is there such a thing as a nonpracticing christian ?
Is there such a thing as a nonpracticing christian ?
Yes, ever heard of "cultural catholics"?
Most of the US and western Europe.
They're called Catholics.
the question is whether these "christians" deserve the title christian or whether it is a necessary part of the definition to practise the religion
Faith requires works and works require faith.
Every single practitioner of a religion has a different idea of what their religion entails, you will not find unanimous agreement. That's why we have sectarian divides in the first place. And frankly you could argue that there's not a single Christian on the planet who should be called Christian.
I know it's a bait question but...
If you don't believe Jesus Christ is God. You aren't christian.
I mean Jesus = GOD, not One with God or a God. That's one is for mormons and jehovah witness. You aren't christian neither.
Yeah, it's called most of Western civilization.
What about all the early Jewish groups that believed Jesus was the messiah but not Christian?
but what if someone describes himself as "nonpracticing" as many do ? its not remotely possible to rationally think that christianity entails no practical rules
Faith alone is required.
what do you mean by faith ? doesnt faith in an omnipotent allknowing god that you follow his rules ? otherwise it seems hardly credible that you really have faith in this omnipotence
this is a serious question lad
"practicing" is also meant in a negative sense it also means that you do NOT murder steal lie copulate outside of marriage etc without honest repentance
Yes, but it is not required for salvation. Salvation is a free gift given by God, not earned.
why are there even rules then ? you could have expressed the relevant part of the bible in one goddamn sentence
Obviously in early Jewish Christianity the borders were blurry but in the Saint Paul Words:
Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Most Christians are non-practising.
[.....]nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God[.....] whats with this famous verse by paul spoken in first corinthians 6:11
dont you need to show repentance to be washed from this ?
The rules are made for man to lead a good life as God intended. None can live up to God's standards though. Therefore everyone is condemned, save for the few ones that God freely saves out of his own mercy and by no merit of their own, and those are the ones that believe in his son.
There's no such thing as a non-practicing anything.
If you aren't practicing what you preach, you must not really believe it.
people should just live in a state of asha
ride, shoot straight and speak the truth
wtf. why arent they christian. they believe in jesus dont they?
If you follow the rules aren't you by definition living up to gods standards? Youre a cretin
So someone please sum it up properly what is needed to go heaven? so god picks me. but i have to have faith to be picked in a way because he only gives his grace to people with faith. and then he can see the future so he knows that ill be faithful but he will also see if i did good or bad shit so he will stop me if i do that? or is it just true faith? can i be forgiven for bad shit? how much bad shit do i have to do? what if i change my mind on my death bed? so you cant work your way to heaven but god wont pick yuo if you do bad things... is that only bad things without true repentance? some people with brain damage might repent but cant help doing shit again and again,
>They can't say, 'Here it is!' or 'There it is!' You see, the kingdom of God is within you."
>For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
>In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
You stone people for gathering wood on the sabbath do you? If you don't keep ALL the laws, not just teh ones that happen to line up with your lifestyle, then you're non-practising.
I know like 3 people that are practicing Christians.
One is an alcoholic woman who's content with being some guys third girl.
One got baptized last month after he was released from an asylum (he had a nasty outburst of rage).
Third one.... i don't know what's up with her, but i kinda wanna fuck her.
the word of guardian readers.
this actually makes the most sense.
It depends cause two different people have two different practices.
A lot of people call themselves Christian all the time, and honestly you'll never actually know how much someone spirituality comes to their mind because there is one thing we are taught
>But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee.
People become complacent all the time, it isn't a matter of whether or not they are religious, it happens to all people sometimes, it is just a matter of choice to pick yourself up
dont christians not keep those laws coz iesu?
i have a problem that god clearly doesnt recompense people.
What makes you think that?
because people have bad lives all the time for no reason.
No reason? What context do you mean bad lives?
suffering. even the most pious go through hell.
Suffering always has a cause according to the Noble Truths in Buddhism.
People either hurt themselves or are hurt by other people. To hurt yourself over a selfish interest or to be hurt by someone else's selfish interest.
There is a Way to end suffering, because there is always an end to suffering
I'm just saying, but just because it makes the most sense doesn't automatically make it true.
at least you used the word through instead of to
of course no one cant fully live up to gods standards but there are tons of christians who happily ignore many rules without any justification like the rule to remain a virgin until marriage they dont try to live up to it and there are many examples like this
your argument only applies to christians who honestly try to live up to gods standards and repent if they fail sometimes
im not talking about buddhism slimebone.
and when you see people claiming theyve had miracles, it makes no sense to me why some people would get them and others dont.
We're not talking about Buddhism but you mentioned suffering, which exists, has a cause, has an end, and there is a way to end suffering, the noble truths aren't exclusive to buddhism
What is they aren't the elect those ones?
theyre irrelevant to a conversation about christianity with an interventionist god who wishes people to believe in him and repent and gives the gift of everlasting life.
>There is a Way to end suffering, because there is always an end to suffering
It isn't irrelevant.
There is suffering, sin is the cause to suffering, everlasting life is the end of suffering, and the way to everlasting life is through repentance, which in this analogy is the way to stop sin, the way to end suffering.
im talking about how god can recompense.
dude its very different theologically though i can see what you are trying to say by your analogy.
i guess he does at the end of life. christianity is very much about beyond i guess.
To recompense as forgiveness and as a reward, think how God gives and why God gives.
When you repent, God recompenses, yet God also gives freely (grace, mercy), in an apparently causeless way we can't exactly define why God does or how.
What we can do though is focus on what we can explain. What type of recompense do you mean? What do you think it is? Sometimes what we receive isn't exactly tangible, but we are looking for psychological and emotional "recompenses" from God above
It ties into suffering from sin and repentance only because we are talking about actions we need to take in order to be accepted (in some way) by God
Why do you think it would happen only at the end of life?
>He is not God of the dead, but God of the living; ye therefore (Sadducees) do greatly err.
maybe its just misconceptions..
To have a misconception is suffering, so you could say there is an end to having misconceptions and a way to end them, some of us are very tired of maybe
And eastern Europe just look at Russia
what are you saying. youre buddhist guy? what is your end you speak of? i mean misconceptions of what god is "supposed" to do
What do you think? How we think at stuff affects how we see it, so if we have a negative idea it will impact how we perceive it.
What people conclude when they say that God is "supposed" to do something, how would they know what God is "supposed" to do?
It's the same law that teaches homosex is wrong. They take the teachings that happen to agree with their own natures and ignore the ones that are inconvenient, and then call themselves "observing christcucks".
I hope for their sake that they're wrong about the nature of god, because if they're right, they're all going to Hell.
Everyone is like that here.
They say they believe in god but nobody ever goes to church.