Really makes you think
Really makes you think
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God bless the Republic.
Nixon was the only modern Republican who I like. He was slimy but he was also a damn good president.
Also makes you think
Why did SW Virginia get to pick an elector?
Did Virginia used to split their vote?
And why did hillbillies like a libertarian?
Why must they hold Dixie down? What are they afraid of?
A lot of states used to split votes, my guess is that whoever it was was from that part of Virginia
Causes one to ponder
>Shitcongo and Pedosota ruining the midwest once again
It was a faithless elector who chose to vote against the popular vote. He wasn't from any particular part of the state, that's just how the map represents it
>mfw this will be also the 2020 map
the electoral map has been solidifying for over 20 years now and it's fucking dull as hell.
I mean just look at the difference between the 64 and 72 election, massive countrywide landslides for each party, whereas now a victory is just "oh you won more key swing states than the other party did this time"
Really makes you put on your thinking cap doesn't it?
That was during the red fear of the Cold War. Most of those people grew up to be crabby bumpkins drinking beer on the porch all day complaining about how the communists are trying to keep them down.
shut the fuck up you pinko fairy
That sounds like something a communist would say pretending not to be a communist.
Oh be nice.
Oh yeah? Wouldn't you know, IVAN!
Is this why american political rhetoric is so focused on things like
>but the Democrat candidate has a hispanic vice-president, which might appeal to the chilean community of Minnesota!
Because if you like, lose 1% of the vote in one of these states like California or Texas you might lose the entire thing?
This is the first time I followed an american election and heard about the electoral vote, and suddenly it all kind of makes sense.
I've been found!
How'd you get lost, anyway?
>that's just how the map represents it
Whoever made the map is retarded then.
There's always Florida and Ohio to add some variety. We just need to wait some time and I'm sure politics will change a bit.
>splitting Virginia up because P U R E P O W E R
>still dominates
>America is great when Virginia is strongest
God damn Virginia, we need to you back in the game. Start making some babies
Yeah it's basically like 50 different mini elections that all hold different weight in the overall election.
>Because if you like, lose 1% of the vote in one of these states like California or Texas you might lose the entire thing?
"Federalism was a mistake"
Go back to Russia you left-wing parasite!
Yes, but it's worse than that! California and Texas, like most states, solidly go one way or the other, consistently. So candidates just ignore them because nothing they say will change the vote, and focus only on the few states that are close to 50% split.
Well meme'd, Jefferson. Well meme'd.
Hope your dying wish was worth it.
quite the headscratcher
can you imagine the electoral landslide if trump won the way he did but with the states having the votes they did in 32?
Swing states are changing all the time though. This was the first time Arizona and Georgia were considered swing states, for example, and Trump won Iowa by a larger margin than he won Texas with.
What caused the decline of Virginia anyway?
>Trump won Iowa by a larger margin than he won Texas with.
Texans love a crazy republican, just not that kind.
>now realizing bernie sanders would have flipped texas blue, because of they're dislike for trump, and his high energy for support.
Holy fuck, I hate the democrats.
That would have been the best thing to watch on /pol/
>supporting a socialist Jew
Good one
To build on this, Oregon, Tennessee, Arkansas, Washington, West Virginia, Louisiana, and Vermont were all swing states less than two decades ago.
Does it? Like at all?
His environmental work was pretty solid and he instituted a lot of needed legislation. Letting Kissinger commit war crimes and his bogus war on drugs was less chill.
I mean in that election Goldwater was a doll collector who they were afraid would use the nuke
user you're gonna make me cry. He's my hero.
>NY had 41 electoral votes in 1972
>Only 22 in 2016
What happened that dropped the population so drastically?
idk if Maine split its Electoral College votes back then, but if they didn't then the map ends up being 318-213 for Trump, if they did then probably 319-212 or 320-211 for Trump.
NY hasn't had decent population growth. The population hasn't decreased. So it looses votes as it becomes a smaller portion of the population.
Who the fuck can afford to live in NYC anymore? And what's in the rest of new york state that would draw a population?
>ywn vote for McGovern
feels bad man
seemed like a chill campaign to be on
When I reflect on how shit Dems are at politics now, I can always be thankful I didn't have to live through this shit show.
Who in the fuck thought that was a winning poster? Fucking acid droppers running campaigns
Why does nobody talk about the Nixon landslide
It's always the Reagan landslide but never this one
Because Reagan didn't disgrace himself and his legacy. No one gave a fuck about Iran-Contra, because we were just helping out anti-Communists, which was all the rage in the 1980's. But wiretapping Democrats, whilst sitting as President of the US? That's fucked up. Even by 2016 standards.
Confederates always like libertarians.
>Shitcongo and Pedosota
Could you at least try to be creative?
To be fair, they were right about Nixon.
He was, otherwise, a pretty good president but corruption is inexcusable.
Americans of Veeky Forums, do you rather have a Mormon or a Jewish President?
Mormon hands down
Atleast their "Christian"
Mormons are a polytheistic cult and they need to be exterminated like the Cathars.
And Jews suck baby penis.
What really makes me think is that these fucking idiot red voters turn away policies and concepts that would improve their lives in every way. For example look at basic income. So many Trump supporters are disgusted at the very thought of implementing it or replacing welfare with a Universal basic income. Pic related repubs
Jews are already being punished by God for killing Him. What do you think the Holocaust was for?
Mass-murder to sate the inherent German inferiority complex, no different than Arminius' 'revolt'.
Kissinger shit was the best shit, agreed on the other points though
Mormons. They are the true american religion
Man, if there's two things Texans hate more than protectionists like Trump, it's communists, and jews.
Also this idea that Bernie would've won the election needs to die.
>supporting basic income while also supporting mass immigration of illegals
How's that no job gonna work for you?
Thoughts on dividing states by population?
Your system is flawed.
Please join us in the 21th century and convert to a system of proportional representation.
t. Civilization
>not dividing states by watershed
It would be much better to divide states by geologically sound natural boundaries rather than rapidly shifting population regions.
Judging by that map we should secede new mexico to mexico and annex bc to connect alaska to mainland
Our borders would be far more aesthetic that way
I'm sorry, I can't hear you, there's no sound on the moon
>Not dividing states by culture
Culture shifts rapidly, geology does not
kike desu
I mean if we want a president that can run the country like a business...
>lets just give people free money lmao
>basic income will eliminate student loans
??? is this a joke?
>Inland Empire already has GOAT name
>name it Temecula
Well it only took me a half a second to see this map is retarded by design.
>this is what people who support a multi-party system actually believe
Silly eurofags not understanding the simplicity of two-party
I don't care, I'm more concerned with what their policies and goals would be.
The expansion of the Deep South and the gradual toll plantation agriculture took on the soil (tobacco eats nutrients like a bitch), in addition to a more oligarchic form of society where large landowners had way too much sway and hardly ever went away. That pushed immigrants west or north, so the population of Virginia (which included WVa) leveled out at 1.6m or so by 1861 while northern states were growing huge because of immigration; immigrants cannot usually afford to move to places where slavery exists because no one will pay them to do work unless it's more than they can get from the slaves. That said, Virginia was the largest state in the Confederacy by population.
Most Southern capital was poured into slavery, same story in Virginia, so there were also fewer jobs available to attract newcomers because capital wasn't used in building factories or railroads, etc. So when they lost all that money after losing slavery, it wasn't coming back. Sucks to suck, but at least Northerners owned a shitload of stuff in Richmond and the city bounced back shortly after the war even if other cities dependent on the plantation economy (like Petersburg) became nearly irrelevant as old trade routes and patterns were gone and had to be replaced slowly over time. Capital investment begets more capital, so investment was slow to return to the South, especially because Southerners resented Northerners coming in with money and could sometimes even run them out of town. So shitty cultural remnants of the antebellum society and losing all the cash invested in slavery made for a long recovery.
Low taxes help to poach jobs and the people who follow them from elsewhere in the current era, and the massive growth of Washington, DC has also attracted tons of people and money. About 1 in 7 people in VA today is an immigrant, up from 1 in 11 a few decades ago, and they generally have a slightly higher education than the average Virginian.
t. RVA history nerd
A combination of MSA's (metropolitan statistical areas) and mega regions would be the most logical way of redrawing the state lines. Some states will be bigger than others simply for having a higher population.
A combination of MSA's (metropolitan statistical areas) and mega regions would be the most logical way of redrawing the state lines. Some states will be bigger than others simply for having a higher population.
Winner takes all is trash yeah
But in a 2 party system if we proportionally gave out votes instead of fptp we wouldnt get anywhere and elections would be deferred to congress more often
They need to fix the problem with fptp before anything can be done with the electorial collage
>this inflames the passions of the of radical saboteurs and back-alley raconteur
"I feel much alarmed at the prospect of seeing General Jackson President. He is one of the most unfit men I know of for such a place. He has had very little respect for laws and constitutions, and is, in fact, an able military chief. His passions are terrible. When I was President of the Senate, he was Senator; and he could never speak on account of the rashness of his feelings. I have seen him attempt it repeatedly, and as often choke with rage. His passions are, no doubt, cooler now; he has been much tried since I knew him, but he is a dangerous man."
How similar is America to Rome?
We can compare Donald Trump to Gaius Gracchus (Known for Common Speak, Terrible Temperment, Changed the Path of Rome just by screaming about issues, *removed from power, uses the rage of the people to cause an insurrection, his supporters are massacred then he gets unlawfully executed), and possibly John F. Kennedy to Tiberius (Calm, Collective, Voice of the People, Assassinated for calling out Background Corruption in the Republic, and Corruption among the Wealthy) .
How far away are we from a Julius?
Julius had an army behind him, which is impossible for a President. Is it possible for an American General to overthrow the current state of government and create a Military Junta or Dictatorship?
*99% sure will happen
This year's election is actually a good example of one which would have been thrown to Congress in a proportional distribution system.
It was a two party system then.
Jeffershits went into a panic when they realized they were going to lose and so they got each chief representative of their party's coalitions together and ran four candidates in order to throw the election to the House, which they controlled, and gave it to a "safe" person, who promptly ruined America
America didn't get ruined.
Jackson killed the Federal Reserve but in turn ruined much trades with Europe
>Great Lakes megaregion
speaking as someone who's lived in the Rust Belt his whole life, no way in hell it's going to be able to compare to the Bos-Wash Corridor any time soon
It's more about grouping like minded voters together so they can legislate according to their beliefs. Also the current state lines outdated and based on colonial land titles.
*are outdated
Trump is the start of the end of the republic and beginning of the empire. He basically opened the door so that any populist can now get into power, no matter his credentials
Who /Scioto/ here
Non-American here. What's the deal with Massachusetts?
Any other democratic candidate would have beaten Trump because he was a shitty candidate.
Any other Republican candidate would have beaten Hillary by way more and it wouldn't have even been fucking close.