Was Attila the Hun white or Asian?
I mean, did he look like a modern day Hungarian or like your average Mongolian?.
Was Attila the Hun white or Asian?
I mean, did he look like a modern day Hungarian or like your average Mongolian?.
Goat fucker Mongoloid
Speaking of Mongoloids. Why did this Euroasian split happen? Why would the east-asian phenotypes still persist after leaving the arctic/Mongolia?
He originated from Central Asia so either Mongol or Turkic
>Short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin
Jordanes lived one hundred years after Attila
Neither. They were a mix of various Central Asian nomadics and Iranics.
>There is no surviving first-hand account of Attila's appearance, but there is a possible second-hand source provided by Jordanes, who cites a description given by Priscus.
And Priscus did meet Attila... soooo
Guess where the name "Hun" comes from.
He was central asian, possibly mongoloid.
He was of aryan nordic stock. How else could someone oh his caliber strike such terror and win such victories?
Probably Asian with a little bit of white.
Physically, Attila is described by Jordanes as short and stocky, with a large head, small eyes, a thin beard, a flat nose, and a swarthy complexion
The Huns were a people described in the following manner: “…the terror of their looks inspire in their enemies with no little horror by their awful aspect and by their horribly swarthy appearance. They have a sort of shapeless lump, if I may say so, not a face, and pinholes rather than eyes.”(5) A race of men who were short and bow-legged, riding their fast steppe ponies and living on their steeds terrorized Europe. They practically lived and slept on horseback, they ate half-raw meat, which was kept beneath their saddles, and shot their arrows with frightening accuracy
they grow up without beards, plump necks, and bow-legged
Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 390), Roman History, Book XXXI
>Kills whitey
>Has curved swords n shieet
>muh dic
>U ever seen a white man or asian actually conquer shieet insteada cuckin???
In conclusion WE WUZ MONGOLS :D
t. Varg Vikernes
No no the Huns were a tribe of Finns
Magyars have nothing to do with the huns
non magyars call them hungarians because they occupy the carpathian basin which was the hub of hunnic activity centuries before
um no shitlords he was a black prince of mali who traveled the world
>hy would the east-asian phenotypes still persist after leaving the arctic/Mongolia?
Maybe you should inform yourself, first of all they do not always persit, some native americans do not look anything like Mongoiloids, second of all Native Americans are not East Asians genetically, they are their own group which came from a group who was ancestors both to East Asians to a degree, and to Caucasoids to a smaller degree.
that would explain the state of Detroit today
Romans said Huns looked really weird and distinct, so probably Mongolian.
are you dumb?
Attila was finngolian
Attila was a norse aryan and the first viking