Previous thread: >Want to do clan stuff?
Blitz: BENIS
Previous thread: >Want to do clan stuff?
Blitz: BENIS
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1st for NOPAN
I've reconsidered, the valentine isn't simply terrible, it's downright awful.
How much vatnik hatemail can I get with this?
I wanted Motherland really badly, but I just don't see enough benefit to playing Premium tanks
that """tank""" is aids in digital form
It's all gonna be over if we get the Defender, Patriot, Chrysler and its kin unnerfed anyway.
>AT-15A is a bad t-
lemme stop you there
this triggers wotg
> this triggers us
> this clearly triggers him since he hasn't bought it
>Non realistic camo triggering anyone
80% of people won't even bother opening the menu and activating them, you're one of the few autistic enough to see that paint
Because I already bought this
yeah, but is it historical?
idk but my first game in my branded Dilma™ and I got HT-15
I don't think I've hated playing a tank as much since the time I went through the M3Lee or the DW2 when I was just starting out. Goddamn, the valentine truly has no redeeming qualities. At least it looks kinda cute.
1v1 me garlic fries
im not garlicfries
>AT 2 lost shitloads of armor
>no weight change
As long as you didn't mind spamming APCR it pretty much outperformed all the other british bricks before 9.21.
anyone else getting this?
>3/10 games won
>Lorraine WR shot to shit
Looks like the patch severely nerfed allied teams.
try changing the server
>Try to grind AMX 65t.
>Tier 8 MM is ultra fucked with everyone taking out their Badgers.
I guess I'll wait a few months to play the French mini branch.
cute c@
brazil raze to the ground when
dead thread for a dead game with a new patch on page 10
the badger was talked out in the last thread the new french heavies are a meme
So, what do you all expect from the holiday ops starting tomorrow?
You can't sell the tank rewards emblems. So I have several hundred stupid halloween event emblems that will never be used and can't be gotten rid of.
One of the better holiday themed camos I've seen desu.
>I just don't see enough benefit to playing Premium tanks
Are you serious? Do you not see the benefit of habit having silver?
i like it
Stupid burger goblins. At least try to keep the thread alive when yuros sleep.
That faggot from the last thread needs to link the holiday skins
The last thread was very fast m8. We don't often get through one in less than a week. Every one just needs a break
HEP is best ammo
>all of those ameritard, mexicunt and cucknadian flags to sell
anybody xbox here? I'm looking for people to platoon with
anyone know why we have random gold camo sitting in our inventory?
What arty line should I use for getting the missions done?
More girl crew members, special christmas camo
More anime bitches you say
is this game still an rng based p2w piece of shit with cancertillery?
t. 47% WR
eat shit
>I'm not a teal REEEEEE
Gift from WG. That's the official explanation anyway.
>trees cut
What the fuck kind of stat is that?
He has 7000 battles he needs all the bs stats he can get to make him feel better
Added bonus, WG finally added the RoC roundel to the available emblems. Looks like my Chicom tanks are getting their little stars replaced.
i dont play this pos game since 2014 thankfully. it seems its still shit. keep padding your stats like the sad kissless virgin trash game players you are or stop being a financial pain to your parents and finally kill yourselves.
Good for you. Now get the fuck out.
The Eternal Anglo rides for Dresden once again.
>more cap points than defense points
>sub 1.5k average damage
may as well be yellow
where do you think we are
Don't forget.
>average tier 5.57
I'm only a teal but my average tier is like 7.25 so I'm not padding in a cromwell most of the time. I also have way higher average damage than that.
>i'm only a teal
>that gun
>everyone has been playing this game for the same amount of time.
I've literally only been playing a year. By this time in 2018 I'll probably be purple with no padding.
The stock AMX 30 is really lads.
>it's not statpadding if i'm doing it
is the raviolo just a meme fv4202 seems to be better after the buffs
Grinding out tank lines and grinding for credits is not padding. I have unlocked more tier X's in one year than some people have who've been playing since launch. If I only played my Chieftain and 103B I'm sure I could do it faster but I don't.
Yes user, ignore all the posters who've been recommending the Rev for weeks and months and buy the tank that has literally always been garbage.
In world of city maps tanks that can trade are generally considered better with the 202 you shoot an e75 for 200 he hits you for 500 with the ravioli he hits you for 500 you hit him for 400
> 7000 battles
> implying it's hard to be purple when you have barley any battles played
That's not me that posted stats numbnuts. I have 15k battles in the 12 months I've been playing.
playing with friends and playing your favourite tanks is padding gotcha
You average tier is below 6 famalam. Even if you're not padding you haven't played enough battles at high tiers for youe stats to count.
hey guys
Check out my Isu122s deal advent calendar review to determine if this (pos) is even worth it.
keep in minds that this tank isnt for unicums (fuck)
more arbitrary definitions of padding from the dictionary himself
>for the stats count
uhm sweaty, the stats are right there, they still count
That's right bitch.
Yea boi
my average damage is 350 and i've just bought several tier 8 premiums
Why ??
>tfw you're trying to get the next mark and you start sacrificing teammates for damage
if your team wants to win, and they don't know how to, it is your duty to trick them into helping the team. trick them into sacrificing themselves for you, the main character of your team
If you're fail platooning on PS4 I seriously hope someone plies your fingernails off with a rusty crowbar.
the edge
I already dread the day it will get added.
How do I fight this thing /wotg/.
>how do I fight a turretless TD
Not to mention
>how do i fight a turretless TD
>on wide open maps where there are no real corridors
>HEAT thunder: ATGM forces
gee i don't know, maybe just one-shot it like every other tank in the game ?
Open maps are a boon to front heavy vehicles.
>how do I fight a turetless TD that has a great hull traverse, is fast, borderline broken front armor and has a 15mm gun that can fuckup light tanks, while having one of the most powerful guns in the game
>cover tank in "soviet base paint"
>looks nothing like soviet tank
bamboozaling muh jimmies real hard
So can you change the color and size of a camo as many times as you want?
>game where +300mm pen HEAT-FS shells exists
>how do i kill X ?
just kill it in one shot lmao, how is armor real
you can fuck around all you want without spending single judeshekel, yes its free
t. spent more time yesterday in garage messing around with camos than in actual battle
>how do i beat a tank that has no turret and almost no gun traverse
Your assistance has been requested.
>its a 400WN8 subhuman