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why the fuck did you short LTC? Do you ever read? Twitter at least?
you are a fucking imbecile, OP
it's dumping as we speak
LMAO total noob, enjoy losing that 9 BTC.
go ahead, add your short position
shut up bob
Put your short at 0.015 noob, that's when the bull exhausted and the dump begin
Hope you close that short in 2 days though, it won't take long before SW gets properly adopted.
>litecoin breaks out
>better short the breakout
>shorting LTC when it's headed to ATH
75% chance to lose $1000 and 25% chance to lose nothing
watch it dumps right after SW is activated
>mfw i struggle to get the same profits for trading that others pay just for lending fees
you gotta do the 0.01 btc to 1 btc challenge as a beginner anyways
people are buying up in preparation for SW thinking that SW will be a monumentous event
if you were any kind of smart you'd sell as soon as SW is activated
alright, im stuck at 15-20% in that challenge. My pride is that i didn't put any from my own, i got my first 0.005 from free faucets.
This segwit thing is a total pump and dump, but you dumped on miners trying to fuck with traders.
dude how about you start a Veeky Forums degen teamspeak or one of those degenerate apps like slack e.c.t?
I like your trading style and the % of cryptoshit woke anons is on the rise
also we could do more degenerate secret club things unlike your whiteknight shitrooms
Kek ltc going to 0.025 clearly
not a bad idea but trying to time the absolute peak is a risky proposition
I'm shorting 542 LBC, and nervous about my liquidation at 0.01971207.
OP you absolute madman
If you want to throw away some btc, give me some, 1k would be my 2 months salary
Started @10k satoshi get on my level.
Made my First btc almost a ytd exactly
do you guys honestly believe ltc is going to get dumped when SW is confirmed? Lol.
In China there is Bitcoin, Litecoin and all other shitcoins. See how all chinese exchanges have 2 coins and no others? BTC and.... LTC. They LOVE LTC. It's going to go to the moon and beyond. Watch it become the standard payment solution over BTC.
That's it though - after Segwit, not much left to hype.
>revealing your liquidation price
I hope you have more to deposit to increase margin
what do you think the best way to populate the group would be?
I like the idea of having a private side-channel group.
It isn't going to happen for a few days, looks like it won't hit
that's the hard question
I've been in /pol/ ones, HWNDU ones and some others and they're all gay because somehow only the scum pleb anons are attracted, with gayass insecure power hungry mods that just make it all cringy
but I still feel like it has to be something even retarded faucet faggots can get value out of
I see options like Highjacking crypto generals and creating a Discord (best platform imo)
and just shilling and seeing what kind of people would join and go from there
but one problem might be that this retarded board might not be populated enough and we would be holding each others dick with 5 other plebs in an empty room so we could also find one of the biggest Veeky Forums Discords and create a separate room within that
p&d group method of asking niggas for btc entry is gay imo
what things are you missin from normie places?
maybe it's not even possible and I long for something impossible, because those normie bigpockets atleast have power on their side and knowledge even if they keep most of their info to themselves i.e ALL OF THEIR INFO
just continue AMOG'ing the fuck out of those low test adhominem throwing bitches
you're getting better at destroying them it's awesome
love ya man