Fighting Games General /fgg/
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why are the OP images always from irrelevant games when this general only talks about street fighter
best boy finally in
tell me about nuckledu
why does he want to commit suicide?
I can't believe goober gear died
He plays SF5.
hope you guys are ready for esports
let's go
nice OP
you don't even play fighting games
>Hit has counters and Balrog types dashes?
>Black has long range attacks with his blade and scythe?
>Beerus has huge hits like Bison and revolving orbs like Menat?
>Beerus super actually changes depending on who the enemy is
>Intros and finishers change depending on the characters for cinematic story animations
ITS LITERALLY HAPPENING. The best fighting game of our lifetimes, and the last 3 characters have unique gameplay mechanics.
Are you ready?
>Already 3 gokus in the base roster
fine, see me in goober gear PC right this second
North Korea flag
"Secondary characters allowed"
ok, room id?
>finally in
But Gotenks has been in since November? He has the best intro, one of the best themes in his trailer, and one of the most flashy looking movesets of the entire cast
Play Weiss
U rite, rename it to capcom gen next thread
sitting in france lobby #11 right now, it's empty
Is HIT's score/classification a joke? It kinda spells out assassin.
Wrong day man!
Why not Arcana Heart fags. I think im going to buy it. Send help.
>Nothing but praise from DB fanboys
I can't wait for Alex day!
team goku here
So what do you think? Maybe the v-skill should be a roll instead and the hop could be a command jump, but I figure this would be a cool spin to Dan's character.
shame you can only use 2 of them in a team
maybe we'll get lucky and get a 3rd buu
>go to desktop to launch Rev
>remember i forgot to reinstall my fighting games after reinstalling windows
you win this time anonymous, or see me in approximately 2 hours
Anyone fighting games EU PC
Sooner than you think!
i remember this meme from the great goober wars
1 new character. 1 new arcana.
My dude, save your money. Buy Ougon Musou if anything.
sometimes I miss our friends who fell fighting the good fight
RIP doug
similar look but the utility is completely different
>wake up
>two threads have gone by
newfags get OUT
Vappa vappa
A bunch of beta's
You cry and scream,
"Capshills are such losers!"
But we just shrug and laugh,
"Says the posers~"
Is it worth learning Menat combos and setups now or will they be different in AE
Reminder that NRS literally makes meme games for normies.
capcom are fucking done, jive will die soon
all the fans and casuals wanted Q, necro, oro etc and capcom gave meme characters like sakura and blanka
most forums i checked after the dbz reveal are saying they now want dbz over ae
it's over
fake dank
AH3 on ESPN coming soon
shove up that meme lolicon game up your ass and fuck off
Does anyone actually get pissed off from getting teabagged? When I get teabagged I find it hilarious.
you got any fucking proof you capcuck piece of shit?
my trip is in archives as far back as february when nu-dank (a capcuck falseflagger) only starts posting in september
That makes you a cuck user.
In the moment sure but actually caring about it is dumb
Some are bound to be different, but it doesn't hurt to have a base to work with.
>50 hours
Come back to me when you actually get out of bronze
not him but I got to platinum in 45 hours
why, I'm a new player and I'm learning and I like my /fgg/ friends
John D blasted the game in private
source required
sophitia is kinda sexy
I'm feeling bad now, i have 90 hours and still bronze, around 60 ranked matches
Apparently his family tries to sponge off him and use him as a personal piggy bank
I don't care much, except in lousy connections where if they do it the model stops moving and it becomes two still images of the character crouched and up. That kinda gets on my nerves.
I would prefer them to have the balls to actually taunt me instead though.
She's literally a sex goddess born for the sole purpose of breeding
Chris G stream
>60 ranked matches
Lmao, you can't be anywhere near plat. at that many games played.
is it
I teabag all the time. If the player is worse than me I teabag. If he does random shit I teabag. If he uses top tier character I teabag.
/fgg/'s own Cloud805 won the biggest tournament MVCI will ever have with international competition.
What have you done recently?
Do you have dislexia?
He is bronze at 60 ranked games
If you truly believe that it could be the first one then you're mentally retarded
>Urien's normal state is pale skin with blond hair, his brown skin is actually a metallic transformation
>The only time this is ever referenced is in his SF3 intro animation
>Every SF3 arcade ending artwork with Urien has him in his transformed state, even when he's not in combat (Twelve's ending); same with promotional art
>Possibility it was retconned entirely in SFV with his V-Skill
>Gill is never even shown transforming
What was even the point? This isn't a "modern capcom is dumb and doesn't even know their own characters", it was never explored in the first place.
>the biggest
"tia" can make the "sha" sound
3rd worlder detected
yes, that is the biggest tournament marvel vs capcom infinite will ever have
Do you not have any reading comprehension? He's saying that he shouldn't feel bad because it's near impossible to be platinum with only 60 hours
How do you pronounce "dementia"?
Eurofag with speech impediment detected
literally somewhere on an island in the pacific
"fuck that game" is the new "what is your agenda" reddit beaten dead horse meme
Maybe if she was a black woman.
There isn't enough LP at 60 games to get to platinum anyways.
is there a video resource explaining soul calibur mechanics? only played I and II mashing when i was kid
>What have you done recently?
i finally figured out how to block those new redirect ads on rule34 sites
Too much blondes already.
Is there a second one already?
I miss Rising Thunder
how do you pronounce menat then
omg teach me.
fat buu and kid buu
Capcom realized the mediterranean is not actually known for its blondes.
Do people actually like the cast of 3rd strike? I like everything about the game, the music, the style and the mechanics but the characters are just shit.
I heard AE will have all the characters unlocked with costumes.
I bought the base game a long time ago but never played. Will I get anything come January?
Why are S1S2 still $40?