League of Legends General - /lolg/

Ambitious Elf Jinx Edition

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Why do they call her an ambitious elf? What makes her ambitious?

I would sex her so hard if I could :'(

Accidently bought £50 worth of RP on my smurf. Ended up gifting myself a bunch of skins on my main. At least of got the qt elf Jinx who I will never play.

I dont even play any of these champs what the fuck

wow i actually got skins i care about in my shop. what are the fuckin chances? the garen skin is my most wanted skin in the game atm, and ill probably buy all of these except the malphite and ww skins.

>ill probably buy all of these
>people like this exist

No wonder riot has stepped up their jewery, idiots like yourself might as well just share your banking info with riot so they can take money whenever they please.

get mad, faggot. i havent spent a dime on league in over a year and a half. if they are going to offer me skins i've wanted for a while on a nice discount, i'm going to buy them. deal with it.

You sure showed him, faggot

>I'm a disgusting whale.
Wanted to hit 10 gemstones. A few skins I really wanted, snow down capsules.

I have a job so it's okay to waste money like this right?

>mommy finally started giving me allowance after a WHOLE year without it! time to buy useless shit!!!!!!

kek, end your futile existence

Wtf, master elemenalist lux in on store for 700, hats 63% discount.
Any1 else or it is just me?

I bought the skin only a just few days ago

ITT: Post league girls you want to hug and maybe kiss on the cheek

Good or bad?

>cheeto encrusted neets mad when i spend money on something i enjoy
please continue to let me know how pathetic you are, its only making me feel better about myself.

did you get to 10 gemstones user?

Ignore them, I'm usually against giving Rito $$$ myself but I got 5/6 of my sale slots Skins I actively wanted or would gladly use. FFS I got arcade sona 70% off and then officer Vi skin for 40% off

Post the song you play while playing your favorite champ.


Warwick in the jungle




Yes but the only champ I play is Annie, I may just sit on them till the next one comes out.