/mhg/ Monster Hunter General

Pukei Pukei is under the truck edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC. pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Public Beta is LIVE from now until December 12th!, 3 hunts: G. Jagras, Barroth, Anjanath, PS4 only, requires PSN+
↳Paris trailer 10/30: [YouTube] Monster Hunter: World - Rotten Vale Trailer
↳Demo Gameplay 8/22: [YouTube] Monster Hunter: World Gameplay Demo - IGN Live: Gamescom 2017
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC

>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Other urls found in this thread:




Any news on the PC release date? ;_;

how do i jump?


Run off a cliff

Oh no. I fucked up the thread. I fucked it up bad. I thought I turned off linkify. Shit. Should I remake it with the youtube links working?

nth for monster genocide best day of my life

My face when PC version gets delayed for years as I get to play on superior PS4 version.

Feels good.

lets have a nice thread guys, less console wars and petafags please

so whats your favorite weapon in MHW so far?

People can just copy and paste em it's no big deal

But don't you fuck it up again the consequences will never be the same

Hard to say, I think most weapons are in the best place they've ever been. CB feels godlike and so does lance. LS feels really good as well.

Actually I went back to get the links. The previous thread didn't have them either. Nor the one before that. It goes back like five threads and one of them doesn't have a link to the previous thread, so I'm guessing that guy fucked it up and everyone else has just been copypasting it since.

Switch Axe. Always was, always will be. And now that we've got a fade slash I will be as a god.

I'm LOVING what they did with the Longsword dude. Foresight slash is so fucking good and helmsplitter is the most satisyfing thing to land.

PS4 World = Detroit
PC World = Naperville
Make your choice accordingly.

I've never heard of the second one.

>Any better than Detroit

Insect glaive.
No other weapon is even remotely fun, if this wasn't in it I would have ditched MHW

Nobody knows where I am

Based on interviews and stuff it sounds like they haven't even touched the port yet. Honestly if it takes too long I might have to double dip and get the PS4 version first.


Based on interviews there's no G X

That sounds absolutely horrendous

anyone wanna hunt diablos

Okay guys, please migrate one more time to the new thread here
It's not thread wars, it's just got fixed links and linking back to the previous thread. Abandon this thread please so people won't keep copying unlinked threads!

>Fade slash

What? Am I retarded? What's new? seems pretty much the same to me but with some differences in the little side hop timings.


Probably hammer between all the weapons but hbg is a close second. Switch axe and SnS were weapons I also used often but since they removed the jump slash on the sns I haven't liked it.

Doesn't this interview imply that they're working on it and that it's progressing smoothly?

i caved in and bought a pro just for worlds.
hope the graphics mode will look good on a 1080p screen

Anybody wanna do the second and third missions of the beta with me?

People irl kill animals (even when they can avoid) for less reason than this one, now go back you can't handle to kill some virtual "animal" monsters because they statred to have a taste for the human/wyverian flesh.

I don't think people will care enough to migrate, but maybe I'm wrong I guess

Can someone post the supposed 5 minute Bow Rathalos hunt?

1 more

diablos party boys

Hit him in the face with brightmoss, knocks him down every time

Rathalos shed its scales like a bird

Completely new to MH, trying the beta because it's free.

Is the Spiked Horn good or nah?

>sheds its scales like a bird

All the weapons are good, but I wouldn't recommend hunting horn to a beginner

Nice MHXX homage on the right

I'd say that if you want to try out a new weapon, the switch axe is the best place to start, it's a strong weapon that's simple to use. Once you've gotten the hang of things (and there's a lot to get a hang of) move on to something else.

1 more slot

>drastically changes mechanics
>doesnt have portability, one of the biggest appeals
>ps4 has poor userbase, the only game to surpass 1 million units was FFXV in japan
>has too much competition in the west
>has close to no brand recognition in the west
>most of the growing mh userbase in the west doesnt have a PS4
>pre orders are much lower than the 3ds counterparts
>console MH never sold well

Lets wait for the inevitable return to Nintendo

Hunting horns are support weapons with the lowest dps. None of the weapons are bad but it depends on how you want to play. The hammer attacks like it while being stronger.



Welcome to E3.

I'm always surprised people love portability so much. I hate handhelds. I have never played on a handheld and not wished I was on a console or pc.

This article from earlier today really sounds like they have no idea what to do with the PC version.


>wanting to go back to 3ds/Switch garbage
Maybe if sony can churn out a 1080p handheld device.

Hosting a Rathalos party, Lets kill this stupid Dragon.



2 more

How do I become the best longsword user that I can possibly be? Teach me. I fucking love the regular vs spirit slash push and pull mechanic.

It took me 18min to kill anjath
Am I good?

Alright boys post your 3 weaponfus for world since singular mains are garbage.

LBG>CB>LNC are my 3 in that order

One slot left

>giving (you) to blatant bait we had for weeks
>claim to not coming from /v/
>even dare to complain about their home

>Vaal Hazak
It's your localized name, right? You coming in World too.

Evergreen Blade or Feathered Blade?

I'm still shit using other than CB tho.
>implying I'm good enough using CB

Just keep using your dumb combos an trip everyone next to you like the asshole you were meant to be.

I don't mind

>The hammer attacks like it while being stronger.
Not even close. They look vaguely similar and both deal impact damage/stun/exhaust, but the similarities end there. Hammer is more like GS than HH is like hammer, and WAY more like bow.

With its medium-speed, high-reach single attacks, attacks that move it to the side and "super attacks" consisting of several swings strung together as one animation, with said "super attacks" buffing the player upon completion and requiring some kind of buildup by attacking with the weapon prior, HH plays most like LS.


Hammer is up there too, though.

Vaal Hazak is mainline Valfalk, which means its design will be heavily altered to meet the mainline standards of groundedness.

so where is the offical /mhg/ Weapon Tier list ?
why isnt it in the OP ?!

I don't want to wait, god fucking dammit


>Hunting horns are support weapons with the lowest dps

Shit, you are newer than the poor guy asking for advice.

Only two. GS>LS.

Another lobby for rath

"I'm not new I played FU all alone for 30 hours"


diablos room up 1/4

>mainline standard of groundness
>X and XX were mainline

Second rath party here EaAZQwkKEP2

>Alatreons is in
Yeah sure, mang.

Please tell me there's a way to disable this camera zoom

Pepper in some HBG or Bow
Salt to taste with Hammer

Don't be silly, we know that X/XX are just spinoffs

im gonna join this one

Triple hunts, join up

Alright it was funny, but for real now.

The option is there but it doesn't work in the beta.


Gun Lance

I'll be honest the last time I played HH was in FU and they felt similar. though I always wanted to get into them, I didn't want put in the time to do it because I was forced to solo almost every time.

What are we going to do when the beta is over? I can't go back to the 3ds. I just can't.

What do I do when I run out of stamina with bow? just sit there and wait for it to come back like a retard?

HH = Lance = DB > IG

nice rath hunts, boys


SA > GL > DB

Thanks for hosting

Who has better armor models in mhw male or female?
female gunner gammoth in gen was my fav armor of all time