Best girl edition
Raid Lair is still LIVE
Best girl edition
Raid Lair is still LIVE
FWC is for niggers
You mispelled DO and NM.
Delete yourself
Praise the Fang
Haven't seen much on it so I'll ask here.
Masterworks orb generation: does it drop one orb per "multikill" or one orb per extra kill in a multikill?
If I drop a horde of thralls instantly will I only get one orb or several?
So for a solar hunter, stat res and get paragon, but what else is a decent armor mod? Paragon can't go on everything and it only helps with dodge
Stop posting your shitty small resolution webm no one cares about the fact you got kills at close range with a sword
Did they break Ikora or why the fuck does she keep telling me to come to her.
>mad cuz he got Quickfanged
Damn, it's ok user.
No I just don't like shitters making shitter webms
>unironically backing the literal cuck factions
>not choosing best waifu and best ideology
>backing people who's ideologies have provenly failed time and again
>unironically backing nigger gold trim and hot topic
Quickfang is cool.
Any Quickfang webms are welcome. Ignre salty user.
Both are wrong. You have to go back.
Quickfang is for shit players, stay cucked
>I can now put in effort and get any set I want
>I care enough for any set to work toward
Going to stop clownsuiting so give me an idea on which sets should on for each class?
>best waifu
>an old lady robot
>a literal cult
Okay retard
So it looks like cryptarch-bought engrams can drop masterwork gear, so if you have a ton of legendary shards you could just buy heaps off him to dismantle I guess.
No, quickfang is a shitter crutch and shitter stomper.
>sit behind cover where you can see everyone and the enemies cant see you
>some kind of impressive feat
FWC is correct.
Anyone that denies this is wrong.
War will always exist. If we can prepare ourselves, we can fight our imperiled future into submission
The alternatives are literally monarchists and cowards. Neck yourself my friend.
Warlocks detected.
Shitter detected.
I don't think your view matters at all when you waifu fag before anything about the actual faction.
>Trash talking NM.
Sounds like someone wants a baseball bat shoved up their ass.
>thinking an ageless super robot who's had centuries to master the kamasutra is an "old lady robot"
>not understanding the dynamics that go into making a waifu a waifu
>not knowing being part of a cult is some of the best fun you can have
No wonder you're a factual cuck supporter.
Ima titan though. I would be fine with swords if they were used in first person. The third person is such a cheap advantage
I use Crown-Shitter too.
Void Infinite Edge is still equipped on my Defender I believe.
>confusing truthsaying with trash talking
No wonder you chose poorly.
Hey does LIGHTWEIGHT and transverse steps stack?
Reposting because fuck you. Stop spreading misinformation.
There is no clash system. There is bad netcode and a physics engine.
Melee registration fucks up all the time even when your opponent isn't even looking at you. And ophid's have slightly less range than synthos. You can not get more range than that because melee perks don't stack.
Storm melee doesn't make ophidians any further just like knockout doesn't make synthos any further. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.
>Mercury Flashpoint
>Planet with no content
this is horrible.
Can you put masterworks on exotics?
I mean the only cuck I see here is waifuing a fiction character that is not only old but a leader of a cult. Because you know cults are so much fun Koolaid is delicious after all
Maybe you're all just going faggot.
Jesus I saw titans lunging really far with synthoceps in crucible but its really that fucking far?
>not knowing a waifu is the only thing that literally can't be cucked
>implicitly cucking yourself by not having a waifu
>thinking every cult is a deathcult because of one singular example
>using gifs with blacks in them
Cmon, man.
Important question with heavy implications:
Lakshmi has only experienced one or two resets, depending on the exact nature of the numbering convention. Is Lakshmi a guardian? Has she been around since the beginning?
In other words, how much does Lakshmi know/remember?
>>not knowing a waifu is the only thing that literally can't be cucked
Faceless old men say hello
A lot
>Crucible milestone finished
>Shaxx gives me Saint-14's helmet
Titans gotta stick together.
The only thing she knows how to do is please Awoken
If you're only going to reply with a stupid meme post why even bother?
Lakshmi-2 reset just after the collapse and is not a guardian.
This iteration has been around since just after the collapse itself happens so she's as in the dark as anybody is when it comes to the golden age and the events that lead to the collapse.
She can reasonably be assumed to remember everything that's happened since just after the collapse to now.
I use any sword because theyre the biggest crutch in crucible
Why can't Banshee?
Shaxx truly is the best character in Destiny
They're fun tho.
Coincidentally, 'Important question with heavy implications' is the nickname Zavala gave his dick and balls.
"Lakshi, I have an important question for you, and it's got heavy implications."
>titans routinely, and by request, shove mouthy awoken heads up there own asses
>what they don't know is this is what the awoken want
T. Lakshmi-2
Never said they werent. But they still are a crutch
Based chemo poster
Yeah I could see Lakshimi being a tower whore.
So much for being a waifu.
Because banshee has reset himself 43 times since his inception and every reset seems to do some hardware damage. He has the robot equivalent of alzheimers basically ontop of only have memories from recently.
Lakshmi's only reset once and that was just after the collapse so her memories span back to just after the collapse.
Why does Ikora go all "Holy shit we might die FOR REAL!!!!!!" the whole game, when dialog suggests that Guardians die for good quite frequently? In both games there are mention of Guardian's Ghosts being destroyed or drained before they could revive the Guardian.
Every death could have been her final death.
Listen we can all agree that no matter what FWC, or NM they're both better than DO.
I really just stick to my primary. I usually never get the sword ammo and just bait retards to walk up to it.
Which is also a crutch.
Ikora in D2 is fucking retarded.
And, yeah we actually see Tevis moments(well Vex moments) after his death.
Because every death merely had a chance for it to be her last and ghost have learned tactics in-lore to stave off their own death. Once they were lightless every death was a guaranteed end.
No, Dead Orbit actually has a pretty sizeable fleet that has usefulness. New Monarchy is just dumb.
How do I make Khepri's Horn look good?
I have Veist Fieldcase applied right now, and I think it looks okay.
>fighting lion got a buff
>Is actually decent in PvE
>Still doesn't do shit in crucible because guardians don't have shields
>mfw fwc and nm will having petty arguments on earth while DOniggas ride the cosmos blasting NIN
In all seriousness though all factions have use
This probably as good as it gets.
Can you farm the Emperor's Seals in the castellum anymore? or do you have to do the full raid over and over.
New Monartard pls
>sizeable fleet that was useful
>whole point was patrolling and identifying threats
>almost never worked ever under any circumstances ever
>massive cabal fleet got right the fuck up to the city walls without notice and the first thing people ask is what happened to our fucking early warning system
>lore clearly states DO hightailed their shit except for those who were in the hangars at the time who were forced to be refugee donkeys
>very obviously hightailed without telling anybody
>coincidentally came back once shit was cleaned up but haha look how tattered my gear is we really had a hard time having to survive on our own guys we're one of you
>somehow lost a large portion of this fleet doing literally nothing
I'm not sure how I feel about FWC but I know I want Lakshmi-2 to gently dominate me with her seductive husky robot voice
3 in 1 day baby
So it's literally nothing?
Why is Ikora highlighted in the tower? She does not seem to have anything special for me.
yeah, but their gear is cooler
But its not. Unless you're stupid enough to think slapping black and rollcages onto shit makes them cool.
I can't seem to get any of that shader to drop
Which is a shame, because it seems perfect for Titan armor
Their armor is the coolest, i mean it's reskinned wildwood, but their guns are cool too
>enemy team member has moonrunes for a name
>shots don't register and get killed around corners all game
sasuga bungie
Gotta be 18 to browse this site, bud.
What shader is that?
You look like a hive knight
>he hates looking like a STALKER
what a fag
enjoy your riced out shit
tbf the handcannon, autorifle, and unique sidearm and smg are okay
I dont really like their armor but I dig the wood furniture on their weapons.
That being said, future war cult is clearly superior, armor and weapons both.
>hot topic
Just get the EDZ gear kid. Edgy =/= cool.
just use the EDZ set you poofter
>tfw hunter
Should I just go Titan instead?
I'll send you a $50 PSN card if you get me four more Paradox Ampifiers.
make one of each
there's literally no reason not to
yup, aside form maybe getting orbs in PvE.
Just funny how my first masterwork was for the only gun i have a slight attachment too in this shitty game.
Can't wait till monster hunter comes out.
I mean I do, but if I want faction gear then DO has the hookup for the armor style
The hand cannon is awesome
>FWC and DO armor are just re skins
>NM armor adds new things to the armor
Playing favorites eh bungie?
so if you infuse a master work into a gun will that be upgraded to master work?
I have no intention of replacing my origin story, I have too much history with it
if only the legs and the shoulders on that set weren't so dumb looking
still going to rep NM though
No, but you can turn it into a Masterwork in its own menu
>having to complete the "campaign" three times
Haha. No.
>having to
t. dumbass