What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing at all.
Not sure what you're referring to t b h
Just looking for another Ferdinand, don't worry about it WW3 in 10-15yrs
its full of serbs
All the problems in the Balkans can be traced to the fall of Constantinople.
They tried to turn everyone into a Serb, they united all the Serbs in one state and abused their power, the ckmmies gave them a taste of their own medicine and made even the Serbs from Montenegro a separate nation, now Serbia gets smaller every decade.
Keep /int/ shit on /int/
Balkanistani niggers only deserve a boot on their neck
t.Balkanistani nigger
Istanbul hasn't fallen.
Austria-Hungary circa 1913
the Clintons
slavoturks buying into panslavism
what could go wrong?
Strategically they would have benefited from a union with Hungary and other states along the Danube, however Hungary gravitated strongly towards the antipapal germanic tribal confederation which had interests very different from those of Serbia, it ended up being a troubled buffer state.
Strayegically, Serbia's security was always guarenteed by South Slav unity. They compromised that and ended up getting cucked by the international community.
OP, for something to go wrong, it means that it must have been right at one point in time, and that has never been the case for Serbia.
What went through their heads when they constructed this bridge
So i looked it up.
There used to be part of a river that meandered under it, but the city authorities decided to block it off, fill the bed with soil and make 3 artificial lakes.
I guess they couldn't be bothered with demolishing the bridge.
Communism everybody.
Essentially this
communism that became nationalism that lead to ethnic cleansing that lead NATO to carpet bomb the area untill people chilled.
tl:dr Sperged so hard NATO kaboomd errbody
The Turks have rarely intermarried with subjugated people, especially if they're if they're not of Muslim faith.
>What are janissaries
>Blond-blue eyed Kemal
>Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha, Pargali Ibrahim Pasha,
Kösem Sultan, all ethnically Greeks
The "Turks" in your sense are not a thing. The Ottoman empire was a multiethnic empire. There were Slavic, Greek, Turkic, Assyrian muslim "turks" throughout its history.
They just preferred having the first night with them.
Literally nothing you mentioned is an example of Turks intermarrying with local people.
Blonde Turks are example of Janissaries and other converts to Islam who adopted (or whose descendants adopted) Turkish identity.