the new maps are here why isn’t there a general you fucks edition
the new maps are here why isn’t there a general you fucks edition
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ded as fuck
one last pathetic thread revive
Just bought the game, is it dead or something?
I can barely find 20 matches on the server browser
Have the game gotten less filled with retards?
based on the way you type, you're probably not raising the median IQ of the player base
anyways how are you guys liking the fact that BF 2018 is actually Bad Company 3?
the guy who apparently leaked details about BF1 months before it's announcement claims the next BF is BF:BC3 and will happen around the time of Vietnam
I'm optimistic. BC2 was the last battlefield game to have gameplay that wasn't total garbage but it'll probably be a reskinned 4 with tacticool garbage tacked on
>got the 20 kills with 4 of the new weapons medal
>have to complete the unlock assignments and get the kills with all of them before the end of the week
Challenge accepted.
iirc server browser is fucked
>There will never be another Battlefield game with as many free mappacks as BC2
Such is the way of suffering
Hi guys Mudslime here
I just wanted to pop in and say I do in fact like the moist nugget marksman
Don't forget to like and subscribe for more future texturized videos
yo that new water map is fuckin DOPE SON
>stand on B tower
>Snip beach snappers
Just a friendly reminder that we have a new platoon on PS4 for players that are actually active. Active emblem changes and people to join. Look for Battlefield General 1 in the platoon thing
WW2 didn’t really pull away many of low intelligence shitters. Still a ton of hillcunts, still a ton of non-objective players
>4 hours spent in boats
Please kill me
It’ll be interesting
The Carcano SUCKS
Arisaka is better but I can't hit anything with it
I know, right? I saw some crazy ass jap with 4 service stars on it YESTERDAY. Not today. I don’t know how they do it
jesus christ
I saw a guy today who had 2 stars on the C96 already and I thought that was bad.
Also is it just me or is the Farquhar-hill pretty good at any range beyond cqc? I die to it A LOT
>tfw you die to the maschinenpistole for the first time
I unlocked it but I haven’t tried it out yet. I haven’t died to it much either. But I mainly play operations
>two mediocre maps
>probably the worst operation yet
>every gun is uninteresting and underwhelming
>except one gun that's such an obnoxious shitter weapon it feels like it was created to spite me
well that update was a disappointment. better go wait for the next one
I play conquest and every medic has it, or the 1907 SL trench to unlock it
but the destroyer though
>mfw headshotting a passenger in a Jeep with the Carcano
its most redeeming features are its way better than any of the other carbine variants and all of its animations
>fire 4 rounds, switch to k bullets
>pops out the clip with 2 rounds remaining, slides that k bullet into the chamber
>go back to normal, replaces the 2 round clip
>its way better hipfire compared to other carbine variants
at least it feels that way
Well, I’m glad it works quite well for you at least. I’ll stick to being a weeb with my arisaka
Achi Baba is Argonne II: Dry Bogaloo. I absolutely hate it
Japs are the best players, but also the most memetic.
Who here /m.95/?
Hey! I’m constantly in games with that person. They are pretty good. They dropped 100 kills in this match but I still got mvp thanks to get 120 revived and 21 captures. No win though sadly
Forgot pic
>137 kills
How can the Kaiser's boys ever compete?
How they even got that many is past me. Guess just too much jap skill
Just ran into a guy with 5 stars on the maschinenpistole
Haven't got that yet because I still have to blow up the damn boats with the AT launcher. Is it any good? The other Assault weapon is dogshit.
I beg your pardon?
>trying to join devils anvil as the french
>when you accidentally *plunk* an enemy to death with your flare spot
>they don’t like the basically guaranteed win defending
Redpill me on the new LMGs.
Are they good?
It's pretty disgusting to die to it, because you know that whoever is behind you is gonna kill him while he's reloading
almost a martini-henry for assaults
Alright, so which weapons do you anons NOT have unlocked yet?
>M1912 machine pistol
>M1917 mg telescopic
>Farquhar-hill optical
>Martini-henry sniper
>Hellriegel defensive
>SMG 08/18 optical
I only ever kill transport vehicles with AT mines so I haven't got the smg yet.
Aside from the ones in TT, the 08/18 optical. I love the Ribeyrolles too much to put in the effort. It's like the Hellriegel, but less bullshit.
I just recently got rank 10 pilot and tanker so I spent the very last of my war bonds on the final 'vanilla' weapons
I suck enough at anything that isn't infantry that the game will hemorrhage players to Battlefield 2019 before I'll hit rank 10 in cav or tanks.
Any tips?
What is your guys' fav piece of WW1-related media?
Mine is pic related.
I wanted to just bomb stuff into the stone age but every time I spawn a bomber my gunners fuck off or never materialize so I die in 40s.
I got all my plane stuff done by shooting down other planes with any variant of the fighter plane.
Tanks I just randomly spawn whatever feels fun, but mostly ranking up was from games where we crushed the enemy team and I could sit around, drop supplies, and let the points roll in.
M.95 is sweet
14 Service Stars with the Infantry and 2 with the Carbine for me
I wanted Korean War damnit
Good night, fellow posters. Hopefully, the general won't die when I wake up.
I wouldn’t count on it, mate
I’m never going to to unlock the hellfaggle defensive because I’m never touching that piece of shit gun
How does this sound:
Battlefield 1944 with Korean War DLC
Cavalry score will be like nothing once you get the hang of it. Just play the objective and retreat when you need to heal yourself and your horse.
t. Rank 2 cavalry to rank 14 in about 2 and a half weeks time
here's the "leak" video by the way
Theres also a DICE sweden game. Which is coming next year?
>tfw just realised I was one of poor cunts on the killfeed on the Volga river part
Cheeky bastard
It’s a good gun. Tied for my second favourite weapon with he Arisaka
Last bump before I have to go do normie shit
Just use the Ribeyrolles, it's pretty gud.
I don't have premium, so I doubt I'll see it until the DLC actually drops.
>M1912 Maschinepistole
>Farquhar-Hill Optical
>M1917 MG Telescopic
Oh cool, the general's still here.
Bad Company 3 will have lootboxes and microtransanctions. They won't add it during the first three months of it's initial release but after that, they are going to patch the game with MTX and lootbox drops. Don't worry. it will be PURELY COSMETICS. You dont have to buy them as you can earn them in game through leveling up. Or completing multiplayer Assignments
Bad Company 3 will be the most customisable Battlefield Game ever.You can FULLY customise your own soldier meaning you can choose gender, skin colour and voice. This does not affect the gameplay or class system. You can even customise the wheels of your Humvee and the colours of your tank up to it's turret with vehicle skins. It will be USA vs Russia as usual. No Chinese or MEC or Vietnamese.
Note, this game will be available on the XboxOne,PS4 and the PC. No Switch Version as the frostbite engine cannot run properly on the Nintendo Switch without a massive graphics downgrade.
No im not lying. It's the truth.
Adding to that, it will be release on November 2018 before the next Call of Duty game hopefully. We will release it a week after Anthem is release.Assuming Anthem is finished on time.
I went from rank 1 to rank 4 cavalry in about a week, it's pretty fun.
>Countersniping Scouts with scoped rifles with your iron sight rifle
>"h-hey, why cant we se thi fgot's shiny! i cal hacs!"
The misspellings are intentional if you've ever seen how PC players type. It's fucking atrocious.
counter sniping with a bipodded lmg is the patrician choice
What about a bipodded Ribey?
never tried it but I doubt it can obliterate people 300 meters away from you like the telescopic lmgs can
I mean, if you've got a keen eye and good control, you can pull it off.
>counter sniping with slipperslapper 1906 sniper or your slr of choice and then teabagging wildly after
Sword or lance? I always use the lance. It’s funny seeing snipers stand up from their laying spot, only to get put on a fucking stick
Wow. The thread is still alive. Barely, but still alive. Post top 5 weapons?
>except one gun that's such an obnoxious shitter weapon
which one?
I think he refers to the Machinenpistole, it's basically a more compact Automemeico.
T-they'll make a non-carbine version of the Carcano?
R-right guys? Guys?
>still no ararebo
They’re either going to make it an operations campaign puzzle weapon or a puzzle weapon in Apocalypse. Just fucking watch
>2 service stars on the 1895 trench
That gun is way under used. Good job for actually using it
>Guy I shat on in the last game snipes me once in the next one
>He starts teabagging
>I get revived
>Instantly headshot him back and teabag until my character's speed gets cut
I don't teabag often but fuck it felt good to get him back with my second wind.
>spot hillnigger
>spray him with mg14
>he ducks behind hill
>chucks flame grenade at me
>get over hill and jump like theres no tomorrow
>send my pickaxe into his neck
Fuck me, that felt good.
seriously how the fuck am I supposed to get those scout multikills?
it's the only weapon challenge I have left and it's driving me mad
Well, there's grenade spam, pistol spam, and the odd melee spam. Westie suggests that you can just spawn in a vehicle as a Scout and go to town from there.
didn't think of that, thanks
I got them all with trip mine HE. Plant 2 of the in little hidey cubbies on cap point
>be me, be in iron walls
>top of the enemy's leaderboard is a fucking Kurdish pilot with as of now, 72 kills
>constantly out-maneuvers every plane, takes them all down in seconds
It feels so disgusting, he moves the plane in ways that don't feel possible in the game.
>2 members
I still applied.
Welcome to the platoon. What platform?
cape helles > achi baba
>Conquer Hell Defense
>crouch in the trench by the pill box at A with the Model 10-A Hunter
>mfw 3 battalions later
>mfw they couldnt even take the first sector
>mfw ending the match with 117 kills
>mfw all the hate mail I got
What a fucking war crime of a weapon.
So is chucking dynamite into the breached pillbox in Devil's Anvil 3rd sector as the French.
Play the fourth sector of Monte Grappa on defense. In the bunker on B with your team in there spam gas and flares toward the entrance with the stairs that lead down. If your team is spamming explosives and shooting toward that way the chip damage from flares, gas, and your own gunshots should get you multikills easily.