/fg/ - Falcom General #132

Mysterious Masked Man edition

Previous thread: Tag the spoilers so the general doesn't die again.

>Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is out on PC and PS4
>Zwei II is out on PC
>Trails of Cold Steel PC is out on Steam and GOG
>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:

Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news
- Zwei!! English release by XSEED. Titled as Zwei : The Arges Adventure
- Sen : The Last Saga to release sometime next year, most likely September
- PS4 remasters of Sen 1 and 2 to release in March and April 2018, respectively
- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port, and translation fixes to come in 2018
- Trails of Cold Steel III is out right now, news/article translations
- Cold Steel PC guest blogs (written by port programmer Durante, of DSFix fame):
- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news
Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe you should read the included readme, if you haven't already.



>updated OP

Damn son

Calvard when?

This one didn't come with a readme but i'm doing the usual
>run in jap locale
>transfer the scena and other files into the installed game folder
not sure what else I have to do

>C is said to be highly skilled in combat
>effortlessly destroys Rean and friends in Chapter 4
>is somehow beaten by Rean alone in the Final Chapter despite him having overwhelming advantage compared to Rean
What did they mean by this?

Rean can go super saiyan

Sorry i'm stupid. I just realized that you're installing the chinese one and not the japanese version.
But anyway, you're supposed to run it in simple chinese locale
>Zero PC, and Crack (Change locale to simple chinese)

Rean stopped holding back.

Too lazy to switch to chinese locale. Any idea getting turbo mode in the game?
do i need the
>binaries of the hooks
>binaries and source code of the hooks
extracted into the main folder?

We didn't get Crossbell back!

>do i need the
>>binaries of the hooks
You just need the binaries unless you're a programmer and feel like editing the source code.

Rean new regular sparring partner of the Steel Maiden or Aurelia sen4 incoming.

Scarlet and Duvalie joining Rean harem party

Everyone stop holding themself back

Pentagruel going full Leeeroy jenkins vs the Ouroboros flagship

New bonds with Aurelia

New wind puns by Gaius

What a glorious time to be alive! Right Millium?

I like the small things in TX


Is this game just a giant Falcom ad?

Suffering Jusis meme is real

So adding all the files from the zero_ao_hooks folders into the zero no kiseki game folder? I tried it a few times with fresh installs but it doesn't work

Maybe you should try to run the game on simple chinese locale. You also don't need the Ao stuff.

He just wanted his loli to be happy.

Not more facehugger jumps by her..

For now

Trying to add the turbo mode simply crashes the game (it creates a crash.dmp) no matter what locale I run it in.

The game works without the turbo mode but I'm too autistic to play without it

How do we stop this man?

Well, maybe try downloading the Japanese version instead and see if it works?

Sorry if I didn't clarify but this is the japanese version from the pastebin

...Maybe try the opposite and install the Chinese version instead?

You can not stop the headpatting.

By stop being passive and more proactive like Alfin,Aurelia ,Altina

Also Kurt x Cedric is real so Juba better get her Crossbell and Ashen demon


For installing the chinese version, is it the usual
>run in chinese simple locale
>transfer zero crack files in the game folder
>transfer patch files in folder
What do I do with the crack loader? What file do I need to find using it?
>read the readme
There isn't one

What? You mean inside the robot right? Cause on foot he lost in the previous chapter. And even then, he was just pretending to lose and then immediately fucks you up.

Run in simple chinese
Transfer patch files first
Then transfer the crack loader and use it to patch ED_ZERO

I assume I have to transfer the files in the "ED Zero Crack" folder first
then transfer the patch file inside ed_zero_crack_lodaer_1.4?


So I used the crack loader and it says
>can't create process. search file?
So i used it on ED_ZERO and it opened the game in chinese.
After new game and selecting the difficulty, it just stops and says "load script ./data not found"
>ran in chinese simple locale
>yes I did transfer the patch files inside the game folder and replaced the original files
the menu music doesn't play either but there's the sfx

Well i've run out of ideas at this point so i don't know. Maybe you should consider using CE's speedhack instead.

Welp thanks for the help I'll just use CE on the japanese version

Don't die just yet.


Is there a patch for the menu/monster description/battle ui for zero pc?

for what purpose

I'd like to read the monster's description when i analyze them. Those things are in english in the psp iso but not the jap zero

You'll have no luck there. The patch only works to an extent on PC, so no menu, monster descriptions and UI for you.


Would you bully a Towa?

RIP Kevin and Rean

Anyone got a link for the 3rd evo voices? Found a 16 part one but it was a dud. Got the FC and SC voices already.

I think that's still work in progress.

>Play the first few hours of Tokyo Xanadu
>MC is a semi-loner with messy black hair
>Main girl is top of her class and studied abroad
>The impetus of the story involves the main girl saving MC's life before trying to keep him from getting involved in whatever
>MC is woken up by his motherly female childhood friend the next morning as is nearly late to class
>Towa is a fucking teacher

Were they even trying with this game or was it just a quick cash grab/beta test of the Ys VIII engine?

No because Ys VIII uses an evolved Ys VII/Ys Celceta engine which is a different engine from TX which uses phyre engine.

They were trying to make quick cash.

>Semi loner
Kou is almost know everyone in morimiya, he is the chad among chad.

Everyone calls him emo

Found one but she's sitting down


TX is indeed full of cliches and yet I still enjoyed the ride nonetheless. I'm guessing it's because some tropes are just better than others.

>Fighting the 'Final Boss' on the hardest difficulty
>Drops his health to half then the fucking OP starts playing
>EXTENDO GEARU his ass off just as the song starts fading away
>Smile status: Protected


Did we make Erebonia great yet?

You are still there so no.

>he is the chad among chad.
Hell, he even got like 4 out of 5 members of the most popular idol group after his dick if you do all their sidequests/events, he's top chad alright.

You didn't let your hair down.

What went so right with Juna?

>When people say that Cold Steel (including 3) is good
LMFAO. I have not been able to play AO/Zero yet but am excited too. I have played through CS1 and CS2 and they are so shit compared to the original Sky Trilogy that I could not believe the game was made by the same company. None of the characters were likable. Hell I just played through XC2 and leaving those characters behind made me depressed as hell because I loved them all. By the time I finished CS2 I was thanking god that I had slogged through it finally.

And no, CS3's 'happenings' are fucking hilariously shit. Here let me sum up 3's plot for you.

>Oh no it's Ouroboros
>Oh no a giant mech
>Oh no that person in the story can pilot a Divine Knight and destroys the big mech in a display of power
>They taunt Rean and fly off

Repeat until the final chapter where shit finally happens and it's the dumbest shit that has ever happened in a Trails finale. Sorry Loewe, your entire drive to challenge humanity for what happened in Hamel is a complete sham because it wasn't humanity's fault but the fault of some stupid fucking curse that has plagued Erebonia for thousands of years.

God it's so bad. Also CS3 makes Ouroboros a complete joke.

Also, before anybody asks, no, I didn't play 3.

I was too weak to leave /fcg/ when CS3 hit and the spoilers came in. I got spoiled enough that I just checked out the plot and was blown away by how fucking awful it was. I have basically played it already.

Sorry. If it makes you feel any better it's just my opinion. I place the Sky Trilogy next to the Metroid Prime trilogy as some of my favorite games of all time, but Cold Steel is a horrendous disappointment. If you like it, don't bother replying, I don't talk to garbage.

I think the only time I felt any emotion at all was when Fie gave away her flowers that she had been growing the whole game. That was a genuine moment.

Here you go user.

Haven't seen this copypasta before

These are my genuine, heartfelt autistic opinions. I thought you guys of all people would give me a serious response.

Even if you think it is just bait, how is it?

I'm not sure if it's pasta.

Haven't played any cs games and just barely started zero and I'm already enjoying it. The game starts off way stronger than FC which took hours I still enjoyed those slow parts though and if I didn't have exams, i'd probably finish the game before the weekend starts. Idk if cs is truly as bad as you say, but I'm really enjoying zero.

>I think the only time I felt any emotion at all was when Fie gave away her flowers that she had been growing the whole game. That was a genuine moment.

I, for one, appreciate the level of autism in this
good effort user

Ao is where trails peaked. CS1-2 is just an average jrpg. CS3 is at least fun to look and play though.

>didn't play the game
>Criticizes its' plot with out of context spoilers
>hasn't played Crossbell so probably doesn't understand the whole picture anyway
>expects a serious response

>ResetEra user Saphirax has figured out the second silhouette to English Detective Mysteria, an otome visual novel published by Marvelous for PSP in 2013 and PS Vita in 2016.

>XSEED Games Forums user Banballow has discovered the third silhouette to be Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, the upcoming remake of Senran Kagura Burst and Senran Kagura: Skirting Shadows for PlayStation 4.

>The first silhouette has yet to be figured out. If you have any ideas, let us know in the comments!

>hasn't played Crossbell so probably doesn't understand the whole picture anyway
>implying most people who praise cs3 actually played crossbell

Wow it's literally nothing

i am quite sure people whose already play (not watch) cs3 half of those people already play the entire trails saga. atleast including xbell.

>enjoyed those slow parts
cs1 and 2 are kinda like playing fc twice so you'll be fine.

More like FC and SC if SC ended with Estelle failing. CS3 is when they finally stopped aping sky and started doing their own thing.

I'm sure you'll find many people who started with cs and never looked back. Falcom definitely believes it too since the crossbell segment in cs3 was pretty beginner friendly.

guys, who is this person? do you guys thinks this is Musse? or it´s Commander M?

To be honest, this was not a shitpost, but it wasn't my post either. I just copied and pasted some autismo freaking out about Cold Steel in a Xenoblade thread on /v/. Believe it or not. These are real opinions.

TX was always a cash grab piece of trash built with recycled story and gameplay elements from their other games

You are just focusing on one plot thread instead of seeing the over all story and pacing. SC was where FC paid off, where the story reached its peak and then ended. CS1-2 are still just setting the stage like FC and they have a lot of obvious padding. CS3 is where the erebonia arc actually moves and even the format for half of the game is a lot like SC. And since it cuts off midscene it's basically half of SC arc-wise.

Are you blind, It's obviously Phantom Thief B

Xenoblade and its fanbase are an abomination against the JRPG genre

Please do not utter its filthy name in this general; we only talk about Xenogears here

The inferior Muse.

Is this proto Schera+Kloe ?

I'd say the similarities are mostly superficial.

Let's be honest here. XSEED is not gonna mention anything about CS3 till E3 2018 at the earliest. And that's assuming they even actually do get CS3 instead of scrapping up more 15+ year old Falcom games.

I barely knows about Xeno series, but based on the discussion it seems Xeno 2 has lot of harem hijinks. And goddamn i love harem hijinks.

this actually makes a pretty cool wallpaper

Yeah, yeah, whatever. At least the Blade games are finished and not 50% plot dumps. Besides, Xenoblade 2 is probably the closest thing you'll get to a Xenogears-esque plot in a JRPG these days... Well, in the long run, anyway. You kind of have to stick with it the whole way to know what I mean. It is there, though.

It doesn't have nearly as much dumb harem hijinks as people came it out to. People just like to shitpost about it cause it's fun.

This is your client for today. How do you, as a harem man, protect your harem?

>one plot thread
The entire damn game's layout is practically the same shit as SC right down to the big mid game event being the airship raid and the endgame twist being the revival of an ancient sealed whatever. It's really absurd how Falcom made CS2 into SC Erebonia edition if you really analyse the two games comparatively.

CS3 is more like a cross between FC and 3rd anything since it starts off after a sizeable timeskip instead of right after the end of the previous game ala SC/CS2 and the ending has a huge ass cliffhangers and its darker than the previous games much like how 3rd was darker than the previous two.


CS3 had some pretty Xenogears-tier plot dumps like at Heimdallr Cathedral. The only other time the series came close to that was the trade conference in Ao.

I'd say CS3 is more like SC where shit happens everywhere forever but then it ends at chapter 7

Too bad the girls look like aliens


It's really nothing like FC, the 3rd similarity is kinda flimsy and if you look at the layout again CS3 is actually like SC with the not stopping ouroboros experiment of the chapter format and main plot i.e septerrions finally appearing. But the game just ends before the conclusion hence half of SC.