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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Just a few more days
I want to fuck Jamke and Dew.
post auras
I'm so excited.
Until you commit suicide? Can't wait.
Is Sara better off dead? I don’t really care about her.
*blocks your path*
What's f.corrin's best iv now that weapon refinery is here? +atk -hp/res?
Post Yuria!
>tfw can't put a unit without aura as my lead unit because i'm autistic
>tfw my friends list have to deal with chiki, elise, or michalis until I get enough refine mats
Still waiting for raid battles, IS
Then you don't care about Eyvel either then
Be honest, would you roll this banner? If so, what color and for whom?
t. Edain/Me
>unzips TA3 Guard3 Nowi
we could have had something fun like this instead of shitty gauntlets
Building an old tiki, +atk -hp or +res -spd?
Sages are OP in Thracia promote her.
Now that healers are cool, I'd roll to get those ones.
I did try but fail to get wrathful fodder.
Pineapple man
>pulls out gray with identical build
>Celica's path
>Look at Atlas and think "dude looks like a crazy fighter, I will make him a myrmidon"
>Mfw I end up with 5 myrmidons in my party
+speed is still the best because it gives her 4 extra speed instead of 3.
red and colorless. would be great if innes replace taco
+Res,-Spd. Combined with the Res Lightning Breath and she'll make a good mixed tank.
Next Summer Banner has tanned heroes, who do want in it.
remove katarina and the tranny face and i would
I'm not saying it like it means anythung, but the gauntlets were planned from the start (some images/strings related to it was in the game when it launched)
Myrmidons/dread fighters are great. You can never have enough of them.
Colorless for sure. Literally no bad pulls there.
All of the others have mediocre shit on them, so I would probably just snipe colorless as hard as possible.
>Really good
>Good fodder
>Really good
Not gonna lie your banner sucks
+atk is also 4 and fixes her noodle arms
>mfw only Kat I ever got was -SPD
The only color that improved over the previous fjorm banner is blue. So no.
There's really no reason to not just get as many Dread Fighters as possible
>Is Sara better off dead?
>Has Paragon
>Has Wrath
>Has Miracle
>Has a fuckton of growths
>Has starting B rank in staves
>Can use Nosferatu
>Necessary to use the un-petrify staff, which not only saves Eyvale but also prevents the final chapter from fucking you over.
>not wanting to have more of the best class in the game
>11 str
I think I’ll pass.
Would you a mommy dragon or a dragon's mommy?
It's amazing how he and his friend are the most shit thing you can get in FEH
put summer corrin to fix mine and i would dump all my orbs there
That's what I thought, just thought I'd get a second opinion.
>fjorm again
We need Firepussy and other elemental waifus.
>mfw Shareena completely outclassed
of))f kwWDDD!!!
I would the superior imouto (the one pictured in your image)
I mean dreadfighters are broken and are basically one of only 3 classes that can do much of anything in Celicas part 4.
Not featured is Lukas with slaying lance
Speed is only +3 for fecorrin, attack is +4 though
>elincia, katarina, lucina
I wouldn't mind fishing for lucina/elincia merges and finally getting a katarina
>bike, sonya, chrom
the risk of getting chrom'd is worth rolling for steady breath fodder
>fjorm, charlotte, buncina
congrats, you managed to make me just as uninterested in rolling blue as the real fjorm banner
>taco, elise, bride lyn
fucking yes I need all of those
>Letting your Empress live in such a poorly lit and dirty castle
she's kinda cute in a homely and massively photoshopped sort of way
I have a perfect Cherche, is she worth using even on a non flyer team?
Oh, I was wondering why that candlelight lissa looked so weird, it's designed to be held in the special way Lyn holds it.
Imagine sex with snaki
Felicia is the cutest! She makes me so happy! She is the only thing that keeps me going! I would do anything for her! She is perfect in every single way to me! I`m going to protect her always no matter what! I love Felicia!
the sparkles are real bro
Tethys when? We need a non-limited Green dancer.
>doesnt have moonbow
its shit
When Snaki starts bearing Kiran's children she can get a better castle.
it's traaaaash
If it's b8% again then hell fucking no, i learned my lesson last time dumping 100 orbs for 1 5*s.
>tfw Sanaki will never step on your dick
Snacky needs to learn to appreciate how comfy torchlit style is
Fat mommy!
What the fuck
I could've sworn it was the opposite.
>already have everything I want on it
Do in combat boosts count in specials?
Is your Ignis stronger when attacking if you have armored blow and stronger when defending if you have steady stance?
>Can now come with dancer rings and not be bound to a sword
>Lara can come as a dagger
>That annoying Larum can have dancer rings+
>Feena can come with dancer rings
>Sylvia and Laylea can come with rings
>Laylea can come with sword
Thank you dancing seasonal banner, but Elfin and Nils when?
POST OBORO, please.
12 years old
Yes because she really doesn´t mind losing out the flier buffs, just let her get buff by hone atk and you are good to go.
>could potentially fix my shitty -atk lucina and elincia
>everything else
Did everyone have trouble with the unstoppable Effie's wild ride?
I feel like it was pretty easy, but mostly because I build meatballs exclusively
>B rank staves as an unpromoted unit
I can appreciate your dedication to the meme
>want to roll for ephraim
>got 22 orbs and no more in sight for days
>want to save for christmas banner
>really tempted to buy orbs
>orbs in my local currency cost an arm and leg like 35 is a days wage
I hate this
Perfect age
not really because I didn't feel like trying and used a light's blessing.
You know what to do goyi- I mean user.
Lord Tier list:
Seth-tier (Easily the best character in their game or very close to it)
High Tier (Among the best units in their game but not just on the level of gamebreaking as Seth tier units)
Mid-High Tier (Decent to good units with notable limitations)
Legit bad
Both Ikes and Seliph are close to being God Tier but don't stomp as hard as Corrin or Sigurd.
>all the drive skills are rare outside of speed
Come on IS I need these skills
Such a perfect duo
I needed Panic+ to do Light and Breezy without anyone dying.
It's finally time to battle the original thundercock
And dear lord his stats are broken as fuck
I used a lights blessing because yeah, it was the only tough map. Honestly all the maps feel like "devs say fuck you" rather than thank you. How else am I suppose to take it when I am fighting arena cancer in arena teams that have super inflated stats.