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Fuck Candlebeard

>mage in arena has 4 fireland portals
why do I even try to play this trash mode

why play a trash game

Is the Druid DK worth crafting?

Yes. It's not amazing but it will be always good.

Fuck this shit. Of all the classes in the game, I only hate playing the Shaman.

Nothing better to ruin your dungeon run than a bad draw against A.F.Kay

>get a perfect rogue deck with double battlecry and deathrattle and a ton of jades and cthun
>lose to candlebeard and his charging sea giants

it goes in all druid decks that arent aggro so id say yes

going to be in every druid beside aggro druid until rotation
solid craft

Guys is this deck good? Should I craft the new Warrior lego to be able to play it? hearthpwn.com/decks/997733-kolento-oakheart-armor-control-warrior-69-wr

what is the first deck you made for KnC?

for me it is Kolento's Oakheart Control Warrior ™.

Right before the boss right now with quadruple health. Gut feeling is telling me to pick the wall but also that the wall will be pretty fucking bad when I got 200 health, Ice Block AND Reno. Wax Rager's pretty ballsy, isn't it?

I swear some of these bosses are fucking garbage and Blizzard just looks at your deck and then picks the boss which hard counters you.

Rate my OC

The charging 1/1 poisonous divine shield shitter is what always gets me
Even with big taunts you're fucked

yeah 100% winrate deck dont forget to craft a golden candlebeard

Haven't played since League of Explorers, any recommendations on obvious standard cards I'm missing?

thank you fish boys truly you are my greatest ally

wax rager wins run by itself

Start running Silver Hand deck.

Secret Face Hunter, but I got tired of losing so I switched to updated Tempo Rogue and Aggro/Murloc Paladin

this deck would still carry to like rank 15

Primordial Glyph.

>+3 spell damage
>spell costs 1 less
>Archmage Staff

make a deck with only overload cards and play 1 casual match.
this is easiest quest to complete

Sasuga, Blizzard.

well that was pretty easy

archmage staff is garbage dumb anime poster

>have one in hand
>effect still goes off

>dont draw either


I think the one with regular small stuff synergy is worse although it is fun, you autolose to priest, control warrior, and Spreading Plague (was that card even nerfed?)

I'm about done losing to Priest and am ready to add big minions back into the deck again tbqh, Spiteful Summoner is good

Unpacked Zola and crafted Sonya to try out quest Rogue. It was pretty good from rank 18 to 13.
Feral Gibberer is trash most of the time because every class has a way to deal one damage now so you never multiply them before you've finished the quest and at that point you've already won the game. I would probably replace it with Sap since everyone seems to have the 7 mana 5/5 now and this deck has difficult time dealing with that.

for starters if you're running C'Thun you might want to run the C'Thun Mage cards

>mage dungeon run
>get stealth cloak and the dude that only lets me take 1 damage to face
>up against candlebeard, don't draw it


been going back and forth on whether it should 1 or 2 health

>5 mana for magma rager with a downside
you're hired


>I will never never track down a Priest main I lost to on ladder, stalk him for a few days, invade his home, force him to strip naked at gunpoint and then savagely beat him in front of his loved ones

why live?

I want you to take a long and hard look at that card and tell me with a straight face you'd put it in your deck

oh look it's an overpriced aggro card

>I was only able to beat the last two bullshit bosses as a mage

Fuck RNG

>flappy bird
>cloak of shadows
>hourglass for 2 turns

Greetings traveller

He doesn't have loved ones though, I'm a priest main so I know what I'm talking about

what do

you know what to do

that's fair

I'd settle for raping with a foreign object then


For how long have you been caged?

nice new meta hearthbabs

what are some essential crafts for warlock?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

gonna ride this to the END

meta wont change until rotation

Corridor Creeper
Void Lord

>No Creper

I almost want to reroll.


welcome to shit decks population mage


I'm not crafting yet, I might not even craft at all if this remains the meta, why bother?
>Hearthstone: Pirates vs Priests
I'd rather go play something else

Nah, US


14 games is meta now?

Well this ended up being pretty easy.

post tag

>14 games

wax rager and jaina wtf

found someone, thanks though.

Heroic power and hope your next powerup is the justicar ring.

My exact thought when this card got revealed "As soon as rogue wants to play for board this is cancer" And now they do
Why is team 5 so fucking retarded

>ignoring trinity series
yeah, nice new meta.
how hard is it to make a good fucking digital card game.

is Peniban Quest fully translated yet?

that boss stole two wax ragers from me and i could still fatigue him thanks to jaina



the best part is activating this by playing a 0 mana 5/5 on curve.

wrong general nigger

>14 games at rank 20
lmao ok bro

why is this game so bad

>Open a pack
>purple hue
>Shit, finally, the epics in this expansion are good
>Branching Paths

ranching paths is good. will be core once rotation happens.

Stop. It's garbage. Pure garbage. I don't know what's up with this general that is so obsessed with that shit card and said it would be broken. It's shit no matter how you look at it. Versatility doesn't make up for being an underpowered mess of a card.

ugh darkness

Story of my life.

Is spider ambush bugged in arena?
I never draw them and I played over 6 in the run...

>you have no quests
thank you blizzard for letting me avoid playing today

best meta deck



>new expansion
>thread still dead

I know how you feel I just opened a pack and got Reckless Flurry

took me 8 relogs to get my quest to pop

Ez with lifesteal zombeasts


is this how blizzard sees healthy HS meta?

Double health is the best for this boss so you can be super greedy with the board wipes

>teleports behind you

where's cuckposter

actually very hard because faggots like Priest mains exist to whine and cause overreactions like this meta

what would be the implications of having always the oldest set rotating out with a new one coming in? instead of the current system of rotating three sets out while replacing them with just one new set?positives, negatives? it wouldshake things up more frequently but i feel like i miss something important