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the new bloo is tru, the old bloo is poo.

I want to bully Sombra until she cries!

2st for reaper is a pedophile

Nearly 2018 and we’re still turning a blind eye to the massive piece of broken shit known as roadhog.

I want to _eat_ Sombra!

If you complain about Pharah when she's not being pocketed by a Mercy then you're literally bronze, if anything she needs to be buffed if that cunt Junkrat has literally no damage falloff on his mines and deal as much damage with them as Pharah does with a direct hit

>Sleep dart a Hanzo missing all his shots
>Pillow spray
>Junkrat walks over
>Throws a mine on his head
>Both teabag him
>Kill him

Sometimes teamwork really does exist in this game

What's wrong with him?

I'm just gonna instalock Hanzo from now on. I don't care anymore.

>gets my favorite hair
>turns bloo
>I can't still play her for shit


>instalocking hanzo

Here comes T.Racer!

>mccree has no good skins
well damn

Halle berry sombra is my new main!

Stay sad and alone

Doomfist is fun!

I have never needed something as badly as I need this.

I want to marry and impregnate Tracer

Too bad, fag, Tracer's for cute girls only


My wife, Sombra, is just too cute!

Who's gonna be gay for christmas ?

Is that some kind of anime title?


I'd like to bear her children.

anyone else discovered this spot for easy kills as df during clutch moments when the opposing team is rushing to attack, I've been using it consistently for some time now

Would work better as Lucio

um no shit lol

The Sombra litmus Test;
>Play as sombra in FFA DM.
>Never switch heroes
>If you cant win games you have no business playing her

i find playing her in ffa dm is really good practice for learning to solo most heroes and build your ult without relying on others.
it also trains my eye better for noticing low health heroes and their position on the map.
FFADM is also the most fun mode in the game to play as sombra once you have gotten the hang of her.
after so many hours in this mode i can confidently solo junkrats like no ones business.

Hanzo, have you seen his new skin?

yeah, I actually got the the floor is lava achievement using this method on hanamura

Enjoy not winning matches cuck.

>If you cant win games you have no business playing her
This is the issue, yes.

i win them all the time shitlord

10/10 skins this event IMO: roadhog, junkrat and ana

>game still isnt fun

why do i even have this installed???

it is possible to be good at bastion without having a tank baby sit you all game?
feels like im playing a rein sized solider because going into turret form just makes me a free kill

Post vids then, Big Dick

Hanzo's sucks though

These skills are really fucking ugly.

I still can’t get a doomfist event update.

Retards still crawl over comp.

Fuck it. Uninstalling.

>carry game
>do fuckall and fuck around as doomfist

ugly af

hanzo skins sucks ass, so does the soldier skin



Stop going into Sentry mode in direct line of enemies. You want to switch positions often and try to keep yourself in high places or places where you can easily switch back to Recon and get away. Try to keep your distance since you don't need to be too close to enemies to still do heaps of damage, and your damage resistance makes it so people trying to engage you from afar don't do shit. Always be scared of Roadhog.

i dont record my matches, im sorry you are not good enough to score solo kills perhaps you should play sym or something

>still no sweater:76
>no sexy sweater puppies for any of the girls
Honestly, just do an ugly sweater update.

Thank you Blizzard

>Google Jackie Frost
>she's a real character


anyone want to play together for the bonus exp?
US UrbanBorne#1701

>play comp
>lose 6 in a row
Forced 50 isn’t a thing, fuck I wish my winrate was 50%

It's a thing, just wait.

This is every straight man's dream.

yeah from Ever After High

Winstons homosexuality caused the chimpout that killed everyone on the moon. The only one who truly understands him is Tracer, another homosexual.


>season 6
>about 23 more losses than wins
>forced 50
Nah user I gave up on that meme. Not being able to win games sucks the fun right out of this as much as I love this game.

Tracer is straight.

>being this delusional
She's canonically gay you dumb cuck

Whats the consensus on Yeti Hunter?

>male hetro fashion in Japanese is seen as metro sexual in America

Typical burgers injecting meaning where there isn't any.

Shit mode

It's a quick way to get lootboxes

>nothing for Moira
>Sombra got a shit skin that ruins her
why does Blizzard hate girls with long nails?

Fuck the canon. She'll always be straight to me.

>50 percent win rate diamond

because they're not lesbians


yeah true she is straight just Blizzard wanted to spread a scandal about her

ew she's gotten really fat.

That's what delusion is, retard

>genji/mercy allowed to be overpowered no skill heroes
>someone else shows up that takes skill and is a bit OP
>insta nerfed

sombra is way better without huge ass nails, her new skin is best skin.

Because long nails are fucking disgusting

>no skill hero

yeah ok buddy.

i just rejoined overpaid just for this update,last time i played was season 5,wtf is up with mercy rez

no no mate you know she is just thicc every virgin neckbeard would say that

Couple of things I forgot: positioning yourself to ambush people is one of the best ways to play Bastion. Shoot someone who doesn't expect you to be there, switch positions as soon as it is safe.

And finally, as for Offense, you are the best shield breaker. Just get a good angle that doesn't give enemis a clear shot on your but where you can still see the shield, and shoot the shit out of the shield. Make it easier on your teammates to get damage on the enemies.

how do i take a screenshot

> They go out the other side and flank/avoid you
How's bronze looking these days?

>get smurf duo on my team
>they are throwing and even say so in comms
>rest of team gives up and troll picks
>we absolutely annihilate the other team anyway

blizzard matchmaking everyone

she used to be thicc, but now her thicc is sagging and shes getting cellulite

alt + f4

printscreen :D

do i have to delete system 32 aswell

>thinks canon is worth anyting
>calls someone else deludional

I got this yesterday

Whats the point of killing anyone, shooting, ulting, meleeing when they have a genji and mercy on the enemy team

Just shoot mercy and don't shoot at genji when he's reflecting

Finally get a legendary its a hero I don't play

Lucky motherfucker. I'll be grinding these days just to get boxes and see if I get it.

>don't shoot at genji
>he deflects and kills you anyway

>Not playing zarya

>reaper's damage

? ? ?

>pink dot as crosshair

Threadly reminder that defense hero are underpowered annoying pieces of shit besides junkrat, he's a borderline overpowered annoying piece of shit that add nothing to the game beside enabling cancer shitter comps and that removing them will only make the game better symmetra included, widowmaker simply doesn't belong in this game
Removing mercy wouldn't hurt either

>dead centre headshot from 2 feet away
>25% damage
