/gdg/ - Grim Dawn General

Please don't die on me yet edition

>official forums [resources lower right]

>steam store page

>build planner

>item db


>updated resist reduction doc


>can't launch/black screen
Be sure to install everything (manually) from _CommonRedist folder in game steamapps folder.
If still no go, then in steam library right click game name > additional launch options add /d3d9 (force use of DirectX 9)


If this thread dies I won't make another and we will be banished to the abyss.

It was fun when it was lasted.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good thread.

does the DA reduction from markovians advantage, blindside, and flashbang stack?
or does it only apply the highest one

Any critiques on my meme build? I know I probably don't have BiS but this is based on a lot of equipment I already have

>all that coven gear
>all that malmuth
>all that barrowholm gear
How can other factions even compare

you have fire to vitality, fire to chaos, vitality to fire, vitality to elemental, and no more than +1600% damage in any one of those.
from your skills and devotions it looks like you're trying to do a vit build, so drop those gear that convert away from vit (45% on dagger and 50% on your offhand, which you had in the first place because... reasons?) and replace your fire gear/devotions with vit gear and devos.
if you were trying to do a fire build, then drop the gear that converts away from fire and replace the vit gear/devos with fire gear and devos.
nice 9% pierce resist by the way

>thought i was close to ikon
>still have the whole asterkarn area to trek through
fuck grobbles

hmmm, I see, definitely splitting my damage across too many types
So idea I had in the shower, If I dual wield Blazehearts or whatever other gear is available to convert Vit to Fire, I can stack Fire/Cold/Elemental damage buffs and take advantage of the fact that there's way more fire/cold synergy available.

>fire cold
lots of cold/pierce, lots of cold/lightning, but little to no cold/fire
defiler has such little gear support and skill synergy its a shame. vit/fire is probably your best bet

Why so dead

tfw softcluck and can barely kill a side boss

Games dead, Jim.

How do I build my Tactician (Inq/Sol)?
I'm thinking of maxing freeze bullets, ranged mastery and Cadence, but what actives do I go for? Rune mines serve me well thus far in Normal Veteran, but I don't know if that will last, plus they're not too reliable.

a good jumpstart into making a build is to pick a damage type and see what you can do with it
if you want cold then pick cold actives and look for cold rr. you can also look for conversion items, such as farath's cube which converts flames of ignaffar into a cold attack and also adds cold rr to storm box
the only downside to soldier being so good is that you dont have many points to throw around after getting soldier's basics

Soldier is... good? I thought he was kinda lame, then again I mostly play hack and slash to see pretty colored loot drop.

compared to other classes that can shit out aoe damage, soldier isnt as good in normal and elite where dps is king, but in ultimate soldier really starts to shine.
it gets a big chunk of phys from mastery, plus even more from military conditioning. it has easy access to stun and slow resist, armor absorbtion, big da reducers, several good survivability actives and passives, a gap closer, and one of if not the best default attacks in the game

Oh. Good to know. Do I get to transfer my old characters to higher difficulty NG+ or do I have to start a new character to play on Ultimate?

Another question: will I ever need all these one-grid upgrade materials I keep hoarding?

its a ng+ type of deal; you keep your level, items, reputations, and enemies become a higher level and quests are reset. if you ally with a faciton in one difficulty you can go against them in a different difficulty
be sure to pick up every crafting material you see, especially the purple ones. you will need all that you get and more

Favourite track?

Mine's youtube.com/watch?v=UmETRjvIi00

>Creed's new VA

>go to bed
>thread dies
>nobody has an answer to this simple of a question
"n(%) reduced target's [stat]" never stacks, and only the highest applies. Mechanically, it works much like a DoT.
"-n% [stat]" fully stacks, even with the above. Mechanically, this works like a debuff placer. But, individual debuffs can only be active one at a time (multiple Curse of Frailty do not stack, two of the same ring/weapon debuffs don't stack)

>soldier isnt as good in normal and elite where dps is king
what is forcewave

This one for sure.
>the amount of atmosphere it conveys

>put a point into fighting form
>+2 target maximum
>check cadence
>2 target maximum
>cap out fighting form
>+3 target maximum
>check cadence
>3 target maximum
>equip 2 reaver's claws
>5 target maximum
>take off both claws and remove all points from fighting form
>cadence somehow hits targets with a 0 target maximum

Really though, why does it say +2 target maximum when it's actually only +1 target maximum for a total of 2 targets?


He does hit pretty hard

>siphon souls
>no mark of torment
the fuck


Are they ever going to improve the dual wield pistol attack animation? I love the playstyle, but the animation for firing with each pistol looks so bad, my character isn't even pointing the gun directly at an enemy when he fires

Do you guys think the Iron Maiden is still a virgin?

Of course. Iron Maiden is pure!

yeah... PURE SEX

>alt-tab out of GD
>icon disappears

forcewave is good, but compared to others where you can drop a totem or bomb or pox and continue on your way it's a bit slower

cant say its much worse at all, especially since normal and elite arent hard, and you make up for ever so slightly less deeps with a great deal more tankiness.
forcewave is easily in top 5 best levelling skills

Well it was fun while it lasted /gdg/

Not anymore, after I held her hand

What's the best class to pair with shaman for phys/bleed 2h?
Soldier would be great but Occultist's RR is insane.

If Soldier is an option it's always the best option, for any build. Use locust swarm.

>/gdg/ bases build quality on crucible competence
>the only good builds for crucible are DA, regen stacking tank builds
>by /gdg/ standards, all offensive focused builds are garbage

Crucible is fucking cancer.

>redditor suggesting taking Troll Rage over Cadence
Wew lad

patch when?

Could you explain your reasoning?
And why did you mention swarm? It stacks with curse.

soldier obviously, how can you even have a bleed build without nuke blade arc

Anyone got a Winter King's Might build?
I really like how it looks.

I want to use Blight Fiend, mostly as a walking debuff. Will it be too squishy if I don't invest in boosts to pet health?

>tfw purifier


Blasting AOE attacks with your double pistols is lotsa fun

The only thing I don't like about Grim Dawn is that every fucking item has 3+ different magic stats, right from the beginning of the game. It's overhelming. Diablo gradually introduced complex stuff, while Grim Dawn just drops everything on you


>>>the only good builds for crucible are DA, regen stacking tank builds
>he doesn't know about the vitality decay cabalist build that does crucible gladiator hardcore in under 4mins that only has 2350ish DA

>50 replies without getting archived

>under 4 min
is that 130-150? cant be 100-150

Is a pure reflect stacking build viable? (not retaliation)

>character has sub 20k hp
>monsters have hundreds of thousands if not millions of hp
>reflecting damage doing anything
its a meme stat that somehow made it through development

sword and boar lightning warder - how retarded an idea is this?

its about as cookie cutter as it gets

is there any build that can do glad cruci that isnt a 4/4 leggo or pet build?

>at my parents for a week
>installed GD on the laptop and brought my saves over on a thumb drive
>can't for the fucking life of me find where the save directory is

Its not in my documents and its not in my grim dawn steam directory. I've made a test character named steve and its nowhere to be found

Is Phoenix fire any good? It looks underwhelming to me

Flat damage absorption is a great dot shield, but that's about it.

Blight Fiend will be squishy around 45 without any support, maybe even before then. Crate should add some gear or skill modifiers to make certain pets scale with player stats, I find it fun to have a couple companions but seeing how shit they are without going full summoner is disappointing. Mercenaries for hire when?

disable cloud saving and search on the documents/my games/grim dumpster

I'm just past 50 now, and Blight Burst seems to keep the beast alive longer. He takes point and things wander off briefly instead of gangbanging him. He's a useful meatshield at this point, figure that could easily change.

what's the ideal order to level pox in?

ravenous earth is my primary skill so i'm not relying on it for damage yet, but i plan to put either wendigo or rattosh proc on it eventually
