what is Live Oaks
>what is Severgorsk
>what is Ensk
>what is Highway
>what is Mines
>what is Malinovka
>what is Kharkov
>what is Hidden Village
>what is Komarin
>waht is Port
>what is Province
>what is South Coast

>it's a "your entire team sits barely 10 meters from spawn, camping a ridge and getting picked off while doing basically fucking nothing to the hordes of IS-6 niggers and Jagdtigers"
I hate these fucking subhumans with every fiber of my being, and if teamkilling were still possible I would shoot these cocksuckers at every opportunity

Why is the J7 6.0 when it is in every way comparable to the Cl-13 that is widely acknowledged as the best 9.0?

I think it's unfair to say any of the maps in WoT are bad, because WoT is just a plain bad game with horrifically unfun game mechanics and interactions. The maps are bad because the game itself calls for bad design of maps to make it function.

Tips for playing Sherman Firefly?

shoot the enemy do not get shot

Like the other user said, don't get it. The tank is extra spicy if you play it in squad. Because the solid shell rarely one shot, if you play with a mate on can disable the tank and the other kills it.
I've done my best games that way. It's a beast imo.


43M Zrinyi II had 66 built before the soviet occupied the other variants are 1943 era designs
>1943= post war now
>445 of which were produced for the Army and many more exported
>The Kürassier entered in servce in 1971 with the Austrian army (234 to 286 vehicles)
>Austrian claims his 1971 design is ok but your 1943 designs isn't because its post war
>Austrian proceeds to ship his tanks to shit countries
>Argentina is the most prolific customer with 118 vehicles. These were modernized as the “Patagón”, keeping the same chassis, but with a modernized AMX-13 turret. The prototype was presented in November 2005. The Kürassier also saw service with Bolivia (54), Botswana (52), Brazil (17 for the Brazilian Marine Corps), Morocco (120), and Tunisia (55-80).
bellen i....

All British GF are like that though... How do i not get hit? the gun depression is mediocre it's armour is non existent and the speed & agility is entirely average

Get good.

I'm not giving you any more (You)s gipsy
go cry in the forums about your irrelevant country

entirely serious here, give me some good streamers/youtubers to learn off?

I've got no idea what the fuck i'm doing wrong

War Thunder involves 0 skill literally just keep hitting your head against the wall until something breaks


this fuckin top shill killed me so many times during the bugpanther days shamelessly

im sure you guys are familiar with the "Jagdpanther spins around like a CROWS system and sends a nuke88 inside oyur turret" meme

my friend penetrated him thee times from sides and back but you know Jagdpanthers gonna jag and his fire went out (!) 3-4 times

im quite fond of the german tankers bbq masters meme

shoto german engine
it burns
hans, erich and rudolf pull out sausages (lmao)
after gettin dat dere protein and carbs for dem aryan gainz, the fire goes out by will of the fuehrer
fritz, the loader, doesnt eat because hes a cyborg
they proceed to send 88mm nukes out of their railgun every 2 seconds

friendly reminder that APDS can't ammorack

It's more about learning the maps and knowing each tanks, what can you pen/kill, where your ennemy will be and where to go to kill them

>those assblasted burger that won't get the fench gunned sherman


and people enjoy this?

back to planes I go I guess. Ain't nobody got time for that level of autism.

>literally complaining about a Jagdpanther