Snowdown is in full swing!
Old and busted
Snowdown is in full swing!
Old and busted
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Hammer Yordle!
i want to hammer her
xth for my wife Syndra
please come join the /lolg/ discord!
Lets all be friends and play league together I just wanna be besties with all of you guys
>4 replies
>4 images
you cunts need to stop this shit, this is why people make threads at 600 posts
Patrician Zoe knows which parts of a man to look at.
I'm too lazy to make threads unless they hit page 9/10
I am 10 years too old to seduce anyone in there into buying me rp, sorry.
H-hey, we have people of all ages in here!
>81 online
>212 members
I'm a bit surprised
>people still banning darius
Too bad your disc is full of peados and cuckboys
Phase rush made him incredibly annoying and hard to handle for almost all top laners.
Have you not played against a phase rush darius yet? They almost always get fed.
darius is garbage senpai
I can't think of a top laner who struggles against this shit this patch
unless hes complete sub 45% winrate dogshit he will be a frequent ban because hes just so annoying to lane against
>darius getting fed
t. bronzie
Dude Poppy with Sheen outtrades both Garen and Darius.
>Thinking Darius' never get fed in Diamond
I mean yeah, it's not ALL THE TIME like that other user said, but you either have never seen diamond games with a Darius in them or you're willingly lying if you said he never gets fed. The problem Darius has in high elo is actually doing anything with that gold.
>Playing draft pick
>Our team has first pick
>Zoe not banned
>They pick Zoe first pick
>Enemy team dodges
>Zoe banned
>Somebody dodges
>Zoe on enemy team
>Somebody dodges
18 literal minutes to try to get into a game. I started a movie then started queuing and it's 18 minutes in.
I can't believe bronzies are actually defending darius not being garbage, tell me again how darius lanes against ornn, maokai, pantheon, teemo and jayce
>play teemo
>splitpush and get first 2 towers in my lane cause i dominated top
>team cant get a single tower on their own even though they send 4 top to kill me every time i show up
>dude why you splitpush
>they kept engaging 4v5
>everyone had 10k damage while i was at 76k
>Phase rush procs
>Circle to side of Ornn when he W's
>Auto him while he tries to run
>Bleed newly buffed does 200 damage
>Ult him for 500 true damage
>Two shot all squishies on enemy team and always get away
>wanna play some top lane and enjoy the snowdown map
>remember what a shit state top lane is in right now if you're not playing tanks or teemo
When's it gonna be fixed?
pretty good loot for 2017 senpai
The three most played tops in plat+ atm are Riven, Yasuo, and Gangplank.
Darius shits on Yasuo and Gangplank. I can see why people find him annoying.
>lane ends
>ornn goes THOOT THOOT
>dairus is perma stunne and blown up instantly
>made way before either imagecap or post cap
>still up
mods, wake up
smite this thread
also smite the fuckhead enablers that rush into new threads to xthpost
I finally decided which roles I want to main, mid/jungle. Can you guys give me some tips with the latter? Can you post the best guides on jungling? Thanks
>when you get camped so hard your team gets every drake
>when your enemy laner is so shit you shit on him anyway
Fucking retarded junglers man.
which yordle girl would be the best to forcefully ejaculate inside and why is it lulu exactly?
>haven't played league in almost a year
>kinda wanna pick it back up again
Any huge changes in the past 10ish months?
trist got a new pool party skin its very lewd
How do I lane against ranged top laners as Urgot?
Kennen is a bitch.
Are they not putting up legacy skins for Christmas like they did last year? I was hoping to snag Firefighter Trist this year but it looks like I'll have to wait longer.
>shit talk my team
>get honors anyway
>Have so many games I wanna play
>Can't stop playing league
>Both of Poppy's Winter skins share the same pose
except they clearly don't you retard
Are you blind or just a troll?
i want to like the new poppy skin, the art is top tier but ingame the freckles look ugly
ragdoll a best
Would Noxus be okay with me marrying Annie?
>literally blind
quick user, how many fingers am i holding up
As long as youre strong enough to fight whoever would object it (nobody.) its fine in noxus
Anyone got those new Sneak pics?
What champions counter Azir in lane?
It's not exactly the same pose. The perspective just makes it seem that way.
what the fuck have i missed jesus christ
runes are gone?
>runes are gone?
Pretty sure ever since they made his ult not stop block anymore Akali can shit on him and snowball really easily.
old runes, you cheeky cunt
>i'm literally too fucking stupid to google "new runes league of legends"
>have 40 champ left to purchase
>never ever get a champ shard for any of em
>except for a lulu one I already disenchanted because fuck lulu
I'm starting to think that locked champions aren't in level up capsules at all
bro he said he hasn't been on in a year, why you gotta be like that?
>8 losses in row
i wonder how long will it lasts
>not stop block anymore
*not stop dashes anymore
I wish Ragdoll model was more like the splash
with the blue eyes and hair accessories, besides she didn't feel much like a Winter skin to me, I think she'll be better being placed in the Toy skin-line since the splashart gives off a Toy Story Vibe more than Christmas.
Snow Fawn is better imo.
I meant to say similar.
Oy vey what do you mean? You don't enjoy playing 30 games to get 2 Nunu shards?
It would be much easier if you used real money to support the efforts of a small and dedicated indie team such as Riot Games :tm:
Katarina, Malzahar, Taliyah if you're not shit
its a really old skin orginally, toy skinlines didnt exist back then
yeah the eyes are a shame but you dont see them often ingame, and its not like theyre bad or anything
I was the same until I decided to play Ornn and just shit on the enemy lane. Felt cathartic, and I also won which felt even better.
>tfw no qt petite gf
teemo is so fucking broken
Why am i finding her fawn pigtails absolutely disgusting and im not talking about just disliking them i mean genuine disgust and making me nauseous
Why thred so ded?
I want to impregnate that Nidalee
dead thread for a dead game
>I'm such a cunt I don't want to discuss the game this general is about with a person who hasnt played in a while
Yeah I know it's old she was one of the first Toys,
I miss her doll face when she was at full W passive stacks
Wish she kept that feature, they could've made her go doll face when her Stubborn to a Fault activates.
It's not bad but they could've done a little better.
Reindeer butts...on her head...
What's your opinion on Zilean mains?
NA shitposters are sleeping
twap* twap* twap* twap* noou* twap* twap* twap* twap* noouh*
Everyone out trades Garen.
His early game damage is fucking garbage.
>19 kills 2 deaths
What is he thinking, loleg?
distilled autism
>watch IWD because he plays my favourite champions
>the guy is a complete crybaby who always blames his teammates for his deaths
any streamers as toxic and whiny as this cunt? I want to see them suffer.
Yeah, coupled with 5cs/per minute that is not all that good.
Ranks are almost solely based on farm at this point
Eat shit, faggot.
>Jungler comes in to try and force a gank that would never work anyway.
>Gank doesn't work.
>Walks around the cliff and through the tri-bush on their way out.
>Gets collapsed on by the jungler and toplaner.
>I die peeling them off her.
>She hangs around and gets doved.
Gas all retards.
I want to eat tacos and Kled!
Yeah and the new runes have been really fun to try out.
Allows you to have multiple options for champs depending on the situation without being retarded like old runes
I don’t have time for them
>Pick sion to do some cheese where I start enemy red, die to it on purpose, finish it, then TP back to top lane to start with red buff
>Waiting in river bush until close to spawn
>Ornn, Nidalee, and Lux were all waiting by red buff (Purple side) for some reason
>Why the fuck is nidalee starting red
>I started a longsword, pink, and potion specifically for this cheese
>Fuck it, everybody had to back and it put Nidalee far behind because she recalled at almost 2 minutes with no buff
>I'm Sion vs fucking Ornn and without red buff cheese I can't really fight him
>Just farming for most of the early game
>Tryndamere is like "Hey boy I got you, I'm coming top", or something along those lines, he just pinged
>He comes top
>Does 20 damage to ornn
>Gives ornn double buff
>Ornn turns around and kills me under tower at level 4, then E's away so I couldn't trade kill with my passive
>He built a FUCKING SHEEN first item
>Comes back to lane and instantly all-ins under my tower, kills me again from 100% and E's away from tower/my passive yet again
>Sion is shit
>Try to just farm but constantly getting dove/chased and end up 0/6/1 at one point
>Entire team is bitching at me for building a frozen mallet and hydra and screaming at me to "build tank", without knowing what I was planning to build at all
>The hydra and frozen mallet were core to my ability to do fucking anything in team fights late game, against that ornn
>Peel with frozen mallet and body blocking in fights
>Chase down Nidalee and Kennen with the various slows from my Q, E, and frozen mallet
>Manage team fights as best I can through slows and knock ups, a lot of the time I'm just body blocking Ornn and keeping him off of my team mates
>End of the game, team finally goes "okay honor Sion we gave him a hard time"
Yeah, fuck you guys, suck my dick. Sion's already shit, I don't know what they expected from me early game against Ornn with a god damn tryndamere jungle. (I out damaged Tryndamere.)
>Welp, lane is fucking over
This. A 6/6/6 game with Malz gave me A+ just because of how easy is to farm with him. A 11/1/4 game with Lux gave me A+ because I was actually murdering people the whole time instead of solo pushing top. Shit system.
here's what actually happens
>cry for ganks
>cry for more ganks
>threaten to int & afk
>Jungler comes in to try and force a gank that would never work anyway.
>Gank doesn't work.
>Walks around the cliff and through the tri-bush on their way out.
>Gets collapsed on by the jungler and toplaner.
>I die peeling them off her.
>She hangs around and gets doved.
MF is fucking broken. Jesus christ. I got a skin from a chest and decided to play her. Just bullied the shit out of their ADC, I felt bad.
The rank is based on how well everybody does with the character in the role you're in as far as I can tell. I've gotten S- on characters where I was 4/1/3 with 90CS at 25 minutes
He's think about asking Elise out on a date.
>NA shitposters from the West coast wake up
MF requires you to land a double up to win lane, and against most of the meta ADC (Varus, Jhin, Lucian.) they're so far away poking you for just as much damage as double up does, that you can't land any. MF is only OP against idiots.
>She's getting nerfed REALLY hard in the next patch