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Who the fuck willingly plays this shit

First for Trollposting. Daily reminder to stay comfy and enjoy the world.


Can someone post a photo of Mjay from Future, I'm writing an essay.

Post your mog and ilvl without being ashamed RIGHT NOW


Druid will never be nerfed its a posterboy class

xth for cute goblins!

>should I level a X?
>what's better, X or Y?
>what should I reroll guys?

>1st: Retribution
>2nd: Windwalker
>3rd: Arcane

>1st: Blood
>2nd: Brewmaster
>3rd: Protection Warrior

>1st: Holy Priest
>2nd: Resto Shaman
>3rd: Mistweaver

virgin walk away you fuckin cucks

No tank is fun. Pick the class with the most fun dps offspec.

Is he right?

you're no better than panda posters

>help somebody kill a boss
>they stop fighting the boss and run away

What is she thinking about?

I quit a few years ago but messing around on private servers is giving me the itch again. What's the current state of the game? Are warlocks still fun? Worth the monthly sub?

Blue poster is right, normie poster is wrong (people did in fact poopsock the fuck out of vanilla wow and play all day)

because you want to get a last hit and they did all the job before you

yes not to mention they tuned argus like decreasing his total hp and increasing the enrage timer because they know this was better than gating the guilds behind a gear grind for weeks.


blue is spot on

>do a random boss
>get all the pieces of two mog sets I don't want at once
>do 96 bosses over 4 months
>get two pieces of the mog set I actually want
What is this devilry?

Yes. The PTR was a mistake.

Boss was at 78% when I started attacking


of course he is right, this were the wipes on each boss, 320 wipeas on argus, if each wipe took 1 min( which isnt) it will be 5 hours.....

>Not posting the illidan edit
baka desu senpai

Ythisens is right, but he's still a fucking retard and by far one of the worst CM's ever. I looked at his twitter once and I'm positive I have cancer now.

I haven't seen an Illidan edit, can you post it?

>1st run antorus normal all tier set bosses down, 1 drop
>2nd run atnorus normal all tier set bosses down, SAME ONE DROP ONLY
actually unsubbed LMAO

>if each wipe took 1 min
t. someone that didn't see a second of argus progress despite so many available sources



Mmrrggll is the greatest!

oh dang horde as a soyboy race now

Who else here has that big blizzard boy? Also post your rarest mounts.

Ehhhh, depends what you're looking for. If you don't mind the idea of a hybridized WoW/Diablo MMO then you could have some fun.

If you're looking for a classic experience you should wait.

Warlocks are fine. Affliction is strong but really simple. Destruction is cool and Demonology is an abortion with a neat concept.

>yes not to mention they tuned argus like decreasing his total hp and increasing the enrage timer because they know this was better than gating the guilds behind a gear grind for weeks.
Sheit man I didn't know devs post here

>tfw mained Outlaw all expac
>tfw got BiS leggos as first two
>tfw did my challenge mode because the rapier is sick
>dogshit DPS all expac
>RtB costing combo points is complete trash
>Spec SnD
>Boring as fuck but it makes Nightblooming Frond do wicked DPS
>Tfw they've nerfed convergence twice and it's still BiS two raid tiers later

Shit design, desu, but I'm too much of a contrarian shitter to change to Sub now. Maybe it won't be trash now that Celeston is gone and BfA is coming.

Is a March release for Battle for Azeroth confirmed now?

No? But sound like summer will be possible.


>Bootyblasting my own faction at towers collecting marks of prey
The best pvp is when they can send you angry messages afterwards.

Okay guys I got off the phone with customer support a while ago after putting on my act of an offended urban youth and they said that "racist alt right slogans and memes" are not tolerated in Blizzard games and I should take the time to reflect on my transgressions. They hope I would be able to grow from the experience and no longer have such bigoted views. So I spun it and asked them if they are calling the culture I grew up in and my way of talking as racist and part of the "alt right" Then I threw in that it's because of racist white people like them that they oppress black youth like myself and this is why we can't get ahead. Then I demanded to speak to their manager because of their offensive bigoted manners and if he dares hang up on me I will take this to social media. Got transferred to the "manager" started fake crying and went full victimhood, guy apologized profusely and said he will make this right. My account was unbanned and I got a free month as an apology and they hope I will continue playing WoW. Score one for the good guys.

What do big belfs eat?

More like march is for 7.3.5
Don't expect prepatch until summer's over

Probably during summer

the grind is so bad its not even worth it

>only way to make faction war interesting is to make it have big changes to the world
>blizzard has already stated there are no plans to change old zones
just fuck my expansion up


What's the best auction addon these days?


They said the zones will change for 110-120.

>inb4 written apology from mike morhime

Oh yeah this totally happened.

Probably got 1 month ban kek.


>the state of these threads during na hours

>be nelf
>shadowmeld if they run off expecting me to give them quest credit without committing and reset the mob
>"wtf dude?" in whispers every time

>the virgin bear
>the chad vehicle

lots of very sugary and fatty mana-pastries

1488 nice!!

>trusting them to not pull another Cata-level fuckup of old zones

You think you do, but you DO NOT.


7.3.5 is coming in mid Jan they're updating a mini-holiday with it and that mini-holiday takes place in late Jan

>that cuck geting mind controled at this one slut demon in argus world rare
>she resets
>"wtf dude"

>not being a druid so you can be both a bear and a vehicle

>checking raider io

It's going to be before the silithus event, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered making mounts for that.

Definitely not, the book was delayed and those always come out before the expansion.

literally no one but roleplayers

We really have to ask for changes like the demo and surv hunters did.

The book isn't till fucking June and those always come out at least 2-3 months before the expansion.


Who's your favorite WoW streamer?

Mine is Ridosaw

i do.

it's a rough life, but it's the only life i know.

Nobody thinks you're a chad for a mount you get from RNG from LFR you patheti soyboy.

>tfw I have enough bnet balance to buy the good goy edition of bfa

Feels good.

Would you lick the berry juice off her toes?

>Notice mage targeting rare but doing nothing as I'm picking up some random chest
>Since I didn't kill it today I decide to help him out
>He uses literally 2 spells and afks
>I bring the rare down to 5% and reset it because fuck this faggot
>He whispers me few paragraphs of mad shit

>wrinkly grandma feet
footfags not even once

would rather kms



I'd beg for permission

Is this why /wowg/ is so angry all the time?

Is it a bad thing that the final boss of legion was a character we did not know existed before 7.3


But /wowg/ agree with the blue posters in this matter, argus is not undertuned he is actually balanced in a good way unlike Kiljaeden or other meme bosses.


Is it a bad thig that final bosses of WoD and MoP were literal asspulls?

Haven't played in over a year and I feel like making a new character. What should I roll folks?

God's work, user.

the alliance is literally led by the physical incarnation of soy


I want to fuck a goblin

Not as bad as pulling archimonde out of nowhere instead of using Grommash.

I managed to RL a pug to Heroic Aggramar yesterday morning. Then, for some reason, everyone decided to shit the bed. I tried 6 different PUG groups, all AOTC, and we couldn't down him. my guild is shit, and has trouble with Normal. Pugs are shit for obvious reasons. how do I finish this raid?

When are they going to make Mythic Solo raids that give real rewards? I don't play this game to socialize and make friends but I am an incredibly skilled player only held back by the fact that I don't want to search for others to play with.

I wish to fuck a pandaren cuntboy

>mfw people want 930 for a fucking +8

When will this madness fucking end?