Fighting Games General /fgg/

Other urls found in this thread:

play kolin

Post your training music

play arcana heart

i guess i can post in here. makoto isn't really a sniff

Play Weiss

>super qt girls at the hyper x event
>esport superstars are slaying pussy all day and making 6 figures
>we sit in discord begging for matches in dead games working part time at wal mart


Anyone been to NLBC? I'm looking to try out one of their MvCI events.

Anybody here plays Cammy ?

What are the basic stuff you need to know to play her ?

I'm teaching my flatmate how to play SF and he picked cammy.


what's the point of a post like this? Nigga just go and play some fucking video games
gift it to me and i will

this is why you don't do secret santas

tell em you're my girl

PR Rog is a bad gifter. The other ones have been good.

tokido poisoned live on stream


six stars ne1

>lose capcom cup
>eat shit on stream
poor guy

Say something nice about this succ.

I'm doing it!!!

no bad gifters allowed, no point in exchanging money. just buy yourself something with that lol

i backed it but have no intention of getting into it
i can't even figure out how to play it and weebs are of no help
maybe mori should make a game that doesn't die in a week

Was GunZ secretly an FG?

These are the people I dont rematch:

>Fireball characters, Gief and Bison
>People that play arrogantly and hyper aggressive because they think they're better than you
>People with numbers in that names that clearly show that they were born in the 90's (Like BobCat93 or something)


who's toppest tier in vanguard princess? i mean tiers really, not sniff wise

>Women's eye pillow

Daigo is an interesting fellow.

daigo gave the best gift so far desu

and i got you darling i got you

whats all this shit about lootboxes and people wanting the government stepping in? Is /v/ really this retarded for wanting to get the government stop microtransactions and lootboxes or what? I keep hearing people say this ever since this star wars shit happened

cringeballz just redeemed himself lmao

That's a good gift, practical as fuck for anyone traveling to tournaments.

/hyperx on twitch

were trying to talk about daigo giving out bags of weed for christmas and you want to talk about lootboxes? gtfo

she's in my favorite capcom-based art
i can't believe i don't have a bigger version of this on file

She succs

i might give out a key one day soon, you niggas need to play more fighting games around here

mizuumi has enough info to get your feet wet



>autistic smash player throws the gift he doesn't like on the ground

shut up ltg

Seeing smash players amongst even FGC autismos is so fucking strange.

Chris just announced he is gonna spill the beans in 30 minutes on stream. CAPCOM GOING DOWN. DBFZ BROS UNITE.

Hunnybox seems alright

when it goes on sale for 10

Allen is the man.

what stream are you guys watching

>Implying he's not going to go hard on Mr. Wizard

Who am I kidding, he's still salty from Sunday. RIP

fucking chris making me wait all this time for that stream

hurry up already

>get anti air jabbed
>have to guess right or lose 50% hp

Fucking saint lmao


Lets bait that fucker to say even stupider shit on stream.

>Marvel died in your lifetime

>500 - Internal server error.
>There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.


I just wanted to know how many flavors of witches with cool hats there are in fighting games


>tfw i baited chris on a stream a few months ago and he went on a 20 minute rant because of it
i was laughing my ass off the entire night

I'm hearing that Touhou Hisoutensoku might be at EVO Japan?




Are you US? Get me a key and I'll practice at it and play you.

>it's the games fault I have had reactions
keep me posted bronzie

>you will never hang out with a big group of friends, playing party games and exchanging gifts
I never asked for these feels.

>tfw you will never have secret santa with /fgg/ and shitpost irl

>had reactions
>45f jump
>notice it about 42f in
>mash 3f jab
evo here i come

so velma and daph really were getting it on with each other all this time


Any tips on how to stop going on tilt? Tilt keeps halting all of my progress and I can't think clearly.

the death of kekken in one image


Do you think it's hard to make friends or something lol have you tried not being autistic

Is Trajes Fatais at least playable?

i'll probably do it randomly though

This is a picture of my wife. Say something nice about her!

drink lots of beer everytime you play

why would you post this? die you mean piece of shit

I want to ejaculate inside her hat and make her wear it

post her cfn


>This streak
I don't even know what to say.

if a move has 45 frames startup does it mean I have 1.5 seconds (minus reaction time and lag) to react?

"He bullhorned his way to victory" Chris G
Mena cant just get a break cant he?

w2c that hat

You can tell it's amerifat hours


*blames goobers*

based chris saying it like it is


1f= 1/60th of a second. thats why people like 60fps. You have 3/4ths of a second to react.

i forget her name but she works for echo fox

I wish goober gear didn't die.

Best goob.

>Chris bitch talking shit about anyone

>30 fps fighting games

I need you SC6

but you posted a blazbabb character

chris G can't even make top 32 in Jive

lmao @ his life

Is ChrisG /fgg/ approved? Need to know before watching