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1st for frost is cute

i want caveira to pick me up and take my clothes off.

Help me choose, /r6g/!

I have a brazilian firend on facebook that looks a lot like her.
Like, an awful lot.

Git gud with current state capi and be a god when the inevitable buff hits him

Blackbeard is the only particularly strong one out of those.

I want Dokkaebi to kidnap me instead of the hostage!


Keep being a cuck dramaqueen and continue to cry about video game bios

i bet she is so beautiful, i have brazilian friends too but i don't remember them looking like caveira.

Lesion is fun as fuck

>thought caveira facepaint was a meme
>it's real

thank you friends, I got lesion
Capitao will be next

>Stronger than Lesion

remember to place the traps inside obj and choke points, use them as guides and remember where you place them.
also, both of his weapons are great, so don't be afraid of using the shotty.

>inferior but fun
>gadget seems good on paper but is mostly useless in play
>pretty much meme tier
>broken, autowin ability
>not fun at all but is and has always been overpowered

What? You thought the devs would put fake shit in their game?

not exactly an edgy skull is it

>Useless gadget
>broken, autowin ability
What the fuck am I reading?
Are you a time traveler from June 2016?

user why'd you say that

Is there a way to shoot concussion grenades before I use up the 2 breach grenades with zofia?
Seems very gimped that I can only use concussion after breach nades are used up, especially since she can bring breaching charges aswell

You are actually retarded?
Press B

press b tard

you can press b to switch dummy

>You are actually retarded?
I guess I am

Not him but what about console?

accidentally posted this in the ded thread:
On PC, do you guys have your sensitivity so that ADS and normal aiming are the same sensitivity? Btw I don't mean the same number, I mean the same feel. i.e. when you ADS, does your mousespeed slow down for tighter control? Or does that throw you off so you have it set up so that ADS doesn't affect mouse speed/sens?

I've been going back and forth between ADS not affecting my sensitivity at all, and it being about 20% slower, and I can't decide which is better.

same button that activates the gadget i think, it was that way with capitao

Up on dpad

Fire mode button. Whatever you press to switch between Full-Auto and Semi-Auto on firearms, that's what you press to switch ammo types for Capitao's and Zofia's gadgets. It even displays it on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.

There are controls literally on your HUD

Anyone got the console proleague aim webm?

Thanks guys
Honestly I thought it disappeared whenever I pulled the gadget out

Still thinking about you, Space Elevator, days are long and hard when you have to worry about a terrorist popping out behind on your every step. I hope to see you someday.


those will never exist because they're not physically and reasonably possible

>trying out some Mira play
>all the places attackers can come from have breakable walls that are too short for my death windows
>all the walls wide enough won't benefit from them because of shitty sight lines
>get shot once and immediately die because 3 armor only protects against hurt feelings
>one attacker left, spot him on cams
>mark him, go to call him out in teamchat because nobody ever pays attention to marking indicators
>game instantly crashes when I go to type

Oh Rainbow 6 Siege, it's like I never left.

>Ballsack players

>game just shuts off on its own
t-thanks ubi

>talking to my team the whole match
>callouts, enemy damage, sounds
>end of the round someone asks why I keep using my mic without saying anything
>had it off the whole time

>someone recommends me macie to watch to help me learn
>soyboy numale that looks like he should be a speedrunner that'll transition in a year or two
i didnt realize these kinds of people played these kinds of games...
also is frost an okay operator to learn defense on?

>people will give this retard (You)s

frost is an easy character for mouth breathers, she's a cozy place to start
just place your traps behind windows, in doorways, etc. and hope someone hits them
if they do, it's a free kill and most players in casual don't look where they're going
smarter players will break them when they see them or just avoid entering that way so you can try getting sneaky with your placements
try them in darker areas, cover them with barbed wire, place them behind shields and vaultable cover, etc.


Woah, nice digits, checked.

>Covert them with barbed wire

god she's so fucking ugly

>on Veeky Forums
More likely than you think!

>Scorpion evo dmg changed to 25
>Zofia loses a grenade
>both grzmots lose sesitivity lock up
>dokkaebis cam hack goes away when she dies
>vigils drone effect affects all drones on the map when he activates it
>Pistol sights added to all guns
>press F to withstand removed

Better if withstand is added to all 3 armor ops

thicc goddess

Alright boys what's the verdict for year 2 ops?

Gameplay wise?
>Ela (only because her guns fucking retarded)

Design wise?
>Jackal (Macho man Chad)
>Lesion (Tacticool shorts)
>Mira (not shitty waifu bait)
>Ying (cute!)
>Vigil (Actually decent back story
>Zofia (not some beta bitch like her sister)
>Dokk (Muh nerd culture)
>Ela (Everything about her lore and design is trash)

>don't care for shock drone
>absolutely adore the famas
>don't care for ar33
>absolutely love the convenience of emp grenades
I have a lot more time on Thatcher but I feel like I end up having more fun with Twitch because of her gun alone. Who should I stick to more?

I don't give a fuck.
Hit detection is still ass

It will never change

Embrace the broken, user

Both of her guns are great. The shotgun is good stock or with a laser and/or sight. The SMG should be used with your sight of choice. Both barrel attachments are not very good. I use extended barrel myself but it really isn't needed. The silencer lowers the damage by too much considering the rate of fire. The slow rate of fire means you can hold down the trigger for about three and a half seconds which can be useful if someone tries to peek.

Her gadget ranges from useful to almost useless depending on the area and team. However, it's a set and forget gadget which means if you die after placing them they still work. It's also not electronic so EMP grenades and Twitch drones can't damage them. The basic strat is to place a Deployable Shield in a doorway and put a trap right behind it. Enemies that vault over without checking will get trapped. Enemies that vault over, look down, and shoot it won't be looking into the room as they do so. Feel free to experiment with placing them in odd locations in addition to places the enemy has to walk.

Another minor downside is her white uniform. It blends into some maps but sticks out on darker ones.

Overall, she's one of my favorite defenders to play.

>read last thread
>a billion "waah my random teammates suck I hate this game"
Jesus, get some friends.
Like, not le epic chad meme, find some people online that play together and add them, even if they're not that good, you can mentor them.
I play with 4 irl friends ranging from terrible to carrying every game, and we have a blast every match

normie out

go back to /r9k/

Gameplay wise
unique ability that situationally offers a HUGE advantage for defenders but has some counterplay from flanking, flashing, twitch drones, etc. that can turn that around to give attackers an advantage
lots of new situations and possibilities
a good addition to the game
added the most cancerous effect in the game with her mines, has needed multiple nerfs and is still picked every game, has a gun made 100% of power creep, and further cements that 3 speed ops are the best in the game
should be removed
unique trap effect that can be used to not just harm attackers some but also leave them vulnerable and keep check of where they're approaching from
needlessly different use than every other defender's traps for no real reason with the net effect being advantageous to him making him the most popular trapper next to Ela
no reason for the regeneration and cloaking effects, just give him half a dozen and be done with it
even without the cloaking his traps would be harder to spot than either Kapkan's or Frost's
overall still a net gain because it allows for interesting plays
her tool is power creep, it contains an upgraded version of another op's tool and more AND a stupid self revive for no reason
given just the stun launcher (normal stun effects) she would be just fine, but she was needlessly added onto
overall a net downside because of that
rather underwhelming abilities but situationally very useful, typically as an extra fuck you to the defenders when you're already winning and pushing into the objective
nice that there's another anti-roamer ability now
overall a good addition
ability far too regularly impacts teammates just as much as it effects enemies but that's mostly due to awkwardness in how the flashes spread out being fairly uncontrolled
a decent addition at worst
ability makes him a unique roamer akin to Caveira but without any extra bull like interrogations thrown on top
fine addition

Is something wrong with the servers today? I was kicked twice today for bad connection, my first two times in my 300 hours, and I'm also seeing other people getting kicked for the same reason.

>frostniggers when they find out they just want to fuck the guy from nutshack

Here you go, it's my last one before my mom turns off the Internet :)

Awwwww. Look hiw. provocative he’s starting to get.

anybody? not looking to be spoonfed, just curious what all y'all preferences are


>mfw all tom clancy game are going to get a shitty extra game mode with zombies and aliens

On PC I would keep it the same, that's really a console thing at the end of the day because controllers aren't good for sensitive inputs so you need two settings.

I'd like Vigil with some quality of life changes.

>Vigil during prep phase
>turn it on
>get spotted instantly because I reinforced one wall on the way to hatch

>My drone sees Vigil signal
>move drone around room
>triangulate his location and pre-fire him dead

His guns are decent don't get me wrong but his gadget is unpolished.

So it's been a month or two, how do you feel about Kapkan? Better or worse?

not that guy but
The BOSG is literally a fake gun

I like him, but it's pretty fucking hard to get anyone with his traps. Or maybe I'm playing him wrong?

>You never saw me comi-
>"last one is vigil"

I was tentative at first, but I think he's better. Worst case scenario, Ubi didn't cut his balls off like many of us feared when we first heard the news.


Originally was against it. After playing him a bit he's actually better. Sure there's a major lack of kills with the traps, but of the 5 traps I place a good 4 of them go off and put the enemy at a disadvantage.

wait what

is that a fucking elite animation?

I want to put my face there and take a deep whiff

>ash elite animation
Who or what is she talking to? There's nothing in her hands.

I keep asking why they are down and no one will answer me

Ubisoft has put you in charge of buffing Vigil! However, you can only choose to do one of the following:

>Vigil's maximum effect radius is increased to 30m. You will now know he is on one side of the map when his cloak is active.
>Vigil's effect radius is decreased to half a metre. You will only know he's there if your drone passes directly over him.

It's just an over under shotgun with slugs

help me r6g, I dont enkoy any of the defenders in the game. I like characters that can make clean "long" range trades like doki, jackal and fuze. who should i play for defense?

user please, they need to rework IQ before even thinking about buffing Virgin

they should either boost his signal so that when he uses his cloaker you cant tell where he is because it encompasses so much of the map, or shrink it so the drone static doesnt happen unless you are right on him

Can you still activate year 2 keys if you buy one from a third party seller?

30 meters 100%

But worse than the radius is how every action except sitting there with your thumb up your ass takes you out of cloak.

>VIP Alpha Pack Booster is a (not even) permanent percentage booster worth exactly one fifth of a single match

How generous of you, Ubisoft
i know it's a moot point since there's nothing worth having in those packs anyway but c'mon

Why can't I play the fucking game

you need to start the game first user

Sounds like you want to be the only 3 defenders left with an ACOG. Doc, Rook, and Echo.

To be fair though, there is a lot more to a great defense than long trades.

>mfw I used the extra good goy credits Ubisoft gave me for buying the Y3 pass to buy the HK Police skins but found them quite mediocre later after equipping

always go here or to r*ddit before buying skins
both places have lots of ingame pictures. like the new ela and zofia bulldozer skins look lame in game but their ad looks cool

>winning 2-0
>lose round 3
>a teammate leaves

Increasing the effect radius has got my vote. Imagine just parking yourself somewhere in the lobby of Bank. The attackers are going to have to waste so much time taking the risk trying to clear you out of so many hiding spots. It would also let you actually use him as an anchor properly.
A small radius makes him very risky to play, especially as an anchor where you have nowhere to run.

>teammate leaves
>down a teammate for the rest of the game
>enemy team has a bloody congo line of people going in and out, always have a full team

Why is my fucking NAT type strict all of a sudden FUCK I WANT TO PLAY

>Pick roof

Just let the drone effect cover the entire map and not change intensity and Vigil is fixed

why is it that the more i play, the worse i get?