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/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
first for ubi fucking up with BOPE challenge
when will we get liberian operators
Do you get anything worth it other than the skin and new ops with the year 3 pass
I can't wait to see what kind of bullshit they're going to do for my own country's operator for season 2
my bet is on spaghetti traps and pizza launcher
better prepare yourself for strong italian womyn
oh man
Snowy day.
Dream (about frost) away.
Can’t let the console have a holiday.
Shitters complaining
See the thread refreshed.
Lay back and groove to siege on a snowy day.
Also if I bought previous dlc through steam but I use those ubishill points to get a discount through ubisoft will that fuck my shit up
Why not buy the starter edition?
It will just require more grind.
>standard edition
>sixteen core operators, start with none
>price is 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 for each memeber of each CTU
>between half an hour and two hours to unlock each character
>starter edition
>sixteen core operators, start with two and money to unlock another two
>price is 12,500 for every other operator
>roughly fifteen hours to unlock each character
Decide if two hundred hours of your time is worth twenty dollars.
>12500 per operator
there better be cyborg little girls
>Deploys tactical boombox to drown out sounds of attackers
>smoke grenades
what if an operator had this?
If you can shoot out the reflector on the gun, yes
how so?
the shit reward?
one already does
Just curious if anyone is interested in a semi serious ranked/tournament team. Always looking to add more people, were probably gold 1 - plat 3 kind of level.
add me on uplay: Bonetopick.MtM
Is this pasta or are you serious?
I always thought you guys were racist but after taking the greyhound from Chicago to Wisconsin I can tell why you would hate niggers
oh sorry should've said, were NA
I'm serious nigga
Reminder that you can buy your good goy pass and then refund it through steam and keep all your goodies.
seriously? interesting.
and possibly risk an account lock? no thank you.
I've been doing it for three years user
caveira anchor good or bad idea?
Wheres the complete edition on steam? I was going to buy it tomorrow
>use an operator that was designed from the ground up to roam as an anchor
no memes i enjoy chanka and i want him to be better, i want him to be a scary thing that encourages you not to approach him from one direction. I think a lot of it is that he's using the RP-46, which at this point is so old that it's downright impractical. The firerate is mediocre and the damage isn't good enough to justify that you're 100% vulnerable and stationary with a 180 degree turn radius while using it, vulnerable to any usage of grenades, prefiring, a flank, or capitao, to name a few small things
honestly i want them to try anything at this point, even if it's something completely fucking ridiculous like "MG is a one shot kill to the chest at closer ranges." Try anything, boy is irrelevant even as a meme right now because in a game all about creative gadget usage, angles, and breaching any wall you please, being a completely inflexible machine gun just isn't that good unless it tears everything to shreds.
there's the gold edition on cdkeys dot com, costs 36 bucks
Roamers and Anchors are a thing. What would be a possible 3rd option? Anchoring anywhere outside the objective/otherwise if the map?
>give our big boy a bipod instead of a tripod and let him lug the thing around as an actual weapon
congratulations you have fixed tachanka
The next sale is in 9 days. It wouldn't be a very good idea to buy it right now.
Thanks for the heads up, if not ill believe i will buy it from a friend
I believe i wont be able to anyways, it seems that with the release of the new season pass on steam they removed it
i just like the gameplay idea that he's stationary but a fucking death machine from the direction he's facing, acting like a legit heavy machine gun like an M2, or something. The problem is that the RP-46 is so iconic so you'd have to give him some absurd .50 conversion of it
Did the Season 2 pass go on sale yet?
roamer = goes outside the room
anchor = stays inside the room
there isn't really a third option there. Even if they had something really wacky they'd end up as one of those two.
>anchor that sends out a spectral projection that roams outside the room while he himself stays in it
not a bad idea
How would you feel if the Delta Force op had an exoskeleton?
I'm trying to use the 20% off coupon to buy the season pass, but it isn't accepting the code. Am I doing something wrong?
It says it doesn't accept the code but it actually does
I like stuff like delta force but do we really NEED another american operator right now? We have six and two canadians who are basically far-north americans.
what kinda operators does chile got
Delta is already confirmed friend
explosive drone when?
>20% off coupon
wait what
>Name him Goliath in reference to the WW2 ancestor
I would actually like that idea a lot
the one you get for 100 uplay creds
You can trade in the uplay points you get for doing achievements on the store to get a 20% off coupon
oh fuck I didn't realize this thanks
That's still an anchor
>vulnerable to any usage of prefiring
you don't even need to prefire
you can slowpeek him until you barely see the corner of his shield and, without ever exposing yourself to his actual line of fire, cheese away the shield in single fire
wtf? No we need Australia, a Scandinavian country, Indonesia, and South Africa next
I'm really slow at making webm's.
I imagine at best you get someone from a mountain division or something made up because Ubi.
I'd love an excuse for my raifu to appear in a game, but I doubt Ubi's sjw could even google Chilean firearms yet alone their military.
It'd be even more sad because the gun see export to Canada.
i think gun choices are largely based more on cool factor or gameplay opportunity than country of origin, they gave the chinese guy an american civilian bullpup revolver shotgun
navy seals get a god damn deagle
year 4 when??
Not like you’re gonna play every single operator
south african ops with based tactical shorts.
NASA operators with gyrojets
>People still debating who will be in year 3
So now we have milf in siege?
I just hope we go back to the semi realistic shit from season 1/vanilla and operators only have one ability instead of two like dokk and zofia
The Six12 is designed for law enforcement door breaching and it being an American gun it is more believable than the chinese-made guns they gave Hong Kong, as the SDU has always used western guns. I didn't know about the shotgun before it was added. I think it's a cool addition.
>yfw south african reece qt operator with galil and tac shorts
Anyone wish they had done operator vids for the dlc ops as well as the originals?
>emp grenades
>weaponized routers
>bulletproof rifle shields
>man sized bear traps
>explosive hockey pucks
>magical healing syringes
>car batteries that make metal walls shoot lightning
>heartbeat scanners
>x-ray vision electronic detector
>gyroscopic sticky micro cameras
>flamethrower crossbows
>invisible screaming roombas
>explosive ninja stars
>active defense system that doesn't turn surrounding infantry in to fine pink mist when employed
>bottled war crimes
>caseless drill tipped breaching grenades
>remote controlled car with tazer strapped to the front
>giant extendo shield capable of stopping rifle calibre rounds
>"""""semi realistic"""""
Stop it, user. It's a video game.
The original cast had Blur studios or whatever make their shit, which is expensive, so then we got the 1v1 videos with only minor CGI from whatever other companies. I have no fucking clue other than Ubi finally deciding to give money back to Siege when they replaced the skeleton crew as a result of the game refusing to die
>all those good goys "reviewing" a fucking season pass
>in production in real life
>just a bear trap
>only reason it doesn't is illogical gadget, not technology holdbacks
>adrenaline shots in a spud shooter
>the concept of electricity transferring and jumping
>fuzzy technology based on things animals are capable of doing right now
>only issue is making them stick right
>strange but not impossible
>quadcopter that farts
>wait fuck which one is this
>streamlined technology that is already in production
>war crimes don't apply in CTU siege type situations
>possible with possible application
>used in real life
>actually trying to argue that these science fiction gadgets are real
yeah? pretty much all of the tech you listed is at least semi-believable, and much of it exists today in some form or another. it's gratuitous superhuman mechanics that messes with the game's tone.
go play ARMA then you faggot
so best loadout for twitch is 417 revolver and claymore right? seems to be working fine
What about this
no, famas is one of the best guns in the game, meme fire rate that rivals even the scorpion, youd be retarded not to use it.
More realistic than Cav, Hibana, Zofia, Ela, and Doki
Post more crossovers.
>quadcopter that farts
>conveniently ignoring the "turns invisible" part because it doesn't support your argument
Low energy.
>explosive rocket propelled thermite filled ninja stars are semi-believable
>a highly trained special forces soldier getting up after being shot is fanciful
Low energy.
Mine went through normal, just copy pasted the code
F2 is better in every way because it shoots like 5 bullets the moment you press fire before recoil hits, and even if you magdump it still doesn't kick that hard without a recoil attachment. Can hold down and headshot throughout the entire magazine. I still run revolver even after the P9 buff because it's a really strong "Oh fuck" button since you only need one shot if they've gotten shot once already
>Not reading the book
I just potato'd and when I went to melee a shield I pressed my push to talk instead and got my ass handed to me
how do git gud
Any Christmas skins coming down the pipe? I was watching Macie Jay's newest video and was wondering how he got that skin & charm.
By playing the game instead of posting about it.
inb4 soiboi ubishills
The green one was last years I think
>More realistic than Cav, Hibana, Zofia, Ela, and Doki
You kidding? The ops with most futurustic gadgets are probably Jackal, Echo and Vigil.
Now, the design is another thing, but do we need this discussion every thread?
All three of those were men and a womyn
Pellets containing a thermite compound having a funny design is unbelievable alien technology to you?
I tried that but it didn't work
over 100 hours which is probably nothing
On the R$-C he's using this blue one with snowflakes and reindeers. Was this game even out Christmas of 2015?