Isn't it odd that that all major religions come from Asia? And that the three abrahamic religions followed by people all around the planet originate from the same, small region in the middle east?
How come?
Isn't it odd that that all major religions come from Asia...
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Makes sense, actually. Humans originated in Africa, and the region in that red circle was the nearest place for developing complex civilization
the fertile crescent is the birthplace of civilisation. Lots of people and lots of wealth in a relatively small area (compared to africa) means you get a lot of time to develop a real culture, and the people in that region were at it the longest.
Also don't forget the Hellenic religions which weren't as firmly based on ones from the middle east as Christianity, Islam, etc. They were pretty major in their day
>still believing the out of Africa theory
the holy cities of Islam are not even in the circle
I don't see Mecca, Medina or Giza in that circle.
>confirmation bias to support his /pol/ ideaology
Image is literally incorrect. Read the books before you try to debate them you fucktard
Because historically that red circle was significant as fuck. Make it into a wider oval containing italy to persia and you've basically got the ancient world.
the abrahamic thing doesnt become weird when you consider that 1 religion called judaism came from there and the others are basically offshoots. then all it took was christianity in its uniqique contagiousness to conquer the roman empire and that was it. spread all around the world through european colonialism, all other religions suppressed except in asia, and i feel like popular religions from today come from parts of asia which have had large powerful empires for a long time i.e. india, china. maybe empire is the key to religious survival.
You're all the same guy aren't you?!
Nice try edgelord.
why would major religions originating in the middle east and asia be weird when that's also where modern civilization originated? the two are obscenely related.
all humans who have ever existed have ancestry in africa. you would have to be pretty uneducated to believe otherwise. if you want to make some kind of racially fueled separation and sound at least somewhat educated at the same time, say that anyone who doesn't descend from cro-magnon isn't human, and you'll knock off the negrotoids and australasians as well as the africans.
Africans have 0 Neanderthal DNA
saying this doesn't conflict with a single thing I've said.
IIRC it doesnt fit with the theory
It's a unique place that combined an authoritarian mysticism with Hellenic literary influences, allowing some major empires neighboring the region to adopt a state religion that offered an extensive bureaucracy. That all the important religious happenings took place in that small area has to do with how Christianity and Islam refer to Judaism as a major source of lore and mythology, and how the heavily populated regions of Anatolia, Egypt, and Iraq all sought holiness away from their urbanized environments in the more 'holy' rural wilderness around them.
Neanderthals also originated in Africa.
I think what you're trying to say is that because sub-saharan africans don't have neanderthal DNA, that means that modern humans don't have ancestry in africa. there are multiple things wrong with this claim.
1: neanderthals have ancestry in africa
2: neanderthal and denisovae DNA makes up 5-10% at most of eurasian/american genetics, the rest is cro-magnon which developed in the middle east and spread out through asia, europe, north africa and the americas from there, replacing and absorbing pre-existing populations due to superior numbers supported by superior technology. cro-magnon, like all other hominids, have ancestry in africa.
the most genetically distinct peoples on the planet are small isolated african tribes that branched off around 170k-230k years ago. for a comparison, neanderthalis branched off of homo sapien about 500k years ago, and we could still breed with them.
there is little evidence of hominids outside of africa beyond two million years, but plenty within the african continent stretching back to six million years. it's where we all came from, whether you like it or not. I don't know why that's such a big deal. is it really just about hating niggers?
Add another circle over greece and one over sicily
I consider abrahamic religion to be a very successful meme - but it is still a meme propagated virally through the minds of people.
It's not really a big deal, but yes niggers.
most neanderthal-human denosivan-human interbreeding wasnt really adaptive tho. We only really got immune genes from them if anything at all.
what? is Veeky Forums becoming less educated? what happened? we were doing so good for a while there.
there's no such thing as "non-adaptive" natural selection. there's no distinction centered around this word to make. the best you can do is try and use "adaptation" as a synonym for "natural selection", and call "extinction" "non-adaptive natural selection". the life forms in question successfully reproduced and their descendants exist today, so they definitely went through the "adaptation" process. members of a species less-able/unable to reproduce as much as others being absorbed or replaced is a simple example of the process.
Except all those events that happened around Mecca and Medina.
Uh where is the Harrowing of Hell, Peter preaching in Rome, the Seven Churches in Asia???
>Judaism was the original
No. Judaism didn't form until the Talmud was written, rabbinicalism replaced Temple, kabbala was invented, etc. Judaism as practiced today has nothing in common with the religion of the ancient Hebrews.
Just like all ideas. The idea that the sky is blue is a meme. That doesn't mean it's wrong. "Meme" is nothing more than a trendy synonym for "idea."
the word "meme" is a synonym for "humorous inside joke", not "idea".
>"meme" is a synonym for "humorous inside joke"
No it's not. It literally means a short, easily transferable idea.
Richard Dawkins invented the word.
This image is retarded
*tips meme*
His has never been educated user
To be fair, all those Islamic events may have actually happened in Northern Arabia, and Mecca and Medina were only later promoted to purposefully distance these events even further from Syria.
>being this retarded
Blame the Jews.
The Jews are good at getting people to believe their stories. ((Jesus)) ((holocaust)) etc.
But we were, before the Aryan Nation attacked.
meme is literally a synonym for idea
"Religion" originated in Atlantis friend.
No, they do. The Masaai and the Khoisan have the most, around 2%.
No, Homo heidelbergensis (both our and Neanderthal's ancestors) did. As of now, no Neanderthal skulls have been found in Africa (that's not to say their ancestors didn't move out of Africa). Unless you consider Homo rhodensiensis a Neanderthal.