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The point values are a lot better this time, now all they have to do is make more units boost points and adventure mode will actually not be bad


>Tfw didnt play OPTC since 2015

Time to get in again

Post id new user

>wake up
>no legend brookospero

>Still nothing to farm
>3/4 snails gave meat
Please stop.

315 098 336

Add me lads

I am confused, can someone help me out? My account on my tablet is backed up with SNS but i want to transfer my account from my emulator from the computer to the tablet, but also save the account that is already on the tablet. How do i do this? I can't transfer the data for some reason because the account on the tablet is backed up with SNS.. (???) How do i pull this off?

You can't have more than one account on the same device.

So i can't enter the ID and pass from the new acc, and then i when i want to play with the old one just login with facebook?

Please give me a Yellow Skull.

Holy shit a Sengoku acc, awesome

Is this bait

How hard am I fucking myself by starting my account outside of an event
Seems like I can't reroll into sumthing good

You can always start an account, accumulate some gems, and pull on an upcoming sugo. If you don't like what you see, you can reroll.

You better have all the 5+ Strawhat in your box or least their skulls.

Global or JP?

>wake up
>no Pudding

>Colo Shiryu done
>Colo McGuy done
>Neo Bellamy done
>INT Law sockets done
>RR Coby sockets done
>FN Law done
>Neko sockets almost done

We need meat snails+half stamina FNs more often

That makes sense thanks


>FN Law done

Why even bother? Or did you mean RR / V2?

no, the FN one

because I still needed some skillbooks and maxed him in 12 copies

>iAlex putting stupid shit like infinite stack I'm his mod to low-key get people banned
Before every version update you would have to burn excess books if you ever want to go back to not cheating or use another mod

So how do i disconnect an account from my game if it is connected with SNS? I want to insert a new acc..

should I roll my 150gems on this sugo with zoro/nami/chopper/brooks or will there be another one with better straw hats down the line?

absolutely don't pull

Why would it be bait, he is the very first Legend recommended you should reroll for in the guide, everybody should go for him! I'm sure the author of that guide takes it very seriously, constantly updating it!

You can disconnect SNS

so i'm tempted to pull on the next sugo, do 3 multis since i havent pulled since before neptune got added into global, should i do it or just keep waiting at this point

If you have few Free Spirits FN Law is decent

>fell asleep with overfilled map stam
>was only on Magellan's map

Keep waiting.

Ur fucked now buddy

>sent screens of my box to my email to crop and ask for team advice for beginner raids
>too lazy to crop them

I'll just farm story for now

Are you a moron?

steamroll them with neko / ts luffy

if you don't have either of those legends my advice is to reroll. you're welcome.

I mean that's as bait as it can get but editting my enormous box to be viewed by /opgg/ is pretty annoying desu

Whats the best way to farm GPU books.

I did 4 lvlups worth of stamina on 15ap Kuro and didnt get a single one

You've got two months until the anniversary. Jesus christ, man. Just wait for your guaranteed G4. Hell, by then it'll probably be Lucy sugo.

What do you mean? I wouldn't have an enormous box If I was that new user get better reading comprehension.

You can check GPU in the database and where his manuals drop.

Kuro is constantly available and easy to clear as well, keep running it. Half stamina is there for another 9 hours and 2x skill up is also up.

GPU comes in clutch in a lot of situations regardless how far you are into the game but he pretty much has to be max.

If possible get some dex beatsticks and run the highest difficulty on double stam with double Law.

Is RR Hannyabal worth fucking with for a Neko team?

Only the damage reduction part of his special would be useful, but it seems like he has nice stats and a really good sailor ability, and he should be pretty easy to socket. Should I max him?

I have no trouble clearing it, I decided to get sme for the past few days because of double skill up, but literally didnt drop a single one in a dozen or so runs

If you also max raid Magellan then fuck yeah he is good

Yea that's a bit on the unlucky side.
I farmed GPU during double drop and I averaged 1 in 4 runs.
Since he only needs 5 skillups it's not the end of the world if you don't manage to get all of his copies during 2x skillup. I'm pretty sure there's another skillup this month anyway. Although if you dont have anything to farm keep going at it, half stam obviously makes it much more bearable.

Run 30 stam

dude is strictly a magellan rare recruit
super redundant on a neko team i want to say

>kinemon coming tomorrow
Time to burn my gems on his samurai ass, fuck neko and there's still time until sabo. My TS luffy needs him.

How do you know when you're ready for colos?

When you go in and beat them.
Some of them are harder than others, some of them are easier than raids, others are hard as fuck until you gt a good box. I can't clear shiryu for shit for example because I don't have anything to deal with van augur + doc + shiryu

When you can do them, look what the colos do and see if your box has answers to what the bosses do.

Merii kurismasu

Is colo kinemon hard, lads?

I'm nervous.

Not super duper hard but he sure is annoying.

I dont even know how a nonKanjuro owner could even beat shiryu

He was the first 50 stamina colo so he's a lot less bullshit then certain other ones.
Fuck Orlumbus

Mihawk + raid Mihawk can do it. You don't even need a legend, just burst van augur hard and then sweep up on legendhawk. Shiryu will kneel like a kurwa slav and you can beat his ass ez.
I just don't have a working slasher team, there's always better shit to farm.

you can Shiryu him easily

>tfw I easily farmed both Kinemon and Kanjuro when they came out
>tfw I've had trouble with pretty much every 50 stam colo since
I don't know what happened. I feel like I've fallen behind

Well, it's not like global has fucked over the release order of colo's and raids.
Oh wait.

I passed on Kanjuro last time because he seemed fucking cancer to farm and I regret it, please come back you obnoxious cunt.

piss easy with a cavendish.

>have quad max cabbage
Thank you ranking event. Sucks to be those people who got boa and sengoku.

>yeah user it's easy just use this one specific legend that everyone already knows steamrolls basically any content that's STR-based

>best legends are Neko and TS Luffy
>can't clear any colo content

Feels terrible, honestly.

>doesn't have cavendish
Literally get out my sight, lucklet.

Who needs Cavendish when you have tbqh most of my legends are inherently dogshit or got powercreeped to hell and back.

Just believe in your friends and their legends user, its like you dont even read one piece.

Just wait for their 6+ ;)

Mod updated

Anyone know how many turns Boa increases her Atk/Def in her forest when she gets to 50%?


>finally maxed SW Ace
Finally I'm on top of the meta from 2 years ago

>whitebeard's is a slight upgrade
>boa's is unimpressive and does little to amp her viability
>ray's is mediocre
>already have sabo's
>shanks is dogshit either way
>sengoku and ace's aren't here yet

I'm zombieing her forest and stalling on Jora. I'm not sure how I'll beat Boa without getting her to 20% or 50%

Congrats user.

>slight upgrade
Whitebeard's 6+ is amazing

You have Rayleigh already and you're complaining?

Are you unaware that he has 100% clear rates?

still waiting for that invasion garp team

>clear rate meme
Doesn't he need to be paired up with a different legend for those? Meaning he is shit for farming.

I got meat, level up, meat, meat, level up.
Maxed everything else from Breed including socketing str dewgong

>Maxed everything else from Breed including socketing str dewgong

I know everybody just got a ton of box space freed up but why do you guys keep stupid shit like this that you'll never use

I did it. Raid Sabo is MVP.

Now to cola this.

just wait for the next neo bullshit doing poison damage with fighter restriction.

What is Intkov?
What is fortnight KingDew?

>silence non-str units for 99 turns
>80% hp cut at start of the fight
>on attack boost: 100k damage
you're fucked

Name 10 Colos, 7 fortnights, 4 Story Bosses and 2 Raids that actually do this.

grats user. I did the forest a few days ago, and finally finished upgrading it today!

I hope all your colas are successful

>he doesn't keep Dugongs

get the fuck out from this general

just wait for fake doffy raid next month.


The character's name is Doflamingo

What else should he spend stamina on? That user said he maxed all the good things, why not use spare stamina to max some niche stuff that might come in handy?

This will never be even remotely funny. Fuck off and go be a spammer somewhereelse

Yeah, already have them all.

Thanks. I failed about 10 times, but I got it maxed.

No no, you have me wrong, I maxed everything in the time it took me to max Ace.
Because life is rad like that

Insider here, just letting you guys know - either today or tomorrow, global will be getting BIG NEWS.

My source says it's the announcement of either G4 or the free legend selection, possibly both. I'm not saying you should get hype, but... get hype. This is it.

Can you fuck off with this shitpost? For the last week you've been spamming this shit across multiple threads.

This is a global thread, like it or not.

If you play JP, that's fine, but don't expect it to be the focus of the thread when only you and maybe two other people play it.

Your shitpost has nothing to do with platform. It's complete bullshit and it's not even funny.