FARM edition
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
First for kill all Nezhafags and Nakakpedos
theres nothing wrong wanting to sniff nakak's wrappings after she spends a long hot day selling her wares
Change of pace: Say something you actually like about WF
For all of it's faults, I like that this is a game I can actually depend to be around in a few years. I can actually plan market investments a year or 2 ahead without having to worry the game will be dropped for a shitty sequel because a shitty publisher has decided a 2 next to the name will produce more sales than DLC or an update.
Nezha best and biggest dong
This. A million times this.
>duality is bad
its literally an AI aimbot
and creeping terrify is used when you want to make nekros into a CC frame
>ironclad charge is bad
>iron vault is bad
who even made this shit???
For what purpose
wheres SNACK poster?
>useless or very very niche
its 4am im going to sleep.
>ironclad charge is niche
do you EVEN rhino? thats like on every ironskin build ever
and isnt the picture supposed to be about 100% bad augs?
Why do retards insist on dashing through kuva when you can just beam it from across the map
You have the addon too? Or paint? Or photoshop?
dumb clown posters
sometimes it's bugged when you use the second prism, especially if not the host
it doesn't count to the siphon tick while still deleting said kuva
can be somewhat useful to wait for cat buffs but still inconsistent
>Don't have to RNG both obtaining the thing I want, an THEN stats on the thing I want to be of a high roll.
>Even if I don't get the stuff I do want, it ether leads into getting stuff I can sell towards other players, or sell off for ducats to obtain primed mods later on.
>Don't need to make like 10+ different characters that each have to grind out their own story paths and fill out their own chicklists just to goof around with different playing styles.
>Even the worse weapons can be made usable ( at least for star chart/event stuff ), so if I like a weapon just because, I can make sure it can at least kill things.
>Still no gay acolytes
>tumblr nose
I like Oberon, Limbo, Nidus and Chroma.
I hate everything else
what nose ??????
alright so riddle me this, why the fuck is he trying to sell this for so much? I have one with damage, fire rate, and multishot (-crit chance) and I can't get anyone to offer higher than 1.5k
is there kohm sleek im too retarded to figure out?
if you get enough status chance that you hit 100% status chance before you apply multishot the gun turns into an automatic tigris
I think that it's bugged for all non-beam prisms and scaffolds.
why does it matter if it's before multishot? Mine says 100% w/ riven on the loadout screen
100% for at least one pellet to proc vs 100% for EACH pellet to proc (pre-multishot case).
It's just how shotguns and status work
if you're reaching 100% status on you gun because of multi-shot it wont be 100% on every pellet and would be more like 10%
well now I feel retarded, and I thought the kohm was good beforehand. Are the slash procs diluted because of that many procs though? Like I guess right now I only proc a few slash per shot, and they do fairly strong damage per tick, does that damage get spread out among all of the slash procs in the case of 100% status?
Which do I keep? I'm obviously gonna keep rolling (I want -recoil, ms, crit, or something like that), but for now which works better?
I assume the right because it's radaition + boosts main stat? Or is the crit chance/reload better
t. shitter
>Farming Ivara BP in axi fissure
>End up with a team doing doing random rads
>Have to do every single vault by myself because if they even enter they trip alarms
>Doesn't matter, get rares nearly every run
>At least 15 relics opened
>One last run
>Get the Ivara BP
>"I am never doing another spy mission or hacking mini game for the rest of my life"
>Look at flood
>Its a corpus spy mission
Ruse, she's from Animal Crossing
>doesnt want to do spy missions
>farming ivara
Do I need a high status chance weapon to do spore carry Saryn in Hydron?
It affects the chance, the status damage works normally. The only thing to consider is that all pellets which are not part of the multishot are going to proc the same status, which indirectly affects the total DoT damage output.
>farming ivara bp
>in a fucking FISSURE
no one to blame but yourself there mate
loki is better for spy anyway
once you learn the layouts/shortcuts you'll never trip a laser again
Is that guy who wanted to get a Synoid Gammacor still about the place?
I was losing maybe 10% time on killing for reactant but otherwise was basically the same as going solo. Got the parts to finish my euphona and akstilletto along with at least 7 rare farm parts.
Loki is easily the most overrated frame and no better for spies/stealth than Ash.
Limbo is better for Spy anyway (with a Huras/Shade)
You don't even need shortcuts
I get it, you're saving time getting relics open and ivara both, but pubbing spy missions? fuck that noise, all you're doing is giving the mission a very real chance to fail
Newfag here.
Are dogs worth it? I don't want a digital tamagootchi that I'm forced to take care of every single damn day for the rest of my game experience, considering they apparently can die permanently if their stability or some shit reaches 0%.
You can stick them in the freezer to halt them starving. So if you get sick of 'em you can put them in the shoe until you decide to take them out again.
acolytes when?
Get the upgrade and they can't die, and it takes twice as long before you need to care about feeding them
I have two dogs that I use constantly. I might feed them something like once a week. Even then, 75k credits to feed them for weeks is nothing
Companion 2.0 coming soon, too
Just put them in the freezer when you don't need them - problem solved.
put them in the fridge OR make the breeder upgrade that automatically puts them in the fridge
El gato es en la nevera
You need the mastery so you'll do them even if you want to or not. Aidsdog can be useful tho by oneshotting stuff. (You can get one by draining a fully grown aids pimple from your frame's neck.) Just throw them out of the airlock when you 30'd them.
They might have some use in companion 2.0, so keep one that you like.
>Still no propper Oberon Paladin rework
>Still no propper farming spots for guarenteed drops
>Still no propper scaling
th-thanks de
Oberon works fine as a radiation-focused CC Paladin; he doesn't need a rework, just tweaking. His 1 just doesn't fit and he doesn't really synergize with his radiation theme.
His 1 just needs a rework to synergize with the rest of his kit, his 2 needs to be a full circle by default and stack its duration with diminishing returns on each cast, and his 3 needs to take a portion of the damage radiated enemies deal to each other inside its radius and give it to allies with the Renewal buff, as a temporary boost to either the Renewal or Iron Renewal buffs
>neutron star
>useless or niche
I don't expect much from /wfg/ these days, but it doesn't take much to figure out why neutron star is nova's best augment
Meant to say he doesn't need a full rework. I'd support his 1 being reworked
I'd like that buff to his Renewal
yup. Pretty much mandatory if you are doing over lvl 100 runs.
>his one doesn't fit
It's smite... one of the most basic paladin themed ability, and it scales fine...
His 2 needs to be M O B I L E because you don't stay in only one fucking spot in this game
His three is really fine until level 100+ since you get shat on easily since you don't have fucking armor for shit
Seriously you have less than excal, the fucking knight frame.
Plus reckoning is really just shit
no, you just need something with aoe do like mutalist cernos
How do I make Saryn viable on 70+?
you don't
Who is the Nino of Warframe
I feel like you can build Saryn (prime) any way you want and she is still great for sortie 3 levels
>go to index for credits
>rhinos fucking everywhere
>hoards every points and steals them from you
>wont even deposit
Fucking retards
NO, they are not worth it unless you are a massive autist
vacuum is too valuable for new players to ever even consider running companions
He is the one playing correctly, not you retard
I see this meme every time yet Ivara makes spy missions actually fun rather than a ball ache
Bad bait
>join random pub for eidolon hunting
>Gara, Oberon, Loki P
Separate Eidolon hunt search when? I hate joining mr1 Excals
Oh wait, you're the guy who posted the full list of changes yesterday, has no idea how Oberon actually works, and tried to make him into a DPS and was ridiculed. Yeah, no. Opinion discarded.
% damage /before/ armor is not scaling
>2 needs to be mobile
It's a huge radius if you actually put in the range to make it a full circle. His 2 is to augment his other abilities, that's all. The only 'persistent' effect it gives you is the status immunity, but Renewal removes statuses if you're at full health anyway. It has no need to be mobile. You just recast it whenever you move 50+ meters, it takes all of .2 seconds, and it's a large range even at default. The only major change it needs is to be a full circle by default.
>3 doesn't have shit for armor
Yesterday you suggested 100 armor on the 3 which is less than what the 3 currently gives you with Iron Renewal. No. Also, Iron Renewal can give you a potential ~800 armor, which puts you above 80% reduction.
>Reckoning is shit
It is the only reason he can actually do endless level 150+ runs, by stripping everything's armor permanently. You just want to make it into a pure DPS ability with zero scaling and less utility than it's ever had before.
Please don't tell me you're going to be someone who posts this 'still no rework to my shitty DPS idea' thing every thread
>join some random ass neo capture for traces farm
>dude drops mirage prime BP
Wait till you get a rhino prime bp
I have no idea who you're talking about
I want my Oberon to be a full Tank
Already started getting Arcanes for armor
So yeah, putting range is not an option.
Plus why i said reckoning was shit is just because it loks you into a very long animation which you will most likely get shot in
>operator makes a snarky remark about the corpus needing robots to fight for them
You wait for DE to add frame rivens :^)
>Don't you think they could clone something a little less ..ugly.
this is why I refuse to do war within
>make remarks about how Jewish Corpus are
Are taters /ourguys/?
This is you. Literally everything you just said 'needed to be changed', you've already said here. Don't try to be coy. You did this shit literally yesterday.
>putting range is not an option
You can get enough range to make a full circle and to get full armor strip in two casts of Reckoning, while still having innate tankiness and 175% efficiency (which can be replaced for Rage/QT if you want and still work fine).
Reckoning animation is .75 seconds long and lifts the enemy /immediately/. You don't get shot during it unless you're a default range Oberon using it in the middle of PoE content, getting shot from 100m away - and you shouldn't ever be dying to those level enemies no matter what build you're running. He can already reach over 1k armor and 150 health regen with Iron Reckoning. What he needs is QoL buffs and for you to git gud. This is clearly subjective so I won't use it as a real argument, I do 4 hour solo runs as Oberon and I don't die. His survivability is some of the best in the game with his high range radiation fields which keeps enemies fighting each other rather than you, instant CC that removes armor, and some of the best synergy with QT/Rage of any frame.
Mutalist Cernos, Pox, Torid are all decent.
Zenistar is the king of molt spore popping.
>but pubbing spy missions?
it's not so bad. i pubbed my ivara parts
>massive autist
checks out
Put a fucking trip on.
literally superfluous
tag one guy, blast him, entire level has aids
Context dear, we're talking about AFK farming.
instead of giving pets univac i think de should do the smart thing and remove univac altogether. it needs to be deleted
I have 3k plat and nothing to spend it on.
>when molt dies in 2 seconds
if you want to afk hydron, use ember
Just got octavia.
Damn Mallet is silly strong.
>making the game into pickup simulator
>make everyone in the game have to focus half on the game and half on picking shit up
>for everyone
Everyone would quit.
wfg is really fucking stupid to fall for these reddit mind games so easily. only like a hand full of people are call them out on it and the rest would rather circlejjerk them until they make the exact same post in the next thread.