/yyy/ - Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Hanayui no Kirameki General #47

>Introduction to the YuYuYu series
>FAQ, guides, TL scenarios, ID list, Yuushas and Fairies TLs
>Current Events
Season 2 special stages
Cancer invasion (Gin/Tougou/possibly Sonoko later)
Christmas event (1st half)
>Upcoming Events
Christmas event (2nd half)
Itsuki/Shiratori birthdays
>Current Gacha
Christmas Tougou/Karin SSR (two separate versions with increased red/blue drop chances)

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Behead all who made Yuuna-chan cry.

I unironically feel this way.

We will probably not kill Amy-chan but I hope they bully her into retreating into some cave.

They should kill that cunt.

Why can't Cygames buy this franchise so we can have infinite mobagebux for adapting everything?


Ironically I just bought the Pc port of Okami. Is there any way I can bully Ammy there?

>it's a sakuria doesn't finish pics an spams wips episode

Jump off a cliff.

What'd he do wrong?

That was unwarranted and mean, user.

There is no need for petty squabbles, friends.
Let us instead bask in the radiance of Yumiko-sama in all her illustriousness.

I want to bask in her piss.

but yumiko-sama looks fat

Shit I just realized.
I meant to reply to the user asking how he can bully Amaterasu in Ookami.
I'm so sorry.

Hanayui 8N:

What has she seen?

She probably walked in on Taishamen out of their costumes.

Mebuki and Suzume's secret training.

Thank you.

/ourteam/ is playing against /hanny/ in the Omegacup soon on smashcast /SirPainsALot

Is it a rerun?

No, we just ended up in the same region.

Of course everyone gets their shit together and massacres the enemy teams when the cup doesn't matter.

Just like in gacha games!

Never lucky.



Yumiko-sama is too good for this world.

You are not worthy.

Only two more days for the bonus chapter.

Thanks user. Glad to see more stuff subbed.

What are the skills for the Christmas SSR again?
They are missing in the doc.

They're the first actually bad SSRs we've had a long time so it doesn't really matter.

I wonder if it can salvage the ending, the 'last' chapter barely touched the loose ends in the story.

Thanks user. I always like Hanayui chapters. they have good balance of funny SoL and great character moments and interactions.
I'd be happy if it gave the sentinels a more active role in the story, or at least hint that we'll see more of them in future Yuusha de Aru chapters.

Season 2 could have been like this. What went wrong?

It's the opposite for me, I like the regular scenarios much more. The Hanayui chapters waste way too much time explaining battles and game mechanics at the expense of plot and character interactions.

Sonoko angered the gods by dyeing her hair back to her elementary school color.

>her elementary school color
Which one?

Yumiko-sama is amazing

If you think she's fat, I kinda don't want to know what you consider skinny.

wow, that was totally the wrong picture. Oh well.

Chikage is a good girl, I hope she gets her happy ending with Takashima

Did you read NoWaYu until the end?

They do in my heart;_;



Every time.

God damn shit.

Remember to always backup your game files on a regular basis.

Lose your account?

Shinju mankai'd all my game files in a crash, the last backup I had was from 6 months or something ago.

oh fuck, user.

Dammit, wrong headpat pic related. This is the one I meant to post.

I'm sorry.

did you at least link your account to DMM?

i think the .opy file only contains user id data, the profile data is still stored in the server because when i linked to DMM the updates were almost realtime

Yeah if you have your user id data, either the .opy or DMM or the username/password, you should be able to get the game back. If you don't, you can send a support email and ask for your account back

how's life yuushafags

Thanks user.


ded like Sonoko by the end of Hero Chapter

Sonocchi will live.

Can't be helped

I want to fuck Gin.

We know you do, buddy.


I'll marry her first, don't worry.

christ in a handbasket

Shinju in a manju.

Ibaraki and Fukuo's altitude are pretty south too... Suwa count only because it have high altitude

What the hell are you talking about.

The linein the map on OP's image

Fat Fuus

Sekka, is this good?

Looks like Cancer part 2 will have Gin along with Big Sonoko.

How fitting.

I hope she has an useful ability or OP stats like her anime SR!

My wife is so pretty.

When did this cancer break out of the Gochiusa threads?

That's just Itsuki.

People said that about Fuu since times immemorial though.

Itsuki is looking so cute in that outfit.

Because people imagine this's a """normal""" behavior

Anzu please.

I'm fairly sure it started at some point around the launch of YuYuYui, together with the "post top yuusha" spam that thankfully died down.

Read the manga.

What happened
I can't play event :(
stor is freeze
BOSS can't coming

how can i doing?

You might want to reboot your brain.

clear cache



That great sketch would be even greater if they were holding hands

Snok in a cock

a cock in Snok



me on the left

Omegacup is back. Veeky Forums vs /yyy/ soon on /DrDtroit

I feel like there's more yuushaposting in /きらら/ than in /yyy/ these days.
