/きららM/ - Kirara Fantasia General

No initials yet.

>How to Play
a.safe.moe/MzoY5.apk (Android)
itunes.apple.com/jp/app/きららファンタジア/id1226256105?mt=8# (Apple)

>Menu Translations (Still in progress)


>Gameplay with Tutorial:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


What is the point of a new thread if there's no game?



Any minute now

>literally just copypasted the previous one and replaced the thread id
lazy fucking neneposter

Benis in Kaho.

It's better, but I still say we should die until the servers come up!

>other thread deleted
Heh. Translated 5* Skills:

Come back in 15 weeks when the game is out of maintenance

Continuing with the dump. Chapter two now.

What happened to that guy who said he was going to stream Hidamari?

Benis in Hideri-chan

Is this game better than pmmm? There no phone bans right?

He died.

I want Rin to beat me up with her mace.


He got told to fuck off.


Go to /a/, fucking faggot.

Not yet.

She should shove that up Kou's arsehole.

I wonder how many people have died in this general while waiting for the maintenance to end...

Only one angry /a/shitter told him to fuck off. Everyone else was very supportive including me!

Everyone is banned except the devs.


The fuck is pmmm.

I made another one first that wasn't posted, but I'm doing this from my fucking toaster laptop at work, here's a pastebin suggesting the next OP if maintenance doesn't end at that time. pastebin.com/LTj75GDv

>Only one angry /a/shitter
NIce boogeyman.

The Mmmadoka mmmobage.

I would really be disappointed if they banned non japanese IPs for no reason.


Go back there.

Forgot Shovel was a slut, good thing she died.

And that guy was right, fuck streaming retard.

Stop spamming the thread.

wtf anikis i thought kurumi was for me?

Dead madoka general


Literally nothing else better is going on, who cares?

Don't bully.

Dumb /a/poster.

If it has the same users as the /a/ madoka threads then it's better off dead anyway.

Blend S is shit

After FGO and MagiReco, I can almost guarantee we'll see some kind of restrictions that at least ban emulators. Wouldn't be surprised if that came soon with the servers in the state they are. A full IP ban is rare though.


We apologize, please understand

Go back to /v/.

Agreed too many boys in the show for me to enjoy it.

True, I forgot that. I'm sorry. Legit new suggestion pastebin for the new OP.


/a/ is the /v/ of this general buddy.



How else are you supposed to watch a show in a group together? People have streamed anime for each other since the dawn of time.



That's gay fag.

>watching things with other people
disgusting, maybe if it was a mascot or something I'd understand.


Maybe user should have said livestream instead.

Thinking is hard so we just knee-jerk react to words now.

>being this retarded
Let me guess, you're just pretending?


Just like other generals add -let to any single adjective?

Why is she so lewd?

Doubt that pleb is livestreaming, he probably stream shit with his discord friends.

Looks good, would be nice to add one of these japanese wiki as well, once the game is back online they will definitely update them.


>not /maint/


/a/shitters trying hard to fit in as usual


Sadly !akemi does lurk /pmmm/

I know they're only doing popular franchises with anime adaptations so far, but please.

Feels like we should start working on a FAQ Pastebin after the game comes back, just to not clutter the OP that much given some links will have JP redirections. Threads are definitely going to escalate in popularity when the game is back, after all.




You failed.

What's the button in the middle? Hiki something. Is that to bind the account?

>no initials yet
>post them anyway

Where did they get all the barbed wire, again?

can we post cute girls here?


Just end my suffering

All the Uraras are lewd

Look at the logo you asswipe


I completely forgot that Kuro was Kirara, yes please.

You will trigger the /v/ermin!

Do you ever sleep?


It would be faster to just write yes.


When will you shut the fuck up? Isn't /fgog/ holding an event right now?



If you previously saved an account in the game, here's where you can load it. 引き継ぎ, basically 'transfer account'.

Why Nono is so cute?


>Cloba U
>suffering ending, ever

Potatoes will be forever ryona'd.

I want my reroll simulator game back.