God I wish Shaxx would ram his thick meat up my tender warlock boipussy Editon
Raid Lair is still LIVE
God I wish Shaxx would ram his thick meat up my tender warlock boipussy Editon
Raid Lair is still LIVE
first for fuck hunters
so where the fuck did my ornaments go for raid gear?
Asking again should I start playing this game now on PC?
Show me your fashion Guardians, comment other other peoples.
Do I need to buy the dlc? How are the catch up mechanics? How long does it take for me to get into raiding and higher strikes?
I always thought shaxx was black.
why did you make this thread gay?
I looks like I wont be coming back here
It's not gay on /dg/
where the vacaroo
This is an MMO-lite. You need ALL the DLC eventually, or just go home and play another game.
Once again, lfg for
Or all 3.
I don't fucking get it. I melee twice and the guy only has 1/4 of his shields down while his one melee takes all my health away. Game is garbage.
No. Save your money unless you're absolutely dying for a looter shooter. Don't get it just because your friends are playing it right now, because you'll just be like my max autismo friend who does that just to bitch. Unless you're a sad fool like me, who has a mounting list of issues with the game but still plays. I'll stick with it until they call it quits or do something absurdly heinous. Dont be like me.
>sip meme
Range, Reload or Magazine for Devils PvE Masterwork?
niqqa, do NOT melee someone who is at full health. At least get 1-2 shots on it first. 2-3 melee is NOT faster than a few shots and one melee. I find it easiest with Hand cannons to just get a solid yellow show, then trade melees. You will usually win exchanges that way, or at the very least, trade.
>stand asides are one of 2 new exotic armor pieces I have
>get stand asides from an exotic engram, heroic milestone, crucible milestone, and flashpoint
subarashi bunjews. when are they fixing this shit
orbs or reload
Who the fuck thought momentum was a good idea for a modifier? Why is everything in this fucking game a step backwards from D1? What is this shit?
>orbs or reload
what did he mean by this
new for CoO anyway. I never used them in d1. were they any good? I always preferred peregrines
ok pumpkin, i'll spell it out for you, i know you kids have short attention spans. for a pvp handcannon, still following? impact and maybe range might be good. but handcannons don't get impact as a masterwork stat, so that leaves range. an extra 5 range might be ok, but with how fast everything moves it won't really matter. also, not sure how much you've played with masterworks in pvp yet, you won't be generating extra orbs that frequently, at least not enough to matter in a pvp match. unless the whole team is getting multi kills with masterwork weapons, you won't get another super during the match. and if your team is routinely getting enough multi kills to give you a second super, then you won't need it since you'll be stomping the opposing team already, and depending on the game mode can force mercy rule, so you won't be playing long enough to get the second super anyway.
so, again, orbs are kind of a waste on a pvp weapon.
>want to like crimson
>doesnt feel as good as better devils
>he doesn't sip
every Masterwork has orbs dumbass
I was under the impression you had to choose. If im wrong and all masterworks innately grant orbs as well as getting a stat boost then woops
Did you try it up your pooper?
welp there it is ill be on my way
>ok pumpkin
This isn't reddit you moron. All masterworks have orbs.
What is this rabbit on my weapon and pants?
I was really looking forward to faction rally
They literally cannot be a waste you moronic fuck, they're a bonus perk that doesn't replace anything.
it is the lucky rabbit, you silly.
What's better, Machina Dei or Lincoln Green?
She's my wife
>guy has 3/4 of his shield down from someone else shooting him
>jump over him and melee him from behind three times
>he goes to 3/4 health, turns around and melees me twice and I die
Just happened now in Cru. This fucking game is garbage.
I can do NF and 6 strikes if you want to.
wow, guess i need to go even more basic. i know all weapons have orbs. i know it doesn't replace everything. but for a pvp weapon, it doesn't matter. unless you and your team are all using masterwork weapons, you likely won't get a second super before the match ends. if you do get a second super, then your team was stomping the other team anyway and you won't need it anyway. not that hard to grasp.
1 more for nf and strikes
nth for best girl
ah, i see. you mean this NETCODE is fucking garbage. And to that I would say you are right.
>Lost prophecy, another verse.
What is this
Shit son, believe that is the quest for Saint-14's shotgun.
That's not a waste, that means they're pointless.
Me and a enemy just kept punching eachother but neither of us would die before
I guess its a matter of taste for pve, but imo the faster firing pulse rifles are better in general than the heavy frames. Neither is gonna be that good in pvp though.
What is the best hunter set? I unironically like Asher Ricks set but i've ranked up 45 times and not gotten a single helmet
>inb4 male hunter WHAT A FAG
but time worn spire, autumn wind, and darkest before are excellent for pvp
>male hunter
>looks like a fag
>asher rick
Share PVP loadouts and rate/trash other Guardians.
Chaos Warlock
Nezarec's Sin
New City/Uriel's Gift/flex Void Sword/Grenade launcher
Devour tends to be favored as the Void Warlock of choice for PVP but I think it's overrated. The focus of this build is taking advantage of Nezarec's and Chaos melee to have a constant supply of empowered grenades to throw out in fights. In extended team engagements it's possible for you to start the fight with a grenade, get 2 kills+a melee in, and have your grenade back up for the next fight. Uriel's is your primary weapon here for obvious reasons, I never actually switch to my kinetic unless my clip runs out mid-fight. Launcher is a personal preference over rockets, as I often find myself overshooting my mark with them. Sword is self-explanatory. Don't be afraid to use your ult for a free kill, you won't get more than one a game as is and if you hold on to it you'll probably never get to use it.
True, but those are the exceptions IMO. Even vigiliance wing which is one of the best pulse rifles tends to underperform in pvp.
You can buy the helmet now, and Gensym is Recovery focused so it's great
Really? I haven't touched this game in a week, I'll check it out
thanks pham
I don't care about PvP. I'm asking because I got a masterwork LG and I don't know if I should put machina into it
>What is the best hunter set?
Road complex, except the legs which only have 1 recovery
Gensym knight (Io) and the Mercury stuff is also good
Why is the Raid Lair cloak only half finished?
Why isn't there any Ornaments for the original Leviathan Raid?
you can get multiple lincoln greens in one decryption sitting
machina is a bit harder to get so id say no. just break down the lincoln for the MW cores
>Why isn't there any Ornaments for the original Leviathan Raid?
Because you do the prestige raid for the prestige armour, which is literally the same as the normal raid, except with glowy bits and an awful shader
>Original raid ornaments
user, the original raid ornaments is the prestige gear. The EoW raid ornaments is the exact same thing as the base gear, just a color swap and maybe some glowy bits
there were until poor fags bitched and moaned so bungie took half the shit out so they could keep playing vanilla destiny 2
Alright cool.
>Zavala gave me sant-14's helm
Dem feels.
rasputin will be a female exo
Why not a loli?
Why can't I have a Dead Orbit City hawk as my ship? Those things look badass
5k silver
What's the glitch on the NF for infinite time?
This thing
>Since I can't track "dreams of the lost", how about we go find that signal?
Anyone for nightfall or heroics on PS4?
Make that a pc nightfall, then yes.
That's not a waste you moronic fuck, they're a bonus perk, nothing is replaced.
Just got mine from shaxx a minute ago.
infused it into my iron banner helmet
I'm up for heroics n like 15
Good morning, Go- uh... Guardians! Don't forget to log in today and visit Tess, you might be surprised with what you find!
I need one of those too but not yet.
KK sounds good.
really hope english isn't your first language, otherwise you're just a retard. hugs and kisses.
How do you skip the beginning of the inverted spire?
you mean fucking nothing
cuz that's all you're giving me here bungle
Have one person do the conflux as normal and have 2 go over the vex milk on sparrows to jump straight into a launch hoop.
Man how bad is your meltdown right now? This isn't rocket sicence you moronic fuck.
Oh boy It sure is a waste that legendary weapons are purple durrhurr. That's you, retard, you're crying that something EXTRA is a waste. You're a moron, it doesn't go beyond that, you hope English isn't my first language? I know it isn't yours, you illiterate fucking moron. At least get your capitalization in order if you're going to shit on someone's language skills you illiterate cunt nigger.
absolutely seething
Still need people? I could do some nightfalls. Anedime.
>this much damage control
lad, wew
Didn't we blacklist you Don?
>No u
Oh, you're the thread autismo, okay. Should have said so from the start.
2/3 for Nightfall PS4
Ye lad
Didn't I tell you where to shove it user?
Alright, send me an invite I'm on.
>At least get your capitalization in order
>Oh boy It sure is a waste that legendary weapons are purple durrhurr.
>Oh boy It sure is a waste
Whoa eurocuck, do I need to send the FREEDOM troops over to give you a dose?