Why are the Mongols given such a bad reputation when they were actually religiously tolerant, great warriors...

Why are the Mongols given such a bad reputation when they were actually religiously tolerant, great warriors, and civilized people?

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they had the biggest empire in history which makes rome fags upset

Shockingly enough, people don't like people that force themselves on them.

>British Empire in 1920

Because they're why the plague destroyed europe

Yuropoors are jelly of god-tier Mongolian horse archery.

Because they weren't religiously tolerant, they just considered all other religions equally beneath them while keeping theirs to themselves. They weren't great warriors, they were an effective and brutal warmachine that spent more time slaughtering and dispersing civilians than they did fighting great armies. And they weren't civilized people, they redefined barbarism among Eurasian cultures that literally defined what it was to be a civilized people for much of written history.

if you actually think the Mongols did nothing wrong you should kill yourself

Fuck off john green go make your shitty "educational" youtube videos

t. Prince of Kiev

Because they fucked the middle east up so bad its still fucked up.

It's the equivalent of us nuking the middle east into oblivion and saying we brought peace. It's technically true but it still upsets a lot of people.

Idk, maybe the 100m+ kill count

>muh niggers
>muh big australia and canada
>muh couldn't conquer any country in Europe.

Seriously Rome has achieved much more then the Brits.

What a joke. If it wasn't for the u.k you'd be sitting in squalor working 16 hour days

And of Japan, and China, and Persia, and Central Asia, and Syria, and India, and Egypt, and Anatolia, and Poland, and Hungary

If it wasn't for the Uk then France- which was a more capable country overall would achieve everything the UK achieved and more.

Oh btw the 8 hour work day was invented by Henry Ford- an american.

And guess how the serf working hours looked inbetween medieval european countries. English peasants had to work more hours then anyone else except maybe russian serfs.

Farmers everywhere in the world work long hours. Your entire post reeks of ouibooism.

Their "civilization" was literally so shitty that the leaders immediately adopted the customs of whatever part of the empire that they were placed in and never looked back. Great Khanate went full blown China, Ilkhanate and Chagatai Khanate went full sand nigger, and the Golden Horde just dissolved into Russia

They don't have a bad rep. They killed a lot of people, but so what? Those people would've died anyway. The Mongols were awesome. Muh flourishing trade routes, muh sabutai, muh horses.

I know that Moscow would not be a thing if it wasn't for the mongols but the golden horde didn't dissolve into Russia.

why do the nazis get a bad rep btw?
they could have turned europe into a megapower desu

>Even back then England was shit.

>The ancien règime in France is reported to have guaranteed fifty-two Sundays, ninety rest days, and thirty-eight holidays.

>In Spain, travelers noted that holidays totaled five months per year.

>All told, holiday leisure time in medieval England took up probably about one-third of the year

First of all the mongols were nomads, nomads only have culture not civilization.

Second: are you saying that white people are somehow infallibe? Should i link you the one report about a native Swedish teacher that converted to Islam and joined Isis. Or should i link you anything about modern day Britain?

Yeah you just sound butthurt.

t. Great Britistani.

>Dissolved into Russia

Muscovy curb stomped the Mongols and took their shitty prairie from them. Read a book you illiterate ape.

Honestly you can find worse things about france and Muslims living there. In nice and Marseilles muslim gangs patrol their neighborhoods while openly carrying ak47s

>curb stomped

More like they were their pawns until a civil war broke out and they managed to gain independence.

Alexander nervsky was a mongol vassal that travelled to Karakorum on behalf on the golden horde. He also lead armies to punish cities on behalf of the Mongols. And enforced mongol taxes and censuses on Russian lands

>Alexander Nevsky
Jesus Christ

At first Uzbeg did not want to empower Moscow. In 1327, the Baskaki Shevkal, cousin of Uzbeg, arrived in Tver from the Horde, with a large retinue. They took up residence at Aleksander's palace. Rumors spread that Shevkal wanted to occupy the throne for himself and introduce Islam to the city. When, on 15 August 1327, the Mongols tried to take a horse from a deacon named Dyudko, he cried for help and a mob of furious people fell on the Tatars and killed them all. Shevkal and his remaining guards were burnt alive. Thus Uzbeg Khan began backing Moscow as the leading Russian state. Ivan I Kalita was granted the title of grand prince and given the right to collect taxes from other Russian potentates. The Khan also sent Ivan at the head of an army of 50,000 soldiers to punish Tver


This is just in case some butthurt russian or russophile decides to try and shit up the thread

They destroyed advanced civilizations in China, central Asia and the ME.

Just an example of all russians being subservient to the Mongols. Should have made thst more clear

The Muscovy won because of firearms which the mongols didn't have (they were nomads) And they only managed to conquer them litarally 300 years after Genghis Khan died so there is that.

>Tolerant & Civilized
So, just like neighboring China was?

It was quite civilized and had no notion of State Religion other than the meme sacrifices.

You don't even know the difference between Muscovy and Novgorod lmao this haples backpedalling is hardly going to help now. Get tge hell out.

No its just 3 am here and my post wasn't as detailed as i wanted it. Still didn't change the fact that russians were snd still are slaves to the Mongols

>still are

Have you seen Russian streets? They are full of mongoloids.

What the fuck does this have to do with anything. No one is arguing that Russia wasnt under the tartar yoke for over a century, but it is an objective fact that as soon as the Russians acquired firearms that the Golden Horde, and the other steppe khans were utterly dismantled forever after a few short years.


After Mamai's defeat, Tokhtamysh restored the dominance of the Golden Horde over Russia by attacking Russian lands in 1382. He besieged Moscow on August 23, but Muscovites beat off his attack, using firearms for the first time in Russian history.[71] On August 26, two sons of Tokhtamysh's supporter Dmitry of Suzdal, Dukes Vasily of Suzdal and Semyon of Nizhny Novgorod, who were present in Tokhtamysh's forces, persuaded the Muscovites to open the city gates, promising that their forces would not harm the city.[72] This allowed Tokhtamysh's troops to burst in and destroy Moscow, killing 24,000 people.[73] Tokhtamysh also crushed the Lithuanian army at Poltava in the next year.[74] Władysław II Jagiełło, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland, accepted his supremacy and agreed to pay tribute in turn for a grant of Rus' territory.[75] For another century, Russia was forced back under the Tatar yoke.

>having illegal churkas sweeping your street means you're their slave
Have you seen Mongolia? They got cucked so hard they adopted Cyrilic.

The average Russian looks mongoloid

So they enslaved themselves?

They are directly responsible for Muslims being backward savages by sending them back into the fucking stone age. They annihilated those motherfuckers so bad that their anger is actually genetic and an atavistic remnant of the baghdad brawl.

In short, I'm also mad they didn't finish the job.

No the elite mongol/tatars did

I said literally nothing about white people. What are you even talking about?
You're right, I didn't exactly word it right but the fact is that the Mongols still didn't spread their own culture or values, they just kinda do their own thing and often ended up converting to foreign ways due to how shitty their lifestyle was compared to most of the people they conquered

>Mongol elite
Yeah if burger flippers and toilet cleaners are elite lmao

>No one is arguing that Russia wasnt under the tartar yoke for over a century

More like 3 centuries, starting from the mongol army comissioned by Ogedei Khan that reached the Rus in 1237 or so.
>Have you seen Mongolia? They got cucked so hard they adopted Cyrilic.

It's getting taught in mongolian schools again, or so i've heard.

Then again it's easy to force a new script on people that didn't write much ( nomads)

Btw have you seen how much the jews cucked the russians? Holocaust denial is punishable with 5 years in prison now, so much for great and independent Russia.

Russians BTFO!

You can't even quote the right post you stupid fuck.

No just the oligarchs and corrupt officals in Moscow.

Oh yeah sorry it's time to sleep for me, but that doesn't change the fact that you were wrong and i was right.

Those are all kikes. Mongols are the underclass.

Different poster too you imbecile.

Most of it was empty land.

t John Green

Lenin was Kalmyk/Tatar ( at least partly) and there were many Rus princes that also had Tatar blood in them.


Yeah, it was so empty that noone else managed to conquer mongols lands in the same timespan (including China and Persia)

why didn't they invaded india? alexander also didn't (or didn't lived long enough)

Tolerance is not a big virtue when you murder, enslave and raze everything that doesn't submit to you.

rough terrain, high population density

which is useful for feeding massive animal herds


And little else. It's not worth it if you aren't a nomad


>Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar al-Bukhari (Persian: سید اجل شمسالدین عمر; Chinese: 赛典赤·赡思丁; pinyin: Sàidiǎnchì Zhānsīdīng) (1211–1279) was Yunnan's first provincial governor in history, appointed by the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.
>Mudslime as a Chink provincial governor under Mongol

Tell me a more glorious example of internationalism

>why didn't they invaded india?

The world's biggest mountain range was in the way.

Thats a joke right?
(Please be a joke, France cant be that cuck)

>Thats a joke right?

It's not true, but user probably believes it's true.

Thanks based user

Because they conquered everyone they could with no justification, and in the process killed a hundred million people?

Didn't they destroy the library of Baghdad?

It is actually


Not a legitimate source

t. Jealous of Success


>Oh btw the 8 hour work day was invented by Henry Ford- an american.
I honestly don't know Ford's involvement in the transition to the 8 hour work day, but it's kinda cheeky to claim he *invented* the ability to only work 8 hours, isn't it?

Pretty sure it was The Great War the one that fucked the middle east

Success breeds jealousy.
Hot and humid climate is not favorable to the Mongol bow and horse. There was also never a legitimate incentive for invasion of the Indian subcontinent like there was in the case of that ignorant Arab sending diplomat heads, so they were left in peace by the noble Mongolians.
Mongolia was full of buddhists and Christians and Tengriists in Temujins days. That is not characteristic of religious intolerance, is it?
Blaming your shortcomings on things that happened over 600 years ago is outright pathetic.
Those death counts are no doubt exaggerated. Arab sources are claiming millions of casualties, but current archeology is falsifying those old literary sources. Turns out those Silk Road city never had the agriculture to support even a quarter of the supposed number of inhabitants.

Thanks, but that doesn't say anything about "Muslim gangs patrolling with AK-47's".

>praising internationalism
Fuck off communist

Missed the part where someone was shot with an ak in broad daylight

No I didn't. That's very very different. One drug dealer murdering another, even in a very brazen way, is not even remotely like Islamist militias militarily occupying a city.

No that was the 20th century. First by the British and French, then Americans added more destabilization.

>A country of people even more autistic than germans
>Muh roi soleil
>Muh etat c'est moi
>Nevermind, let's kill the king
>Hell, let's just kill everybody
>Did absolutely nothing at all when it actually mattered
>Muh resistance
>Didn't even come up with the industrial revolution


>Mudslime as a Chink provincial governor under Mongol
Lol, wasn't the first time.

The Chinese always had a foreign nomadic general tucked somewhere in their army. Furthermore when the Sassanid Empire fell, they took in the Sassanid King, heir, and a boatload of aristocracy and gave them positions in their armies. Nestorian Christians also occupied high positions during the T'ang Dynasty, notably general Guo Ziyi.

Imperial China literally was more tolerant than the Mongols given that they didn't shit on peoples practices so long as it didn't bother statewide peace. Meanwhile Mongs triggered a riot when they banned halal & circumcision.

>Meanwhile Mongs triggered a riot when they banned halal & circumcision.

You shoud be tolerant but not so tolerant that other people can force their own culture on you, see mudslimes in europe today.

The mongols did it right, the europeans did it wrong.

>Mongols are the reason the middle east is fucked up
When will this meme end? The current political state of the middle east is, in almost no way, affected by shit that happened 800 years ago. You'd have to be completely illiterate on 20th century history to think that the problems today trace back to that. The problems in the middle east currently are the result of shit that happened post ww2 and during the cold war.

>Force their own culture.
I'm pretty sure halal & circumcision only applies to Muslims in non-Muslim empires. Just like what they did in China ever since the T'ang.

The Muslims were btfo by themselves even before the Mongols during the decline of the Caliphate.

>banning something that won't affect THEM at all just for the sake of spite
Sure is tolerant! How is Muslims eating halal food forcing culture on you? I mean as long as you can get bacon in the super market, you shouldn't care what others eat(or don't eat).


>conquer a vast amount of nothing
>get royally BTFO the moment they encounter European castles
>massacre ancient centers of knowledge such as Baghdad, leaving only rubble and shit
>conduct the largest amount of genocides and massacres before WW2
>contribute absolutely NOTHING other than introducing the Black Plague to Europeans

Thanks to cuckstorians like John "tyrannical empires are cool as long as they're not white" Green for hyping up these locusts.

China and the middle east is not empty land , stay retarded.


>>conquer a vast amount of nothing

That the europeans failed to conquer many times, see the crusades.

>get royally BTFO the moment they encounter European castles

Europeans hiding in castles all the time, wow what brave warriors, they surely showed us how strong they were when they overran the east - the nothingness as they call it!

>>conduct the largest amount of genocides and massacres before WW2

What are the native Americans whos population was reduced to almost zero!

>>contribute absolutely NOTHING other than introducing the Black Plague to Europeans

Contribute alot of stuff and then hand everything over to shitskins or jews that aren't afraid of using the tools their fullest.


Western Civilization died at the end of WW2, whos is ruling you now?



Wow western civilization is so supreme! Have you forgotten the fact that you got completly BTFO by money lenders?

Didn't know getting a cold is considered genocide

>failed to conquer

What were the Crusader states?

States that make Greece look successful

Mongolia nowadays is an irrelevant shitstain of a country that uses a Russian alphabet and more than half of the Mongols literally live under the Chinese yoke. If you want to call western people cucked because of modern situation then look in the mirror first you gook faggot.

Do you know how small their terrority was inb comparison to the muslims world at the time?

Also the mamlukes kicked the crusaders out in 1292 or so.

Lasted longer than the Mongol empire.

Mean for