/maint/ - Kirara Fantasia General

Previous thread: Emergency Maintenance STILL going (prease andastando).

>Game in 6-7 hours (probably). Check the twitter for constant updates.
>How to Play
a.safe.moe/MzoY5.apk (Android)
itunes.apple.com/jp/app/きららファンタジア/id1226256105?mt=8# (Apple)

>Menu Translations (Still in progress)

>Translated skills (5*s only)

>Translated manga compilation by TFOScans

>Card art poses


>Gameplay with Tutorial:




I want to bully Yuuko!
Then I want to stroke her face and kiss her forehead!
I love Yuuko!

god i wish that were me

/Cumming inside your favorite kirara~/

ded game
ded general
ded magazine

whoever did this needs to learn to draw eyes that doesn't make characters look like fucking aliens

N-New Game! event?


To be fair anime turned me into a paedophile.


Go figure, it turned me into a lesbian.


Lesbian(girl) or lesbian(male)?

hahah /kirafag/s blown the fuck out

Are devs arrested for pedophilia or something? How the fuck is the server still down.



>15 posters

Deadest general.

deader than /pmmm/

It's great, soon we are going to get rid of all the shitposters.

Let me see it, Toorun.





At this rate, they better just give us 2 5*s

I'll still spam rerolls though, for Hifumi

Stop posting Bland Shit.

>Kirara's mobage fiend isn't in the Kirara mobage

Goodnight, /kirafag/. Hope mt extends 1 more day.


>/u/ still mad

Who are you quoting?

Is that show not /u/? Glad I skipped it then


I never understood why some people think anything and everything in Kirara is going to be girls only.

nobody is deader than /pmmm/, they even tried to kill their general last thread.

While you guys are waiting you should play Magireco. It's filled with cute lesbians being gay.

Any general that has the same shitposters as regular Madoka threads deserves to die.

When isn't /u/ mad? If there one dick in any anime they go ape.

I don't think you should be so gullible.

I would rather play yuyuyui for my dose of lesbians.

fuck you and stop posting my wife

After so many good series, it's expected they one day would make a shit series. It is no coincidence that it is the series with male characters.

They just can not voice them.
If idolmaster can get away with half the cast not having voices so can Kirara.

>playing bootleg madoka

>everyone who doesn't like my shit show is /u/

Bland shit fans are that retarded.

cry more

I'd love to see male Kirara characters added to the game just to witness all the mad.
Although I'd unironically roll for 5* Yumeji.


>complaining about moeshit being bland
shit its got more got more going on in it then most moeshits other then AM I KAWAII UGUU

Did you end up in this thread by mistake?

But there are bad serializations that are female only works.

Pic not related

no but its easier to call stuff moeshit instead to piss people off

boy, i can't wait the meltdown

>my imouto is your wife
fuck you too

>wow im such a troll lol

Wakaba Girl being a short was a travesty. It deserves a full series.

We are almost certainly never going to see Yumeji, but I'm definitely at least going to roll everything I have when the other Merry characters get rateups.

>im such a loser i cant accept what i enjoy being called what it really is

Pretty sure there wasn't any more material, it's only one volume.

>tfw you will never have smol oneechan
why even live.

I want to sleep tight with Mii-kun!



With how long this is taking they better come back with Merry or something

dumb trolls...

I hope you have donuts for summoning catalysts, user.

you're not in this yet choco

I want to fuck a Cocoa.

Not even Momo's autism can handle all this maintenance.


Post more Momos.

I dropped Blend S when I found out that Mafuyu gets a boyfriend who is twice as tall as her.

are you a manlet?

Is Blend S written by a fujo or something?

I don't know about that but it seems like half her works involve a small girl and big dude


Are you not twice as tall as Mafuyu?


Putting my penis inside of Cocoa's tight butt!

>you're not in this yet choco
Really? What's the point of installing this game then?

3 hours bros
Their new servers better be real good

You know what happens in 3 hours? Servers go down

To save up until she's in the game, of course.

Support the game so they put the wabbits in.

I get this feeling that I'm going to wake up and the game will have been taken offline for emergency maintenance again.

I'm afraid of the same. Oh well, I'll just be envious of all the people who got to play.

Yeah, probably.

But sleep is important, too.

Well the whole point of the game is waiting for maintenance to end. It's only natural that maintenance will start again after it ends. Otherwise there isn't really much of a game.

>the game is up and then down again a moment before you wake up
>everyone is talking about their first impression of the game while you still doesn't know jackshit
don't sleep user

But I wasn't talking about the game.

They seriously didn't put a single Gochiusa in this game? What the fuck were they thinking?

they know the game will die in a few months and need a backup plan to make people come back

And let all of you roll them for free? What are you, nuts?