/palg/ - Paladins general

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

>Official pages
Website: paladins.com/
Forums: forums.paladins.com/
Server status: status.hirezstudios.com/

>FAQ, useful links etc.

>Patch notes (OB64)

>Steam Store

>Paladins Wiki

>Tutorials made by Hi-Rez (playlist) (may contain outdated info)

>Champion guides made by Hi-Rez (playlist) (may contain outdated info)


>Account statistics

>Paladins VIP

>Reveal Trailer (Vivian):
>PTS (Play Test Server):

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>PTS Bug Reporting (OB64):

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ying is gay

HERE'S THE _____END :'(

why do people keep mocking me?

I'm not... Finished.........

please don't cry, hirez will make ob64 work


What does Grover say when his little slut is done?
>Ying has come!

Reminder that most of the balance changes in pts#5 was made because shitters can't handle those shit tier champ.

Alright then, give him a projectile that starts off in a thin line but widens the farther it travels and has fall off.



You guys continue to be very mean.
Why is that? Why are you so bothered by my love?

>I'm literally shaking rn

you hate maeve

PTS#5 ruins lives

this internet meme is /palg/s top tier waifu
Yingfag's proxy autism doesnt need to apply


If raeve gets a permanent le lenny face face then I'm sold desu

based kanuupi poster

Spam VEL or VEJ nonstop

But I don't.
There's a difference between hating someone, and that someone not being your favorite.

That won't cut it

>go to reddit because why the fuck now, the paladins community is small as it is
>every thread is about tears, cries, and threats of suicide since Hi-rez didnt backed down
Like what did they expect? That hi-rez bends over, offering their asses to reddit? They are a company. Not your DM of your D&D session. Considering that they added in the free chest for the first 5 wins, it cant be money, because you can unlock legendaries with Champion chests fairly easy. Chances are its a deal with Tencent that Hi-rez simply cant back down.

>That hi-rez bends over, offering their asses to reddit?
to be fair, HiRez has been doing exactly this for the past two years so the sudden change would obviously fuck Reddit up.

>lore comes out
>game dies

Just to imagine that someone was so proud of this piece of shit artwork to release it to the general public

go back to where you came

You could have saved this game
Why didn't you buy the realm pack?


But I did, and I don't regret it

friendly reminder that erez fired half the staff before implementing this change

Help a beginner here, how can I farm gold fast ? I want more champions

You could have saved this game
Why didn't you buy Hirez?

Why unlock champions when you can just gas everyone with Skye?

there's no way Holt is behind Andro's skin concepts, they are all awful

holt was forced to whip up concepts in like 30 minutes after erez wasn't pleased with the actual vote results and rigged it for his edgy bf

leak user said it was a she :((
m-maybe they were rushed


so its released on wednesday right?
was about to splash out on cards just in case

i wanted a new maeve skin

stop bullying hirez when you can't make a better game faggots

but I can play better ones

Holt is a fucking hack, this holt is a goodgoy meme went too far.

not an argument


remember to vote for desert warrior!


I'm voting bomb squad.

I thought a feemale got the community skin? Was insider user full of shit?

Voted for Night Bane anyway.

>believing anons without proof

Oni Slayer is gonna be added inevitably. I'm going for Night Bane.

Neither is don't hate on x if you can't do x, retard

How are you supposed to have new skins if you can't buy anything except with crystals ?

And how are new players supposed to get crystals if quests aren't worki- oh

So are Hi-Rez ever going to respond, or are they going to keep their tail tucked in between their legs until Tencent takes the cock out of their mouth?

buy crystals?

I don't have any quest, only the daily logins one, everything else say "next quest in :"

Man, do you live in a cave?

They are hell bent on releasing it (meanwhile they've made it even worse with the last update). Do you want them to straight up say "We hate Paladins and we especially hate you, the players"?


Why ? What should I know ?

At this point, yes.

Post-OB64 image

Yes, actually. I want them to state their hate. It would make it far easier to spread that message to other games they make or have made. The amount of backlash, especially at HRX, would be downright orgasmic.

I'd rather have it said bluntly like that instead of keeping everyone on this shitshow with the flase hope that they'll somehow scrap it.
It'd be like ripping off a bandaid.

is this real


What!? Can I get a source on that?

yeah, an ad on /b/ I think

Please don't leave Ying-user. Its going to be boring without dedicated people here.


Nah, I like this general and I want people to stay.

Even if all we do is insult each other and the game we all play.

i want to commission maeve lewds

they're probably being held captive by tencent

i honestly think they, even the execs, have no choice at all.

Has matchmaking been particularly shit lately for anyone else? I'm a level 53 with maybe 500 games played and I keep getting matched up with 5 stacks in GM with 6000+ matches. This being in casual onslaught...

heteros into the abyss

Because most people have just stopped playing due to OB64. And it hasn't even dropped yet.

Can you guess if I win ?

>he bought Haven as his first item
>he is a console tard
You will die, loosing to braincancer.

this, you should've bought deft hands

I do this on test servers, actualy. That way, I fit in

How lewd?

Vocox tier

Shadman tier

pls dont

pls no. Hasn't Maeve suffered enough?

Sounds perfect.

I honestly cannot even begin to imagine the sort of spaghetti code that the codemonkeys at LoRez have been dealing with these days.


I had to stop watching because this guy says "in Asia digital in-game purchases are 60% of the profit" four times.

>In Asia 59% of revenue is from digital purchases
>That means 59% of the money they earn, is from digital purchases in the game
>That's HUGE because almost 60% of their money is from digital purchases
>Only 40% is from just the game, 60% is from digital purchases

Come the fuck on.


skin gifting when?

Oni Slayer will 'win' because they can reuse assets from oni talus and kunoichi skye easily.
Or maybe Night bane, so they can rip off Cassie.

all of those skins except anubis are designed to be put in chests with similar skins, it's so lazy

So is she going to be caked in makeup and covered in piercings and tattoos debasing herself for money and probably being beaten up?
Because that sounds more like Ying.

Why couldn't they leave our version alone and give the grindy shit to Chinoland?

Why couldn't they leave the PC version alone and give the casual shit to consoles?

Hi Rez things. The cheaper, the better (until the playerbase gets fed up and quits).

Thanks for that, I just disabled auto-purchase

Just played two games and it's way better with the good items

Next on the docket: revenge and how to achieve it.

Anubis could go into the international chest too. All of them are designed to just be some uninspired crap, as opposed to Seris actually being stuff that had some sort of originality to it.