Old Thread Eyosongive.us
/lolg/ League of Legends General
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xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no qt petite gf
also answer my poll pls:
>Playing support
>ADC locks vayne with smite
>Tell them to take smite off
>"don't worry"
How bad is it gonna be?
when i'm 5/2 and you're 1/2 maybe you shouldn't flame because my 5/2 can quickly become 5/10
Who are you playing?
I'm going to mating press Sejuani poster!
What does Star Guardian pussy taste like?
star guardian was my favorite and i would like to think up a good idea for a fic of it but i think i spent my best sg idea with the thresh one but everything on elf is just too good. i especially love her train.
I take smite to get an edge on my support always fucking taking the cannon minion.
xth for breast festive waifu
My Silent Night folder is not very big
>enemy jungler ganks my lane
>kill both of them
>flash mastery for extra tilt
>never say anything in chat and dont spam mastery constantly
>in post game lobby the ENTIRE enemy team tells me how trash i am and not to flash mastery when im shit
>realize the full potential of how much a single mastery flash can tilt an entire team
holy fuck i never knew people were this mentally weak
feel free to join the lolgen discord. come hang out, meet up for bromades, Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums games, funposting, and discuss different topics about the game
xth for Epik Gamer, one of the best North American teams in Season 1.
Thats depends.
Do you play Yasuo? If so then id like to find you and gut you infront of your family on christmass eve. Literally no other champion would cause that much tilt.
Post your deals and rate others.
Guess I am not gettng anything. Riot can suck my dick.
Why the fuck would i join a discord full of trannies and degenerates when i can stay here and "discuss" different topics about the game?
Discord is for IRL friends ,loser
xth for best Ionian.
how do we fix ezreal?
xth for soraka midriff
Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.
>the only nu-eve skin i like
>the single and most fugly skins for ivern and camille
>i already have officer and neon strike vi and i wanted warring kingdoms
>i fucking hate ww
Quick skin sales are dropping!
Riot wants you to design a skin for you're waifu using your top fetish as inspiration. Go.
>crack open some /lolg/
>literally first 20 posts are all filtered
wew lad
How the hell did Dyrus let himself go this much? Did Chaox leaving TSM absolutely destroy his life?
>best Ionian will become even more best
I can't wait for 4-5 months.
I was first but damn..
>long drawn out teamfight
>survive because I'm j4
>the enemy warwick left the fight, healed up, has predator up,has mobi's,and really hates me for stealing his buffs
after seeing an udyr with this skin waddling about like a retard im almost willing to give them money
What do you think of this idea off the top of my head? Jinx is jealous of Ezreal and Lux so she tries to seduce Ezreal in order to get them to break up. When she fails to achieve this she instead uses Shiro and Kuro to restrain Ezreal and has her way with him
>Every Jhin I see builds Memethality
>"what if he just builds crit like a standard ADC?"
>Give it a try myself, IE-RFC-Shiv
>Start zooming around the map oneshotting everything that isn't a Tank
At last.
Now I truly see.
Wedding dress Riven
>top fetish
But I always wanted to see Galactic or Ashen Lady Syndra (the same theme as A Sol's skin).
Or Volleyball Syndra for a simpler but still cute skin.
>forced sedentary lifestyle
>tons of money for quick food, often snacks or takeout so you don't have to bother cooking
>girls want in on your e-fame and money so you don't have a reason to stay in shape
It's more impressive to think that there are pros that keep themselves in relatively good shape honestly.
my top fetish is animal tails and ears and guess what champion fulfills it 100% on every skin
Quickly /lolg/, teach me how to lane as Braum!
>giant women
I don't think that's going to work
>wouldn't fit any of the League women
I wish snow day syndra was better
She looks weird
Am I missing something or is Fleet Footwork MASSIVELY superior to PtA on ADC's? With PtA I'm lucky to ever proc it in lane and come midgame it's only useful against Tanks, but Fleet heals so fucking much, not to mention the speed boost.
>WK Xin 70% off
>Def not Udyr 50% off
>Spirit fire Brand 60% off
Pretty good deals
>Pregnant Nami
Not sure this is gonna sell
>tfw got Aviator in time for the rework
It's going to be best skin even harder, just you wait and see.
If Star Guardian pussy tastes like heaven, what does it feel like when you cum inside it?
tfw not a pro and so can't allow myself an endless stream of quick food
play lulu, ult girls only
>Klepto Swain
It's actually not bad. You want to harass after every E anyway, and it helps you sustain and reach your incredibly strong midgame sooner.
wait this is different from the other lolg discord on eyoson. what's up with that?
bullshit kiddo they nerfed speedy jhin with the rune change
Heaven still, I guess
It's the blonde hair. Syndra looks off with blonde hair.
my dick is already preparing for takeoff
Like you've come cum into heaven
>Hard carry from bot lane
>Honor Support
>He doesn't honor me
>got lotus Irelia in my shop which completes my Irelia skin collection
my dick is prepared
I want to FORCEFULLY Cuddle Lulu against her will
Share a situation from your recent game that caused you to be spooped
>getting ganked by a kayn who already has SA at 7 minutes
She looks good, the only weird thing about it are the vfx.
Syndra with blonde hair is cute.
>R63 Zac skin
You probably wouldn't even stay aware of your surroundings, the feeling would completely overwhelm your senses. Assuming that didn't happen just from being inside her
nothing personnel, kid. i only honor the one truly worthy of my commendation.
>tfw no fertile snek gf
>klepto on a ranged champ in a lane where most champs are melee
It's genuinely a cancer ability, allowing champions to stay ahead of you with zero effort.
You'll feel like reaching another plane of existence.
so pretty much like taking lsd?
>no cassiopeia fapfic where she wraps an user with her body and milks him dry like in the bewitching morgana fapfic
>Enemy Riven roams bot but I'm already under Tower
>She's going for it
>Move finger to Flash key, see I'm full health, move finger away from Flash key
>Riven Flash-W's onto me, I'm dead before stun wears off
>Hit Tab, she had full Duskblade, Ghostblade and Edgy Night
My bot lane is grasp sivir and instalock teemo,both using heal+flash
How fucked am i?
>Top laner locks in Zoe when we clearly need a tank.
>Everyone wins lane very hard but they drag down the team because they're 1/10/0 and we still need a tank
Best guy!
This isn't a recent game, but the spookiest thing ever happened to me
>Laning mid
>Hear Rek'Sai screech (her old ult)
>She zooms across my screen at mach 20 straight through mid lane on her way to top
I almost panic flashed
Same user from this post played again got fed team inted lost again. I am slowly going mental.
whats the name of this girl again
who else /spamming aram for snowballing/ here?
Top Laner who's taking a vacation in bot lane here.
Any respect I once had for my ADC's is now gone. This is absurdly easy. Jesus fucking Christ. It's not that I'm good at the role, it's that ADC's are SO incredibly bad that I can always snowball off of their dumb mistakes. I might play this lane more often.
This role feels like I'm playing the game on easy mode. Don't have to worry about pressure or roaming or back-times, so long as I don't literally int it's almost impossible to lose.
>ganking mid when the enemy heimer is really pushed up
>right as he's about to take one for the team, predator sion goes from base to my asshole in 2 seconds
>heimer stopwatches
by the GODS were we STRONG back then
>Laning top against Zoe as Trynd
>dodge most of her skillshots
>eat one and have to back because lol paddlestar
>minion wave is met at the middle of the river
>Rammus level 3 ganks as I start running away
>eat Powerball and a taunt
>start running under tower
>no minions, so Rammus tanks every shot
>pull first blood
Does anyone know if the Poro king snacks count for the Nice quest?
>Lose an incredibly close 1v1 due to a last-second lag spike
>Can't say it was lag because I'll just look like a retard
>Lane opponent /all: "?"
That's what happens when your role is the most babied by riot
not bad, but in my fics ez ends up with mf. still something to think about; maybe i could have the fics be contained so the differences wouldn't matter. it'll be a while before my next jinx fic anyway, since i like to switch champs up between them, so i'll have plenty of time to think of something.
They do
If you wrote some fic involving Star Guardian Soraka and an user I would love you forever. Especially if her tight starpussy is mind-shatteringly pleasurable to the point where only she can make him cum. Bonus points if she's using him as a magical cum battery
MF/Ez sounds better desu
Dat eve skin.
>getting asked to gank as you're being invaded by the laner from THEIR lane and the enemy jungler
who the hell do these people think I am?
What's the best Jhin skin?
I'm betting on either Aviator or Lotus to become her new best skin with Frostbutt slighthly behind.
Sweet. Thanks user.
kys fag lmao
a first person star guardian soraka fic doesn't seem that likely, unfortunately. i do like the idea of a healer woman healing and fucking a patient, though, so it's still possible. someday, i suppose
Well, you have the idea. I can't make you do anything
>healer woman healing and fucking a patient,
This is also a good idea
I got fucked.
>Already have Warden/Tundra
>Already have Corporate
>Already have Monarch
>Already have Dark Star
>Already have Gatekeeper/Enchanted
>Already have Surprise Party
The game went exactly the way I imagined it would. I love that you're punished for dodging games like these.