Has an essay/article ever massively changed the way you thought about a topic? If so, name it.
Has an essay/article ever massively changed the way you thought about a topic? If so, name it
Bolchevism from Moses to Lenin forever changed the way I see Judaism.
'On Women' by Schopenhauer made me a redpilled frogman.
Forbidden Friendships by Michael Rocke made me realise that homosexual relationships were quite common in the Renaissance and it changed my mind in thinking it was just lefty propaganda.
A post on 4+Veeky Forums made me change my view on abortion.
Fellow redpiller?
Deus fucking Vult, my brother
Not sure what you mean user. This can be interpreted many different ways.
I am asking whether you're redpilled (in the /pol/ and /r9k/ sense, i.e. logical and rationally enlightened to scientific, undistorted, objective, Absolute capital-T Truth)
No. I'm not spooked.
>i'm brainwashed
Good to know
>im too lazy to read a whole book the post
Boy you'd love the Greeks then
Industrial Society and its Future
This is the transcript of several of the most prominent German nuclear physicists' reaction to news of the atomic bombings in Japan while they were interned in England, I had no idea the Germans had gotten so far with their research.
And this is probably one of the most important news articles ever written, it's about the aftermath of the bombs from several eyewitnesses done by an American reporter for the New Yorker the year after. Very long read but entirely worth it for the human perspective.
not an article but I just finished watching the world at war, BBC WW2 series from 1973
that has all the episodes, best part is it was only 30 years after the events so each episode has interviews with people involved, adolf galland and jimmy doolittle for example
reading a wikipedia article on chalk gave me a massively different idea of geology and the composition of the earth compared to other celestial objects.
That's nice user. I used to think that the Earth had pretty common stuff for a planet, but then I learned more about the history of the Earth, and all the different hypotheses concerning the emergence of water and oxygen, and realized that it was a bit more unique than I thought, but still not too unusual. Water is an extremely common substance, after all.
Despite the massive holes, changed my way of thinking a bit.
I change my mind all the time. I've a very feeble mind but I put it to good use for not holding grudges when I'm wrong.
>"WEIZSÄCKER: I hope so. STALIN certainly has not got it yet. If the Americans and the British were good Imperialists they would attack STALIN with the thing tomorrow, but they won't do that, they will use it as a political weapon. Of course that is good, but the result will be a peace which will last until the Russians have it, and then there is bound to be war."
What a fucking faggot
Honestly you should kill yourself