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I love Tracer.

I want to bully Sombra until she cries!



All Overwatch sluts deserve to be bullied relentlessly!

this year's comic is gonna be about hanzo getting KFC for christmas

I LOVE her!

Puta your mother.


Orisa no!

You want the special christmas gift of uncle Rein.

OW lore is a mess. There's no point in following it if you can make a better one.

But she's fun!

What is the point of an event if there is no leaks?

>t. taimou



Seeing all this waifu shit... again makes me wish esports were here already.

not for everyone else on the map

>not on twitch

>update will go live before any leaks

There was a leak. Genji's skin. There haven't been any real full leaks ever, we've only ever gotten promo material released early by accident. You should know by now there are NEVER any fucking leaks.

>he doesn't like getting killed by Lena

regular season will be on twitch


They having any respect for nothing, I'm sure they are jewish.

My team doesn't mind me if I'm good and tilting the enemy team is a good thing

>promo material released early by accident
how is that not a leak?

here u go buddy :)

Luckily Blizzard employs far too many diversity consultants to fund their shill force anytime but when Esports is already on

Just kidding, meatbag.

fuck emily

It's the one leak we always get. We never get more than one. Our leak this year was the Genji skin. Now shut up and wait another 24 hours you babies.

Look at this cutie! I want to kiss him on the lips!

>check the battle.net forums
>people still complaining about mercy being too op
Okay /owg/ give me your best ideas to actually balance Mercy, both tweaks, nerfs, fixes and buffs. My dad Geoff works for Blizzard and I'm helping him with this hero.

just remove rez lol

>if you're not a deranged faggot that endlessly rambles about your shit fetishes projected on to fictional characters you're a blizzard shill
Sounds about right for Veeky Forums

Imp Mercy sucking Roadhog dick.

Rez replaced with "Please don't shoot me I have autism", a buff she can place on allies that lasts a few seconds. If the person dies with the buff on them, they're revived at her position 2 seconds later (if she survives). 30 second CD

>worst mercy skin

what does talon do exactly ?

>tracer keeps recalling/dodging your flashbangs and oneclipping you on sight

How do i outplay it with cowboy ? It felt like she was reading my mind,if i flashed too early she dodged it. If i received some damage and then pressed flash i was dead before it stunned her. And that aim was close to flawless.

Protect the world from devastation

Didn't Halloween skins get leaked? I remember seeing Mei, Symmetra, and another before the event.

Whenever Mercy rezzes, she takes 100 damage.
If she rezzes during the ult, she takes 50 damage.


Throw awesome slumber parties that OW isn't invited to

unite all people within their nation

They fight overwatch

If you're not as good as the Tracer you're dueling there's nothing you can do against her on your own. Stay with your team.

Gay thing, every time.

Why do artists draw Emily attractive? It's canon that she is an ugly gremlin.

Did they make dups more common again?


>4 people on point about to cap
>reins jumps around corner and hammers down, gets a kill
>moth swoops in a rezzes him
>gets another kill
>moth swoops in again and rezzes him again
>he gets another kill

there should be a rez sickness debuff that last an age and stops you getting rezzed again

Post your favourite WebMs

My team started to blame me,i had a dva/winston in my face most of the time so my hands were full of them pretty much. I offered them the dps spot but nobody else wanted to so they just kept on crying about it. Other dps was a widow and healers were too busy keeping her alive letting everyone else die.

>enemy has a boosted mercy
>and a good tracer/genji that eats half the team with one dragonblade
>they still lose


This is a Christian board, user.




waht the hell is wrong with you



i knew mercfag were autistic but i didn think the rabbit hole went this deep



3k-4k - mlg420 lemme frag that charlie
4k - im gonna be in OWL s2

To Bully.

In-game: to ruin your comp

Why didn't you kill mercy?

Why are they so averse to showing Christmas skins even a day before it is supposed to start.

HOTS skins were shown a week or so ago

post yfw the new hanzo skin isnt the one from reflections

The fujos will commit mass suicide.

It has to be because Jeff said it was from a comic, and Hanzo's only been in Reflections.

hots has to compensate for it's shitty queue times and miniscule playerbase by showing skins really early.

jeff just likes to blueball us

The absence of leaks maybe is due to the quality of the skins, maybe they are so shitty that the leakers don't want destroy our illusions.


what else would it be ? did he appear in another comic ?

we cant post nsfw sfm here user

The world would be a better place after that.

Not all the 2ks are that bad, gold still has a good amount of "omg you must be hacking I repot u" zero self aware idiots.

The real dunning-kruger shit starts at about 2700 mixed in with salty genji/hanzo mains that auto calibrated in low diamond because of their quick play pubstomp stats but can't play as part of a team so fell out.

>ooga booga heal me lucio t.dva that is 40 meters away and in the face of the enemy team

I don't think a 4k dude has any delusions of going actually pro. Unit Lost guy has hit 4k a few times but he can't even compete with the other gms.
You need at least a hard 4300 and some good scrims and a team before you can start thinking about going pro.

I wish they would give us a zarya skin that doesn't make her look like a lesbian

>shit op
>yet again
Just KYS already. KYS KYS KYS.

im telling you, every gm faggot sees himself as OWL player


This OP is better than a deluge of youtube links that takes up an entire screen.

It could do without all the line breaks though. Just make a nice tight clean OP that's easy to paste and edit.

Is that more to your taste, sempai

I save all these webms, yet I never even watch them... should get a new hobby, really.

So here's some random one.


I fixed it.

But user, where did all of the fucking information go?

Fair t. jeff

>deluge of youtube links that takes up an entire screen
t. Posted from my iPhone


So, at this point it is safe to say that Orisa, Big Arm Guy and Battleborn girl are complete failures of characters. Nobody cares for them, nobody do art for them; they never incorporated to the original cast.

What went so wrong with them? Why did they stop using Arnold designs and let the juniors take care of the new characters? Is a really fucking shame. Three wasted slots. Hopefully they'll learn from this last one and start doing quality work again.

Multiple people seem to disagree.