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Yasuo Edition: Face the Wind!


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xth for Void Wife Syndra.

riot please revert Q cd to scaling based on level investment instead of this flat cd bullshit before you nerf her damage any further or she'll only be good at peelbotting in a game with champs far far better at doing just that


>its another jungler doesnt gank your lane while you get camped episode

are you slowly becoming a cuck, user?

>tfw no fertile snek gf

join the /lolg/ discord. make friends, hang out and funpost, discuss League of Legends in voice and in text.

xth for the MVP for Samsung at season 7 finals.

Yasuo vs Rammus late game

>tfw no qt petite gf

elf jinx tomorrow hopefully

how big is Sona?

xth for animuposting


forgot link

xth for my cute wife Ashe

Birthday soon! Edition

I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get meaningful buffs and give her love

illaoi buffs when

Big enough to be considered the only goddess of fertility.

You're soaking up jungle pressure. That's good just play safe.

>how big is Sona?
Bigger than Jinx



xth for breast metal waifu

>99.9% concentration of shitposters
I hope this isn't the good old lolg discord and just some dystopian place where the shitposters congregate to plan shitposts

I try, I really try hard to progress in League. I am not an amazing player but I swear I can't just progress out of Silver. I occasionally watch other streams who happen to be Gold or Plat and they just make the dumbest plays but still win.

Every single time I get promoted I go onto a losing streak. Last season I hadn't played in 3 years, worked my way through bronze and made it to silver 1. As soon as I got promoted to silver 1 I went on a huge losing streak. Not just a losing streak. I went from silver 1 to silver 5. And before you say don't play many games in a row, this was playing maybe 3 games a day, losing. Some my fault but mostly others.

I typically play top. Most of the time I start off great, good farm but I feel like I can't carry. For example, my last 4 games where bot had fed multi kills to the enemy within 5 minutes.

What can I do to get better?

Jinx doesn't need buffs, she's just bad design


i forgot the spoiler pls no bully

seconding this

>I typically play top.
>What can I do to get better?
don't play top

>cowgirl jinx will never ride you like a pro


what the fuck is riddler doing with these losers

Should I play mid or something?

>"first time Blitz"
>goes 0/10/2
>against two champions that he is a big middle finger to


Yes I know I should have been building Randuin's; I was panicking a little

How about when it's compared to Ahri's?

ahri takes only

I'm so annoyed and bewildered I can't fucking read

Is Kalista any good right now?

Learn how to CS and stop playing tank shit if you want to carry.

I'm okay with that.

seen a kalista penta yesterday, it was a normal draft though

LoL needs more Orcs


It honestly can't get easier than that and he still fucks up.

>Hitting six items on Amumu

>bad designed
Explain. Will admit some things could be better on her but I wouldn't say she's beyond salvageable

>winter waifu
>December birthday
how fitting, happy early birthday

Indeed it does...

Why doesn't that Gangplank finish a fucking item?

Hello, i'm a bit new here. Redpill me about Watsu

My early game CS is pretty good. But I feel once the game progresses especially if a lane is feeding their ass off that I fall off. Or the team complains I am top farming even though I have tp ready.

What does a skin says about the player on the champ?
From experience about Miss Fortune:
Plays this champ first time. Thinks she is a normal ADC and builds her with IE and phantom dancer. Fails hard.
Plays her just because he likes this porn genre. Bit better than classic but still shit.
Played MF since relese but didn't play her for years. Probably still goes for the season 3 build. Plays decently althought still doesn't know what he is doing.
>Secret Agent
Bought this skin on sale, thinks he is good, which he actually is. Above average but still not the best.
>Candy Cane
The same person who bought Cowgirl. Plays her just because of tits.
>Road Warrior
Got that skin from loot chest. Still plays her for the first time like the one with classic one.
Man of culture. Mains other champions but still kicks asses with MF and is a real threat.
>Pool Party
Bought this skin because of tits but plays a little bit better than Candy Cane and Cowgirl. Still trash
>Captain Fortune
Miss Fortune main. Knows all tricks with her, abuses every skill, will make you ragequit.
>Star Guardian
MF main. Weeb, girl(male), plays her as support and thinks he is good. Usually the biggest piece of shit with 40% winrate.
Ascended above mortal levels. Plays actually arcade game with joystick instead of LoL. His Q always hits you from any angle and guess what? It always crits.
Makes tripple kills with one Q.
Has 100% uptime on his movementspeed and his ult will kill you and your entire generation up to 7th stage.
If you play against him feel blessed, because even when you get beaten up - you will get beaten up by nothing less than a god and you should be thankful for that.

This is false, I have never mained MF

Stop lying to yourself, MF is your destiny.

t. an arcade mf player

what the fuck was that patch for

This is bad post and I urge other anons to not follow suit

My penis would explode

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

I don't even know whether to build her crit or lethality.

Or on any adc who can go both ways

I just like piratey shit

at least 7 inches.

>tfw mained MF since S2 and my first skins on her were road warrior, cowgirl, and mafia

Arcade is shit, pool party is shit, and star guardian is literally cancer. The only MF skins that are 100% halal are mafia and secret agent.

Crit fortune is still good, retard.

Either first time Mundo or Mundo autist.

Moderately experienced at Mundo, but unlikely to hard carry. Kneejerk bought the skin after getting lucky two games in a row.

>Rageborn/Pool Party/El Macho
Mundo main of exquisite taste. Lives and breathes Mundo, not aware that other champions exist in the game. At the absolute worst he'll go even in lane. Important to note that literally every Rageborn will max E first.

>The Legacy skins
Unironically browses reddit. Has no idea how to play Mundo, is only playing him because le epik maymays. Will either use mobafire for builds or copy whatever his favorite streamer does without having any understanding of why.

5% chance you're against Faker on an NA smurf, otherwise see the Legacy section.

You put a lot of work into that post I bet.
It was terrible, but still, good for you for trying I guess.

Elf wombs would explode if there were Orcs.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

post mains

I'd say post elo as well but I don't want to make yall to insecure to post after me

>when the fizz literally dies 8 times before 20 minutes
>we dont have a single objective
>and every outer turret is down
>surrender vote failed 1/4

shitters need to stop getting leona nerfed. she rose up as a counter to braindead bimbo aoebot when it was popular recently

Arcade/Star Guardian/Pool Party are the shitter skins
Captain/Secret Agent/Candy Cane are the actual MF mains
Waterloo and Road Warrior are like secret boss potential players though

Not that it matters of course because MF is a braindead champ and you can't tell the difference between a 10k game MF main and someone playing her for the first time

All MF mains are trash

>Pool Party
This is another false post, I rarely ever play Mundo

Silver V Singed Player
Trying to improve.
Streaming on Mixer/Twitch
Wish me lucky


He is never gonna fix the tracker isn't he

Thanks bud, i'm gonna be looking for High Noon Jinx next year

I mean its the last of the year so,skins and Arurf.

same but Ashe

Be honest if one champion in this game was angry at you who would be the worst one to have pissed off?

I'm not sure about the other skins but if you ever see a Secret Agent apply lube to anus.

>losing games left and right, even of characters I'm really comfortable playing
>decide to play man of many gems and invulns
>finally get a win

Taric is fun. Especially when your ADC is actually aggressive.

>constantly shifts you in and out of puberty

most likely new at Jinx

highest chance of being a shitter or boosted egirl

solid player

honestly this skin kinda sucks if I see someone using it I assume they're a waifunigger like me who owns all skins

>hating on Star Guardian MF

>no S rank because enemy team refuses to ward so I can't kill them


I play several champions per role (except jungle); these are just my favorites

Probably Trynd since you can't kill him

>Pax Jax
I will shit my pants to be honest
>all other Jax skins
Not a big deal

>not just making you experience death over and over

will it explode now?

>not pentakill morde/kayle ADC

u had 1 job

Thresh is definitely the worst

>she's just bad design
what did he mean by this ?

I use TPA for the Q sounds

Fuck your team. They are silver shitters for a reason.
Pick some strong motherfucker with decent waveclear, take Ignite and demolish the lane.

Reminder that if your jungler is not ganking your lane you have every right to leave your lane and take the jungle's farm

xth for my wife Syndra
Huh, no

>start spamming jungle
>counter gank top lane after second buff
>get kill for me and the top
>fresh double buff on me
>go take his golems
>wait in bush and kill him again
>he never recovers from this
>has 0 pressure and I'm in his ass for the rest of the game
Is this really all it takes? I feel like I've been blind


Its not season 5 anymore; I can't pull off Morde bot
I sometimes play her bot; Jinx was the first champion I ever played/mained, so she's got a special place in my heart

only commando or secret skin I see are Commando majikz of war or Secret Kuzco

If the Kayle buffs go through what are the chances we see her botlane?

With 30% CDR she'll have 100% uptime on E and she doesn't fall off like other cheese-bots.

top lane is irrelevant in many games

Not yet

We have enough off topic waifuniggers, baraposting, dischord blogposting, furry posting, barely on topic chart posting, off topic, and lewdposting from losers that are bored and can't discuss the actual game


Is this it's confirmed appearance or will it change when the anime comes out ?


>doing well against a pantheon, not feeding him but down in CS
>only 10cs difference
>jungler starts invading and feeding him

fucking why

>Ornn and Panth
>Still can't win

There's no hope for you.