HIKKU Edition
HIKKU Edition
xth for my wife Syndra
i still want some Zoe & Annie fan art if anyone got any
>tfw no qt petite gf
Elf jinx tomorrow rito pls
3rd for an end to riot's thieving ways
this image is autistic af
I REALLY want to mating press Sejuani poster
after stealing dota cutting much of what made it so great replacing every dota characters with their own bad gimped version and renaming dota to "League of Legends" yeah it's time to end LoL for good bro
tfw no bloodlord bf
>just now noticed the freckles under the eyes
Left or right?
Why do xerath mains think it takes skill to play their champion?
i want you to walk in on me mating pressing jinx on your bed
>Riot only stole from dota
It's much worse than you think buddy...
Left: Sprite
Right: 7up
I choose Sprite.
Here you go.
What is the effect of sonas mega cock on boipussi?
On average, how much semen (in mL) do you think the typical Yordle female consumes each week?
Fellow Americunts please convert fluid ounces to mL for consistency, since this is a serious question and we need to measure the semen consumption in standardized units.
>buffing broosers across the board
keep these braindead fucks where they belong
you need to hit skillshots
Holy SHIT guys! It looks like Smite stole from Yu Gi Oh too! LET'S GET 'EM BOYS, WE CAN USE THIS AS EVIDENCE TO BRING DOWN HIREZ!!!!!!!!
not even 600 stacked puppers
none can match the designated detonation man
sudden involuntary dancing
>futa on male
This girl comes in and slap your support's ass. What do you do about it?
What has Draven done to deserve this?
I don't want that sorry. Maybe see if lissfag is around
I summon thee.
Sell me on why do you like one yordle over the other. What is it about Poppy/Tristana that attracts you over the other yordles.
Lulufags... well, you can answer too I guess.
Is it just be or are 90% of games decided by which assassin jungler snowballs out of control first?
i am the support so i blush and look at my adc to do something
>reverted Grasp changes
Good. The new one was shit.
>buff bruisers
>ornn still shits on them
>Are you thirsty sweetie? Here, how about you try some of Mommy's special milk!
How do you respond?
>you need to hit skillshots
Spamming Q and dropping a W on top of your opponent takes exactly zero skill. Try playing a champion whose abilities are hindered by minion block.
they're both attractive, Poppy naive girl shtick and Tristana being a wild girl makes me fall in love
>False flagging for Riot.
You're disgusting
>smol thicc blue sentient fleshlight with pigtails conveniently placed for something to hold whilst fucking
what's not to like dude
I'm dying here
moonmom is hotter
not even him but damn how dense can you get? this game is basically a mod of a mod of a mod of warcraft 3
I already have a mommy crazy sun lady
I never said League was truly original, mongoloid.
I love Aunt Diana too!
>Ed Edd and Eddy
I'm curious now if they had a champion in mind when they wrote this?
Now I'm stuck trying to figure out who it is
>pick mid/fill every game
>never actually fill, always get mid
Well aint that nice.
>get into game
>guy is playing Zoe
>has been lagging and disconnecting all game, is still stuck at Level 3 15 minutes in
>every time they reconnect and disconnect they go "rito fix your game wtf" and "i'm so sorry guys" and speak in the chat to test
Normally I disregard this sort of thing, after all, not everyone has perfectly stable games, sometimes net sucks
But the clincher is that their username is "AmishGuyWithWifi"
Would it be safe to assume I was being bamboozled?
>ranked flex
>bunch of spanish in chat
>Going so far as to say they're ripping off Diablo 2 instead of just saying that they ported Mina
So much effort just to look more autistic like that's supposed to make you more credible.
There's a lot of clear ports of shit but no one cares because they are actually make them into "original" characters despite looking really reminiscent of something. That's the reason why it's not theft, but simply drawing inspiration from something else. If it was a carbon copy in anything other than mashing several ideas from 20 year old games/shows then it would be stealing but it's really just not.
Spanish user here.
Well done.
Why the fuck are you faggots trying to force futa sona?
If they speak anything but english you should dodge.
Fucking chinks. Fucking nips. Fucking hue hues.
This dude quits out of no where in the first 3 minutes of the game, then comes back at 25 minutes when we're down to our last two turrets - i'm new to this game, my first real match - how often does this happen?
Also started bragging about how its his alt account and doesn't care about ruining the match for the other people, I don't get it.
fill or feed!
>i'm new to this game, my first real match
the person got banned and made a new account
he will get banned again and make a newer account
With adc players, more often than you'd think. Just ignore those shitters, the're always tryhard babies who will tilt at the slightest provocation and end up feeding no matter what.
Really a trope created in comics like 50 years ago was an Ben 10 idea and UA of all the worst season in they entire series
what kind of milk are we talking about here
Will this happen more times than not? It doesn't make me want to play another match - that was a waste of ~30 minutes.
they like to imagine being violated by futa sona~
I really like both of them.
Poppy is cute and naive and is generally drawn fit and busty, both attributes I have a powerful attraction too.
Tristana is mischievous and flirty and generally drawn with an extremely sexy pear shape.
>that was a waste of ~30 minutes.
that's how I feel if I don't afk :)
So, just Ahri then.
>Want to try Caitlyn
What all lanes can she go? I know ADCs are kinda branchnig out and going top and mid nowadays.
What does rhaast mean anyway?
Are you a braindead support main if you play champs like Braum, Naut, Thresh?
caitlyn is the worst ad right now, dont bother
Bot lane faggot
no one's trying to force, they're just making futa sona content which you can choose to take or leave just like barmaid poppy, fedora talon, stacked veigette, sun x moon yuri or any other kind of fan content.
Is she really? I would have figured someone like ashe or xayah would be worse considering they have no mobility skill to use as an out or chase.
fuck top laners
>yfw you first pick your favorite champ and some shitter locks in their #1 rated counter and assumes they'll autowin their lane
Naut mains are gods amongst men
t. naut main
If you play support, you're already brain dead
Those are the only respectable type of support champions
what did you do to make your webm look so shitty
While I like both of them a lot, Poppy wins out for me. First, I like her skin tone more, more blue rather than the purplish Tristana has. At first I liked Tristana's hair more, but with time (and with Plague's pic of letting her hair down pov) the pigtails have grown on me. I also like thicc and busty shortstacks more than flat and light shorties. And, a bit of autism, while I don't doubt Tristana would make an awesome girlfriend, pretty much the only semi-relevant piece of lore she has is that she's in some sort of love triangle with Teemo and Rumble, while Poppy is just this adventurer girl making her way in the big wide world on her own. Also adventuring girls make me hard as fuck, so I guess that's another point in favor of Poppy.
Playing any role in league makes you brain dead.
>Showing bun on stream
Dyrus a best
>celebrating olaf buffs
he's going to get gutted afterwards
they're probably just reverting grasp for the patch this week and then they'll change it again
> be gold 4
> just want to play norms to get s ranks on new champs for chests
> hover veigar
> my support is also hovering vulgar but picks after me
> he bans veigar because "VEIGAR IS NOT A TOP LANER"
> lock in ornn instead
> ask my team to report sup for champ select trolling
> sigh
> decide that if I die to this teemo I'm not getting s and I might as well int
> sure enough I get the teemo low but he somehow escapes and kills me on next back while jungle and mid do jack shit
> whatever time to run it down
> despite my efforts my team manages to win their lanes
> figure game will be over soon
> turns out my team is full bronze and are obligated to throw their lead
> start calling out team vision and positions in all chat
> leech exp and steal cs but not enough to hit lvl13 so team can't buy ornn items eventually my team loses the 50 minute game
> tell them "I would have carried you guys but you chose to disrespect me. It is entirely your faults you lost"
> report them for grief and refusal to communicate
> haha you guys threw this is why ur bronze
> back at honor lvl0 doesn't matter because preseason is almost over anyway
Who else here dishes out righteous justice when they see fit? As a gold member of the community, I am perfectly justified in punishing deserving bronzies.
>be garen
>the enemy locks teemo, garens worst match up
>proceed to win lane
>proceed to win game
>say in post game chat "Your feeble attempt to counter is insulting"
feels good dawg
What champions are super risk and big reward?
>Those fucking claws.
Ok, I know animals usually don't just randomly attack people they know, and that guy is obviously experienced in handling bears and that bear is obviously experienced in getting handled by guys experienced in handling bears.
But holy shit those claws.
Just started playing. Are the chests from leveling up the only way to get heroes/earn points?
Seems rather tedious/long
Yasuo of course
How do you get first post every thread to talk about my wife, Syndra?
Are you a NEET?
most mid lane assassin champs
No, he's actually pretty cool and usually his mains too
I feel conflicted about him, because i like him as a character
>Pick teemo
>Do some meme ass build with on hit effects like his poison, BotRK, Nashors Tooth, and Guinsoos
>Proceed to run all over lane and late game
Is this an actual build or did they just suck?
I use the Bane skin anyways which is superior to all singed skins
Why do people depict poppy as being thicc with big tits when there is literally NOTHING in cannon to suggest this?
Reminder that Zoe is balanced because I said so, even though even the best players think she's broken.
>my wife
yes, MY wife, now fuck off thanks.
Good thing you were positioned well incase any of the 4 players missing from the minimap came by to slap your shi-... Oh nvm, you just got silver level tunnelvision.
Yasuo. Pray you never meet that Highnoon Yas that weaves perfectly, hits every tornado, predicts your projectiles with his wall, and always gets multiple people for his R.