/rlg/ - Roguelike general

user did something edition


>What to Play

>Individual Game Pastas

Crawl tourney starts Jan 5

New Sil fork out.

ADOM r81 released for free, get it here (!!!includes star sign selection!!!)

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

>Roguelike Servers:
roguenex.us/ (CDDA, angband, PCB)
angband.live/ (Angband and variants, including PCB)
hardfought.org/ (Nethack and variants, yes even with slex

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks lads.
It is truly a Christmas miracle.

Now go play some roguelikes!

First for being freed from this horrible curse.

Alright well since MuMo is outdated now we gotta come up with something new

What about MuBe

if 3 the next stupid challenge ponyposter does is tome madness
if dubs slex

MuMo of Nemelx only using evocables

I take back almost everything I said about you.

This is the only time I will ever say something nice about this fellow.
Congratulations, you did good.
Stay golden ponyfucker.

>even the very sands of Egypt were too soft
Is there no ground hard enough - no underpants coarse enough - to satisfy the restless spirits of the Kings of Men?

FeMo, same other restrictions as MuMo.

>tfw no roguelike where you can play as Weev and pilot nigger extermination drones
>tfw CDDA is the closest thing to it
>tfw it probably wouldn't be fun anyways

Meatsprint MuMo

How about that

probably savescummed tho

Is the curse finally broken?

Will he awaken from his ancient sleep and return to us?

Don't worry, he used self-restoration 5 times and the game was in 0.17.2 so the run doesn't count.


I'm playing temporal warden for the first time in tome. I notice that when I click on an enemy, it switches to shoot even when I have my dual weapons selected. Is there an option change this or do I have to deal with it?

I think that's a particular temporal warden passive working. You can swap weapon types instantly to do certain types of actions.

The loot here isn't nearly as good as the other graveyard.


They reworked it a bit since then. You only instantly switch when using a talent, not regular attacking. Shoot counts as a talent, but just poking with swords doesn't, so it's sometimes a bit annoying when it switches when I don't want. Using the arrow keys works, but not when I'm diagonal.

simply adjust your keybinds so yo can use hjklyubn

I didn't know that dwarves felt that way about trollfolk.

Ah, good idea. Wouldn't have thought of that. Side note is that I'm having tons of fun with temporal warden, teleporting all around, but I have no fucking idea what I'm doing so I'm sure I'll die the second I step foot in the far east.

Map fragment number four. Two left.

Did you get the random drop one yet?

>you will never receive (more)_
>you hear the ecstatic cries of a (more)_

Yeah, a lich dropped it in the graveyard.

Biskup needs to unfuck his text buffer.

what are some roguelikes other than URR with language-learning mechanics

Nethack samurai

>play samurai in Nethack4
>names of things are in english
What the hell

It’s you’re fault for playing nethack4

Sil-Q question. Wielding greatesword, what are essential abilities? Power seems obvious, how about charge?

I know FTL is just a "rogue lite" but I really, really, really liked it. I played the game with all but 2 ships and 90% of them until the end as well and unlocked every single possible cheevo as well.

What other games are like that? Preferably set in space.

have you played Dark Souls my man

FTL is SJW propaganda for sheep.
>muh evil space nazis fighting against diversity

Charge is fine, knockback can be good as well if you got good strength
Concentration can be good too to counteract the to hit penalty

hello friend i think you are lost
reddit dot com slash pepeclub is that way

>keep getting great loot in tome4
>too much great loot
>can't bear to vendor such great items
>overencumbered with 3 belts, 5 pairs of gloves, 4 hats/helms, 3 capes, and 2 pairs of boots
It's an abstract kind of hell.

who are you talking to

> drop the fucking || RM11B scout rifle+++++, shithead!

I bet you hoard consumables and don't even use them.


>five pages of consumables in my inventory in Elona

you should have gotten more creative in killing him, killing ANY dwarf is like killing cats and disqualifies you from that quest

>tfw dinner yells at you that he is ready to be eaten

Did you really have to do this, Biskup?

also that isn't because you were a troll, he is only racist to orcs but because you are chaotic

fuck balance stop killing all my items
I just want to go back to being neutral

Balance crime is a blight upon roguelikes and must be removed.

> at national guard camp
> activate rivtech combat armor
> wearing survivor armor over it
> round a corner
> "watch the last moments of your life?"
This fucking game, I swear.

Gz solar!

Congraturation! A winner is you! Now ascend a wishless ironman binder in slex.

>She conspicuously avoids saying the part of the name that's about horsedicks

Actually now that I mention it, why isn't this guy banned from all boards except /mlp/ at this point

Youre confusing me with someone else, user, i dont like ponies nor i go to /mlp/ at all

the guy in the op named his mumo after horsedicks
i don't know why rlg hasn't kicked him out yet

>named after horsedicks
>man who created mumo was named dicks and has a friend we called balls

Oh, i misunderstood you..

dicks are a proud and valuable part of our culture
ponies and furries are the exact opposite of that


> tfw you slept through mumo history and woke up to a billion messages from ponyfam about hype and fun and "where u at nigga?"
This is a poop world for poop people. God dammit. Thank God my planet glassing laser base on the moon is almost compete.

What roguelikes have cities, npcs, and extra activities like Elona+?

Funny that you mention Elona, since I just fixed the long-standing loophole where ranged monsters would just not fire their weapons when more than 5 tiles away. Did the developers PLAN to screw up that badly??? Makes it way too easy to cheese out Big Daddies and Utimas and other dangerous ranged attackers by simply keeping 6-7 squares distance and plugging away with your favorite ranged weapon. But thankfully Nurse Amy is there to cure such diseases.

Was it a bug introduced in Elona+ or vanilla Elona?

Not sure, don't have the vanilla source. But chances are it was always like that. Heck, in vanilla, big daddies can be cheesed even more easily since they have shotguns there and refuse to fire them when more than 3 tiles away.

I was neutral like him. He just doesn't like trolls apparently.

Fug. Well thanks for telling me before I wasted more time on the quest.

Trolls are suffering anyway.

bleeding in hell :D

Probably my best run yet at 70887 with a human chaos knight. That starting sword is OP. Bastard Xom decided I wasn't getting my ass handed to him hard enough when he decided to summon 7 random mean looking monsters around me then got a bad roll in a teleport.

>haven't played Crawl in almost two years
>First character is a KoHu who dies to a green man early
>Second character is OpAs of Dith who goes well until Shoals 4 and dies almost instantly.

Not the worst for someone who hasn't played as long as I have. Had fun.

It never goes away. You did good user.

>can't kill dwarves
>can't kill cats
>can't do the right thing if you're the wrong alignment
>can't do the wrong thing if you're the right alignment
>can't be invisible in the arena
>can't do anything wrong ever if you want an artifact belt
>can't find a gf who isn't obese
>can't enter the tower of fire without a ring of ice
>can't entire the palace of ice without a ring of fire
>can't entire the bug temple without hex editing adom.cnt
>can't hit the small cave before being attacked by roving raiders
>can't ever find the roving raiders after you hit the small cave
>can't get your money back from thieves
>can't take it anymore

Is IVAN fun?


Almost any game is more fun than ADOM.

Biskup is the male equivalent of the Amy.
Of course he fucking has to.

Should've read more discworld.

IVAN's really fun, but if you play it as you'd play any other roguelike you'll find yourself fucked in the ass by exploding veteran kamikaze dwarves six ways to sunday.

It requires a bit of spoiler-reading due to the fact it was created as a joke roguelike like Omega.

Sometimes a solar flare is just a solar flare.

Cataclysm DDA, although to a much lesser extent as far as I can tell.

Looks like adom has a whole new line of magic items called magic staves, which apparently break the game even further.
Now being an archmage with mana battery and a staff of baldness that recharges every 50 turns has become so easy it's not even an achievement anymore.
at least this is silly enough to joke about

>chilling at work one day
>turn on radio
>they say zombie apocalpse is start
>immediately tear down all the curtains
>run outside, grab rock, run back inside
>smash up all the chairs and bookcases
>grab plank
>pound anything metal till something breaks off
>furiously pummel metal into a spike
>use it to carefully whittle a wooden needle
>tediously seperate curtain strings into tiny thread
>spend the rest of the day learning how to sew

There was a time where after I played DDA for months where I'd actually carry a bunch of thread/needle/swiss army knife/screwdriver around in my winter coat
those were some weird times

Did you ever boil your toilet water and drink it?

No, but I did find out that making a stone pot out of string and random rocks is pretty silly
Nah I'm kidding
why is that shit still in the game seriously

>look around improved adom guidebook
>find this
apparently there's been a mod for Adom that has had starsign selector and stat roller since 2001
how can biskup be this much of a hack

2 more days

until what

also, time for the daily sil-q present

Unlike the other days, it's not lame at all

Biskup has no empathy toward ADOM's playerbase.

Adom and sil made me hate cats
I can no longer feel empathy towards those horrible balls of fur

>bolt goes offscreen
>kills a cat
>Biskup grows richer

Inna CDDA, the chemical thrower is neato.
Making the toxic gas ammo takes fucking ages but once you have it, you can clear out spider cellars willy nilly with barely any risk by just flooding it with gas.
Heinrich Himmler would be proud.

>item destruction

>You sense sudden taint in your vicinity.
>You sense sudden taint in your vicinity.
>You sense sudden taint in your vicinity.
>You sense sudden taint in your vicinity.
>You sense sudden taint in your vicinity.
>You sense a soul in agony.

FTL is a soyboy roguelike.


What game?

>that feel when only recipe with readily available stuff

>not locking xp from crafting

I want to read a blessed scroll of genocide on those fucked up asshole things so badly.

So you just read books all day? How is it less boring?

>pony/webcomic/furry/catposter turns skill rust off
Why am I not surprised

Man I remember when skill rust couldn't be turned off. That was what, three years ago?

My character needed to eat three trees every day just to power his memory banks.