League of legends general - /lolg/

zaunite peoples edition


Other urls found in this thread:


xth for my wife Syndra

xth for my wife riven

xth for my wife Ashe

>Star Guardian Janna will never sit on my lap with my dick inside her

Where is my pinguin champion?! Stop make fking loli, make a pinguin!

>tfw no qt petite elf gf

hoping that she'll be in the store when I wake up

continuing on the theme of the last thread: smug ashe will never laugh at my small and inadequate peepee

I'm going to mating press Sejuani poster!

What's in the box.

Reminder that Dracozyra is canonically the tightest league girl

>*locks in Tahm toplane*

You can't mating press a boy.

I wanna die

I wanna cuddle Jinx and bully her ears with kisses

>he comes

yea you better stay out of my bot lane you fat slimy fuck


I don't know but I'd sure like to find out!

Skin shop soon fellow summoners

Get ready for that 520 skin you've always wanted at 70% off and everything else at 20%!

I've been spamming Varus today hoping to get a skin for him. What skins of his are good?

>Make the mistake of picking Kalista
>Support just leaves lane after his third death
>I literally go a fifty minute game without ever pressing R

She's fun though, think I might pick her up if I climb to an elo where Supports actually Support.

Which League girl would you go quiver full with?



i want to put the star guardians in a breeding program

Meant to reply to

Which waifufag would you fugg?

Veeky Forums, let's make a guess. How many % of riot employees are filled upon a quota? And where most of them reside?

>RNG treating (You) this badly
I pity (You)

>not breeding them yourself

>tfw no fertile snek gf

Are you hiring breeders right now?? I would make a good employee as I can "evolve" to any task required ha ha ha

You can have those sluts just leave my wife out of it. Filthy voidposter

How tight is a sneklady?

>How many % of riot employees are filled upon a quota?
which quota

There's nothing more tilting than alerting a laner of an incoming gank, WITH a ward there to show them, and they die anyway without listening to pings.

Holy shit they do not lie when they say gold and lower are lala land of retards.

>lala land of retards

This is the reason why I can't play League.

Any other game, WoW, Fortnite, whatever - when you get stuck with morons you just leave and go do something else. League punishes you for refusing to play with morons.

>he doesn't know

>support as a tank
>besides a couple of top lane skirmishes, make every objective and kill happen with ~80% kill participation
>don't even take a single kill
>thumbs up after good plays
>no honor or TY, adc gets Most Honored
>play as sona
>do nothing useful
>2 honors


Do you guys share Twitch channels or no? Wondering if you could look at my shitty plays of Singed and commentate on it?

Advertising twitch links is a bannable offense on Veeky Forums.

Well bois that makes 3 losses
1 entirely my fault
2 from 2 adcs with exactly the same KDA but one did half damage (2/6)

may i cum in your wife perhaps if she chooses so?

>Hate playing ADC in current meta
>Start playing other roles
>Our ADC either feeds hard or gets fed hard
>Their ADC when fed: Continues to carry their entire team for the whole game, enemy vayne goes in 1v4 and doesn't give a shit
>Our ADC when they get fed: Has no idea how to play out of lane, positioning sucks, does no damage in fights and dies constantly while their ADC farms up to double their CS and carries them

Every single game.

defend this lolbabs

Well shucks. I wonder why ADQ gets posted often in /v/ and Veeky Forums

Is mid the only viable role to climb?
>adc relies on his support not being shit in lane, and his team knowing how to peel later
>support relies on his adc not being shit and doesn't really provide damage to win outside Zyra or Brand
>top needs his jungler to win the lane unless you pick sone ranged cancer
>jungle needs at least one lane that doesn't die 7 times in 10 minutes

The PC quota of blacks, gays, transgenders and women.
Like that "female" thing with tattoos at analyst desk.

I can harrass Top with no need for Jungle with Singed. Just play smart and avoid getting minion fire and let Minions fire upon the enemy else he will let the turret take it.

Though if Top begs hard enough on my enemy side then maybe just maybe Mid will make it a 4 Way just for me and try to kill me.

Merry Draaaaven!

>teammate's name is "nick gur"

Watch me

turn them into webms and post them here

is this how despair looks like?

no, fuck off

need a funny name for my smurf please, something toxic

post ending in 62


very rude

loli lewder

ki11 y0rself

Bruh lolg has a hard enough time rolling a single number let alone double digits

I'm watching. Go on.

Probably around 20% of them fit the criteria, probably 5% are actually just useless quota sacks. All of them are in designing, lore/worldbuilding, Esports team and art. Everything else requires technical skills. Asians technically count as minorties in sjw narrative tho so Riot never needs to quota hire.

which league girl is the loosest?

Im talking so lose that when you scream it echoes back at you




you could hide a bus in there

I bet Lulu is secretly into fisting, and it's the only reason I'd ever like her.

Probably MF

Wtf. Wasn't he an italian guy?

ahri and riven


Eh I take a ban
clips twitch tv/SteamyVictoriousAsteriskBudStar

Silver V

See you in the Summoning Rift fellow Summoners

Miss Fortune

Which league girl would ara ara you while teasing your dick and smothering your face with her breasts?


do not pick kalister unless u r
>duo with good support + great at her
just about nobody knows how to play with this character and she MUST WIN LANE to do anything ever

Sarah Fortune

>Akali has no good skins
>Probably won't get one until rework


Sashimi is great though

Wow I've looked through every nook and cranny of art sites to find a lewd picture of Ambitious Elf Jinx for Jinx Poster and I can't even find one, even Santa Draven have some Risque art.

I guess Jinx is just too crazy or Elves are just outdated?

Sorry Jinx Poster I tried...

HOW THE FUCK YOU CAN BEAT "SUPPORT" XERATH AS OTHER NOT-TANK SUPP? This shit is worst than anything. Really what the fuck is this.

Can anyone fill me in on the "Cancun" meme? I dont get it

>play ADC
>fucking 4 man goon squad on my ass every fight
>literally anyone else plays ADC and they get left alone or only chased down by one person

Fuck this game man



Why can't this board get digits

I wanna be Lulu's cat!

Gee, banned again,because I simply can't stand fucking retard that took """"ADC"""" Lulu with "Press the Attack". This fucking hugbox sometimes.....

>masters kayn 1 trick streamer is an emo kid listening to panic at the disco


>t.my ezreal ADC that flashes and E's into the enemy team and bitches about peel.

>toxic metabab doubting based attack speed lulu
"y-you're only allowed to p-play marksman botlane ;-;" - (you)

twap* twap* twap* twap* twap*

>i wanna be lulus pussy
can i cum inside you


>Enemy team has Vayne, Graves, Echo, Taric, Zed
>I'm last pick in ADC slot
>Tell team "I'm going ASPD on hit teemo because of that team."
>They all go "no, don't" "fuck it I'm dodging" "gg pick a real ADC"
>Game proceeds and the enemy team can't kill me because blind dart, and they all need to right click to do damage
>Taric could never hit me with a stun because Teemo's gotta go fast W
>Go Rage Blade, hurricane
>Enemy team surrenders before I can finish anything else
>Was top damage by a landslide
>Get invited to premade of 4 and they go "Play more aspd teemo"

I had a janna who didn't even want to play the lane because I was teemo and sat back doing nothing, not even shielding. She even went AFK in the center of the lane at one point and I managed to barely stop her from feeding with blind dart and heal, then turned it around and got two kills.

>Recently muted for raging out at retards in chat and lost my honor rewards
>It finally lifted
>Get key fragment and open chest
>It's the last poppy skin I need to finish my collection of having all poppy skins
Well then.

If 4 I buy Xerath

Literally the opposite, I am jumping AWAY from these goons and no one is doing anything about all 4 of them running after me for free cause ALL THREE frontliners on my team keep playing like they're ADCs. Fucking goon ass Taric that doesn't CC shit, ults insanely late and a Thresh that that uses his cage for picks instead of for keeping the four goons thirsty for his ADC away from me.