Will evolutionists ever recover?
Will evolutionists ever recover?
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They are holding up pretty good so far.
Hows they dinosaurs? Everything fine?
Why is it always Americans who make dumb shit like this? Nobody else believes in the old testament as fact.
I'd dare claim that the bible has been rewritten more often than the theory of evolution
Because the rest of the world ignores Jesus's teachings
Blasphemy is a crime in the civilised world
The funny thing is the person who drew the comic is probably a proddy and uses KJV.
>unironically debating a creationist
Hi newfriends
unbridled biblical hyperliteralism of fundamentalist protestantism.
The KJV is the infallible Word of God.
Catholics are pagans
Go back to chanting to Mary
There is only one God
The fuck is that abomination in the middle?
The bible has been translated more times than I can count, and the one your reading is greatly different than the original copy written in its pure text.
If you want to get the most accurate bible without learning another language, get one that was directly translated from the original.
Thats Jesus Christ
You're not wrong, it's an abomination Christ is there when Jesus is not God. Only pagan Catholics who worship 3 Gods believe he is God. There is only one God and he is the father and the creator
Huh. Really reminds me of something I discovered recently related to evolution: The main story people want us to believe is that 4-6 million years ago, humans didn't exist, and that we had a common ancestor with a chimpanzee. They say that this "wan't a chimp" but that it also "wasn't a human." So that means it would have to have features of both. The problem is, chimpanzees don't have features of both, and humans don't have features of both. If humans and chimps don't have features of both, then how could the common ancestor have features of both? That means either humans evoluved from chimps, or chimps evolved from humans. Obviously since humans are more advanced than chimps, the humans must have "evolved" from chimps. However, if chimps evolted into humans, then how are there still chimps? According to evolution, birds evolved from dinosaurs, therefore there are no dinosaurs left. If humans evolved from chimps, then IT MAKES NOT SENSE FOR THERE TO BE ANY CHIMPS
How do you guys get around all the juicy porn and filth on Veeky Forums? I assume you are nofap4life?
Ignore it and hide the posts, remember that lust is a sin equal to adultery. If I ever feel lust I pray to God for help to overcome this.
Dinosaurs are biblical.
This, they were wiped out in the flood. Some dinosaurs still exist today like crocodiles but most don't
Read the chapter before. Unicorns are biblical too.
You guys are so cute, I hope you never get in contact with the real world.
The real world is the Kingdom of Heaven. It is here where you have eternal life. You suffer death on earth and in hell, the goal of every human is to follow the commandments God have us and embrace Christ as our lord sand saviour to ensure you live an eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven
crocodiles are not dinosaurs, they just lived during the same period.
Also English translation
We all lived during the same period
really makes you think
>real world
>posts idolatrous anime
20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah, and he passed over Gilead, and Manasseh, and passed over Mizpeh of Gilead, and from Mizpeh of Gilead he passed over unto the children of Ammon. 30 And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, 31 then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord’s, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.
34 And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she was his only child; beside her he had neither son nor daughter. 35 And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent his clothes, and said, Alas, my daughter! thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the Lord, and I cannot go back. 36 And she said unto him, My father, if thou hast opened thy mouth unto the Lord, do to me according to that which hath proceeded out of thy mouth; forasmuch as the Lord hath taken vengeance for thee of thine enemies, even of the children of Ammon. 37 And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows. 38 And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains. 39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed: and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel, 40 that the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in a year.
No, no we did not. and if you think we do then I honestly pity you.
Yes we did on the 5th and 6th day God created all the living creatures and man
ash tree makes more sense t b h
There are cities older than the biblical creation date. you are either a troll or you live in a fantasy world.
No it doesn't, the Norse are pagans who have suffered in the hellfire
They reject God and embrace degenerate lifestyles
No there aren't
that's not an argument Yoshiyahu
>unironically debating creationists
>thats your first mistake right there
It's impossible to debate God
Y'all need some Linnaeus.
Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
...is that you, YHVH?
His first mistake is rejecting the Word of God.
I don't know who that is
Linnaeus was a creationist.
Which word of which God?
I'm not Jewish
There is only one God
Also categorized man with monkeys, what's your point?
If this is bait I'd really like to congratulate you on hitting all of the marks that piss off people who actually understand the theory
Man is ape in the same way a tiger is a cat
if you aren't a follower of Marcion or some gnostic sect then you accept that Yahweh is God
Its literally in the bible
Call him however you want, he is God
Wait, are the creationist or a sane person?
>are the creationist
*are you the creationist
Tiger and lion are big cats.
Cougar & cheetah are big sized small cats.
Ocelot, Lynx, and house cat are small cats.
They probably dont understand the irony there
And he is Ahura Mazhda.
What if I call him Ba'al?
>2 Samuel 5:20
>And David came to Baalperazim, and David smote them there, and said, YHWH hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim.
I'm a creationist, God made all living creatures.
Let me explain what I mean, man and ape have some similarities but they aren't the same, we are men they are apes. Cats and tigers have similarities as well but they aren't the same
Nice try, but the funny fact is, they don't even know their own fucking bible. Makes it even more hilarious.
Does this answer your question?
And David came to Baalperazim, and David smote them there, and said, The LORD hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim.
man is a type of ape, a tiger is a type of cat.
This is stuff you should have learned in high school biology.
You did go to high school yes?
That ain't what yer friends are spewing.
And if you think this is bad, you should see how many creatures from the horse evo charts they accept as horses.
>You did go to high school yes?
Homeschooling I bet.
religion is a belief system, science is a disbelief system
I cant wrap my head around the amount of stupid in that image
the Lord is a substitution for YHWH in the hebrew because Jews will verbalize YHWH as Adonai (Lord) instead of pronouncing YHWH. I like to keep it close to the original text by putting in the literal names of Yahweh used as opposed to the translations
The atheists trying to destroy our faith in Christ and chances of entering the Kingdom of Heaven would like you to p believe your ancestor is an ape
Wrong, evolution is impossible. When God created every creature he said that it was good, if his creation was good why would it need to evolve to be better? There are varieties of creatures that may look similar to us but they aren't the same
how do they reckon the new species derived from the 'original created kind' is that even biblical?
No I went to a normal school, aka liberal atheist communist indoctrination centre. Thankfully I realised the truth and that the word of God is the whole truth. The Lord is my teacher and his word is fact
No see Evolution is unbiblical and just plain unrealistic because it's impossible
God made every creation good
sexual intercourse in marriage is actually a sin since the beginning of in-vitro fertilization
since there is no need to copulate to create children you should not use this flawed method - if sexual intercourse in a marriage were totally fine the conception of jesus would not have been called "immaculate"
also aquinas and augustine of hippo told us that only virgins will gain 100% of the reward in heaven
They call it "rapid post-flood speciation."
How did all species fit on the ark? did noah catch a pair of all 400,000 beetle species?
How did plants survive the flood?
This is blasphemy
Nigga that's Jesus
The ark is big enough inside to fit everything inside. Anyway it's 10 it's bed time I can't talk about the bible all day as much as I would like to
he'll probably say there's one "kind" of beetle. they reject "macro-evolution" while also quite ironically believing in post-flood hyper-macro-evolution with rapid speciation over a few thousand years
They have to explain it like that otherwise you get problems like this
Even on such a huge boat there would be no space for thousand of species
No, there are bigger boats today and they could not fit everything inside
No I don't. Evolution is a fairy tale. Everything God made he called good, if it evolved that means it wasn't good. Anyone who believes evolution denies Gods greatness and will surely suffer in the hellfire
>Need Linneaus
Posts Koheleth
God allowed enough space inside to fit every creature despite not appearing able to do so
We can see evolution using small creatures in labs
No we can't it's impossible and it has never been proven only click bait websites claim it's true
in the bible God gave measurements.
that doesn't even cover the problem of getting animals from the landed ark across the ocean to America and Australia
Tell me what you see here.
maybe not you but it's a pretty mainstream view among creationists
Unicorns are God's creation user
If that gets you going, wait for their stuff on geology or astronomy, really comedy gold
>muh I take the old testament literally
>muh science wants to takme muh god away
>muh now I must fight all science, evidence and reason
>because muh god
>How did plants survive the flood?
>The Bible states there was a worldwide Flood.
>We see plants today.
>Therefore plants survived the Flood.
Shitposty premise of this thread aside, the image in OP actually brings up an important point about how science is viewed by Evangelicals in the US.
The thing about American fundies (and other religious people as well, but specially them) is that they are told that the Bible is the direct work of God and that's why their religion has authority. To them, the reason their religion is the correct one is that they are following a set of beliefs and practices that were handed down from an authoritative source and have not been altered. Obviously, the scientific method is the exact opposite of that. So, to these Evangelicals, the scientific method's process of testing and changing theories/hypotheses to be more accurate is proof that the system is wrong. If you have to go an improve upon what was originally laid out, to them, it means that you have no authority or reason to claim accuracy.
This creates a huge problem in how certain things are discussed and several studies have addressed this. To the fundie community, there is a complete lack of awareness of how critical thinking works, and it's because they're taught that unless something is inspired, unchanging, and perfect, there's no way it's accurate. Their framework of understanding the world means that they don't see the validity of science, and attempts to get them to understand the strengths of its methodology are not understood.
>The Bible states there was a worldwide Flood.
>We see plants today.
>Therefore plants survived the Flood.
>refuting a question about the logic of a worldwide flood by using an axiom that the flood happened
Hey Noah also managed to get the species of all continents, and they managed to get back there without problems, Not bad for a guy with a wooden boat that stranded in the middle east. He managed not only to rescue several dozen million species, no he also brought them back to their specific continents.
Yes, tragic, however, it seems to be isolated in the bible belt, so yes, not really a problem. They can refuse science for the next couple hundred years, no one cares much.