Best DLC costume edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Best DLC costume edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Paya's thighs
Stop talking about my wife's thighs.
Is there a soundtrack out for the DLC 2 yet? The final dungeon music is GOAT
Haven't acquired because my inventory is full of amiibo costumes.
Riju's tummy
>not a single picture of Kass in vai disguise
What the FUCK are all the artists doing?
It was posted a few threads back. Where have you been?
>doing the windy bay quest
>right then naydra comes by and fucks up the winds
fucking gay ass dragon cunt
I'm calling the FBI on Sasan
Let's just get this out of the way
I am going to marry Riju!
>kill a red Lynel
>that wasn't so bad
>3 white Lynels
mfw one already kicks my ass.
Suppose I drop the $20 for Master Mode (emphasis on suppose. The game's kicking my ass hard enough as it is) but I already started. Can I switch the difficulty to Master Mode on the fly? Also, please tell me those legacy tunics aren't exclusive to the amiibo. I rather not drop $20+ for a figurine.
>Can I switch the difficulty to Master Mode on the fly?
No. Master Mode is a second save file.
>Also, please tell me those legacy tunics aren't exclusive to the amiibo.
Afraid so. You can get one of them (pic related) for doing all 120 shrines but I'm not fond of how it looks compared to the amiibo ones personally.
On the other hand, if you're like me and you have all of them then you're inventory is too full to get the DLC stuff.
Under a rock I guess. Hope more people draw it
Only problem is the shorts, and you can swap those out with the hylian pants dyed brown to look just like Best Link, mismatched sleeves and pants and all..
alright you millenials, the fuck is an amiibo, and how do they unlock costumes?
amiibos are fucking cancer so what you do is you buy some NFC tags and spoof them using tagmo and don't give nintendo any money for their plastic on disc dlc
>No. Master Mode is a second save file.
Hrm, I just got the Champion's Tunic after hours of wandering around too. I'll hold off on that.
>Afraid so.
Damn it, I only have two LoZ related amiibo (Link and Zelda, the Super Smash Bros series). So much for playing as the Fierce Deity. Thanks anyway.
Little figures of iconic promotional artworks from Zelda's history.
If you tap them into BotW, you can get fun bonus prizes consisting of items relating to that character.
In the case of all the links, their version of the green tunic.
For what it's worth, you can get the Twilight Princess costume with the Link amiibo for Smash Bros. I think it's the best costume of the lot honestly.
Really grandpa? They're the physical DLC Nintendo has been using for 5 years. An ingenious invention, they were first showcased as high-quality figurines that as a secondary feature interacted with smash bros at e3 (that's the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, since you live under a rock) to build hype, then they were downgraded to Happy Meal toy build quality, and have since been used pretty much like microtransactions except instead of nickel and diming you for a hundred little things they hamilton and jackson you for a hundred little things. Smash is pretty much the only game where they do anything cool, otherwise they just unlock new outfits/weapons/whatever in other games.
In addition to that, each Amiibo generally has one other item relating to them that you can potentially get.
So for instance the 8-Bit Link amiibo can both drop a retro tunic, and the iconic dangerous to go alone sword.
They're more for fun, none of them are that strong.
I could never stomach just leaving the champions weapons to gather dust, but I think I'll put up Daruk's and Daybreaker.
In fact, I'd say the Smash Bros Zelda amiibo is the only notable one, because it gives her iconic light bow, which functions just like the in-game light bow; infinite arrows with infinite range.
>infinite arrows with infinite range.
Wait that shit has infinite ammo? Ive been ignoring it because it's numbers are only a fraction of the lynel bows
I just never removed them from the chests to begin with.
You can glitch the real light bow, which does 3.3x as much damage as the twilight bow, out of ganon's arena though. It permanently glitches that save, however. There's some workarounds to the glitches but not everything can be fixed, like fairies and shrines disappearing. It's definitely a good thing to do when you've already done everything else, though.
Eventually. It's very durable.
God fucking damn it. Everything fun in this game has a giant asterisk attached to it saying "NO FUN ALLOWED" in big bold letters.
reminder that this Link is still the least worthwhile of all the heroes, no matter how strong he is
>t. revali
That would be the OoT Link from the Downfall timeline.
When are we going to be able to play as the true hero of hyrule, Revali?
Try it on Master Mode. But if you're on that, then three golden Lynels won't be a problem.
This. Just let their people keep em.
The tree the old man was cutting on the plateau keeps the chuck that was taken out of it.
>nearly singlehandedly held everything together and saved the world when every single other piece of the machine failed
>least worthwhile
nigger he is the most worthwhile, every other Link had maybe one or two of the other players drop the ball slightly but get it together in the end. This Link had everybody EXCEPT HIM drop the ball HARD, with only Zelda kind of getting it together in the end, and still pulled through. If you're saying what I think you're saying, that's like saying Simo Hayha (the sniper with the highest confirmed kill count in history, who survived being shot in the head by an enemy sniper) wasn't a worthwhile because some other snipers never got shot in the head.
but wasn't he a gost?
I just kept them with me and never used them, I couldn't bear having them break. They're all at the very left of the quick-select now to remind me. Mipha's first ;_;
Why couldn't they be on a recharge timer like the Master Sword?
The baked apple comes back too.
>He's still around, but is avoiding you now, because he wants to remain enigmatic.
Because they don't seal the darkness
Kass has to dress up? But they let the Gorons in...
because they're not magical?
Birds have penises, Gorons do not.
They know how to sex chickens, everyone has to know that to know what lays eggs and what acts like an obnoxious shit. Nobody knows how to sex a rock.
>plain-looking axe ignores the effects of blood moon
Why not just give that to Link and have him slaughter all the monsters so they can't come back?
None of the other Link's ever lost before
OoT did, kinda, but not really?
He heavily implies he did.
No other Link faced a hundredth of the challenge he did. He only lost after doing many, many times as much damage as any other. And the reason he faced that much adversity is that all four champions were not competent enough as fighters (any one of them would have succeeded had they been replaced by a Link, of course), the King was a bad father and a weak leader, Zelda was a troubled teen and the Sheikah failed to properly safeguard their machines. He had no say or agency over anything that went wrong.
Note the inactive guardians in Hateno field are ones that Link killed. The active decayed guardians were the ones hit by Zelda's sealing magic- In the memory you can see those still glow and dart their eyes around, she just removed their legs basically.
Friendly reminder that Link didn't dress himself like a girl. He paid someone to dress him that way.
Kass probably did too.
>3 statues with 2 apples
>sweet, a nutboy!
>ride up with my horse
>prepare to place one
>fuckling horse eats the other apples
He wanted to save you user.
well they'd still come back, they'd just immediately die again
>Why not just give that to Link
He does.
killing a bunch of robots isn't the issue, he still failed to stop Ganon before dying.
And after he wakes back up he's got a pretty easy journey. All he has to do is ride around and kill four pushover monsters, really.
I thought Kass was actually invited in or Riju spoke with him outside the walls, but maybe he did disguise himself.
How is a different issue, I suppose
>he still failed to stop Ganon before dying
He never had the opportunity. Unlike every other Link, he did not have everyone else lining everything up for him so he could knock it down. He essentially did everything by himself while his "allies" actively worked against him.
>And after he wakes back up he's got a pretty easy journey. All he has to do is ride around and kill four pushover monsters, really.
He doesn't even need to do that. He doesn't even need the Master Sword that he broke, because he put more wear on it and used it with more force than any Link before, because the challenge he faced and his personal strength and ability was whole orders of magnitude above and beyond any past hero. He can literally go straight off the plateau with a pot lid and a bunch of iron weaponry not even fit for common soldiers but wielded by travelers and finish the job because he doesn't have a useless princess to protect this time.
Like I said before
>that's like saying Simo Hayha (the sniper with the highest confirmed kill count in history, who survived being shot in the head by an enemy sniper) wasn't a worthwhile because some other snipers never got shot in the head.
Or to put it another way, by your logic if some Link had Zelda do literally everything for him, including running all the dungeons, killing all the bosses and blasting Ganon to a hair from death, and all Link had to do for his entire journey was gently tap Ganon with the Master Sword, then provided he accomplished that he would still be more worthwhile than BotW Link. What you're saying is fucking stupid, in other words. Link still kills Ganon, and no other Link, in his position, would have been able to come close. They would have been killed by the huge monster ambush in that one memory, and both they and the princess would have died then, in fact.
Maybe since he's shaped too manly he had to use arcane magics to transform his physical gender the way Zelda does in OoT.
Maybe he just has big feathers and he's a skinny boi underneath
>shaped too manly
I mean, he's husky with a puffy chest, and he's a bird so "breast" and "pecs" are the same thing. He'd just look like a big girl if he crossdressed.
BotW Link's prior defeat was part of the larger plan. The shrines were held closed until it was time for him to return. The champions were selected based on their gifts, specifically so they could die and leave the gifts to Link. This was all planned by Hylea in a time before history. The Zelda series is full Calvinist predetermination.
Alright, here's my solution to fix the durability system. Tell me your thoughts
>enemies still drop weapons and all that
>but weapons don't break just from using them
>weapons only break if you use them badly
>so using a sword to cut down a tree will break it after like two trees
>or using a flame spear on a water enemy will damage it, or an ice weapon on a fire enemy
I'm considering maybe having a retooled item system where you can only have 3 swords, 3 spears, 3 two-handed swords etc but I think that would be hard to properly balance. Especially considering key items like deku leaves and hammers
>The champions were selected based on their gifts, specifically so they could die and leave the gifts to Link. This was all planned by Hylea in a time before history. The Zelda series is full Calvinist predetermination.
*whips out the timeline divergence*
maybe a god has deliberately predetermined everything but at some point they had to reconverge a timeline because they aren't an omnipotent god at all
It already mostly works that way. Axes last a long time on trees. Swords wear more from shields than from guts. Sneak attacks cause no damage to weapons.
The downfall line is the only line with a Ganon that ascended to godhood with the triforce, so it is the one that needs special attention. Hylea basically already won in the other lines.
>sweet, a nutboy!
>Axes last a long time on trees
Not long enough. If you're at a point where you need to use an axe to cut down trees, then you need more wood than you'll get out of that axe
Her people still suffer from things other than Ganon. Seems rather short sighted of her
>the larger plan
the plan only existed because they knew he was going to die and they had to shape him into a proper hero
Here's my solution:
>weapons that break don't disintegrate into thin air but rather stay in your inventory as a broken weapon
>can fix them at a shop
>fairies can upgrade weapons, and in the late game you can upgrade a weapon to max rank to have it last for good, but it requires rare resources
There I fixed it.
Hylia is not a benevolent goddess
TP doesn't have a game after it, and ST has free mass transit. Seems like they are doing well from what little evidence exists.
That already applies to most things, but it would be a good idea to apply it to elemental weapons and give everything past traveler's tier higher base durability. (Most) Champion weapons should either be stronger and unbreakable or have upgrade quests like the trial of the sword to make them stronger and unbreakable. On the other hand, to gate that valuable treasure, bosses should be harder. Fuck "the player could go to any one of them first," the player could also open any shrine and get an overpowered weapon before seeing any boss, and the rest of the world is leveled while the bosses are not. Maybe if they'd made everything like the EX blights, where you could only carry certain shit into a divine beast because of the security system or some other contrivance, that would work too. Post-Trial MS should also be unbreakable, it's already so close to unbreakable the fact that it still needs a periodic recharge feels a little contrived though I suppose it could be spun as supporting the lore that Link just broke it THAT hard.
Apart from that, flurry rush should be weaker and parries should have a similar riposte that also doesn't eat durability.
If Ganon had time to take on a proper form instead of just integrating bits of the blights, do you think he would have gone humanoid or kept himself as a big monster? His head was reforming and he had one normal arm. Do you think he was going for his regular 10 foot tall Gerudo body?
Probably. Somewhere deep inside, he is still Ganondorf.
How do you know the other Links would have died or failed where BotW Link didn't? That just sounds like you talking out of your ass. I'm not that other guy, though, so I'm not saying BotW Link is weak.
This outfit looks but it looks even less in line with the Gerudo style than it did in Ocarina
it would have been neat if after you did all the main quests you'd "taken too long" and had to fight a fully reconstructed Ganon.
Everyone says you're on a clock but then nothing happens no matter how long you take
Honestly, they should have included some sort of weapons cache (either at the stables or just at your house if they wanted to be mean) to let you store weapons at the least
Just give me a cute Gerudo squire to watch my horse and hold my extra stuff for me.
Considering each is supposed to have gone through a reasonable challenge, given that these are games and that is game design, and Breath of the Wild's Link went through challenges that, again, amount to many, many times what any other Link went through, I would say that there is no reasonable doubt that any other Link would have failed. It's made clear many times over that this Link is stronger and more competent not just than any living Hylian, or even any living warrior, but any past Link as well.
you can store weapons at your house.
>Everything I said last thread
I found it underwhelming and plain weird that this didn't happen. Would have rung back to MM a little bit, having a 'countdown' to his strongest form. Obviously, they couldn't have a game-over timer, but one that gradually increases Ganon's power to an upper-limit (with the Divine Beasts jumping it up significantly; perhaps with the Blights' defeat their power returns to Ganon).
>implying that counts in the slightest
>can't register bone horses at the stable
Bombs should have been in limited supply if they are going to have a weapon durability system. Given that chopping down trees wears down any weapon, the best course of action is to just use bombs to 'cut' trees down for wood. Which just begs the question why you can even cut down trees with weapons if that method is inherently inferior to using bombs - it's a flawed system.
Having durable weapons has too many knock-on effects in its current state; for example, a player is likely to avoid combat encounters that could very well be enjoyable to partake in, but not provide worthwhile rewards and come at the cost of their inventory, which just means the player is going to miss out on enjoyment. While one of the intentions of the mechanic is to encourage players to vary their playstyle, in reality it's having the opposite effect, since players will accumulate a number of valuable (read: strong) weapons but will always use their weak weapons that they scavenge from enemies in encounters first, and for almost every encounter that will be enough to beat them - which just leaves them having less interesting combat experiences since they never use the fun items. Enemies drop items far too frequently for the weapon durability mechanic to actually present anything in the way of "survival" outside of the great plateau and the Trial of the Sword; having dungeons with no save points where weapons are rarely dropped by enemies and the player has to exhaust more and more of their inventory as they progress through them would be a good way to make use of this mechanic, but since there are no enemies in dungeons and the shrines are very brief, this is not the case. The game also needs more in the way of bonus bosses that cannot be beaten with mediocre weapons to actually encourage the player to use their full arsenal.
the only "special" horse you can register is the giant horse
I named mine Big Chuck
I'm surprised there were no weapon shops, even ones that just sold weak shit.
I named mine Tiny.
I find it hard to believe he'd have had a proper form without some kind of blood sacrifice or possession. The best I can see is him being a more humanoid shell of Sheikah tech held together by Malice
the problem is they needed a basic way to damage. It would either be a weak punch, or bombs.
Sledgehammers should have been weaker and "tools" (like mops, hammers and lumber axes) should have been unbreakable in addition to the penultimate tier of weapons. Boom, weapon durability system fixed.
They should have let you do it, and then when you come back they can be sad to report that your horse vanished the morning after you dropped it off.
But that would have been great though. He'd have a stronger form capable perhaps of limited speech, and have several actually challenging phases before Dark Beast.
And in Master Mode he can actually possess Zelda like in TP.
Wishful thinking.