Ace Combat General #367 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #367

Sublimation Edition

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First for aidorus

Best AC3 plane comin' through


Just seems like every plane's Alt is a boring desert pattern

and I just realized the AC6 Rafale's main paintjob is silver, and the alt is black I always thought Rafales were standard black paintjobs

I thought Sublimation was a meme.
Are we falling for it now?

Reminder to draw your planefu for our collage. I got a few to add to it last thread and I will probably update it Friday or Saturday.

>plane flies from left to right
>see if you can't make it into a "pose" that fits the current state of the collage (preferrably at the rear as it is easier to add more planes there)
>black and white/lineart only
>fun is allowed
>no drawing skill required

One more question, I remember there is at least one more in the works by someone that posted a WIP two threads ago, who else is working on something?

Just so I can gauge when to make a "final" version for now.

Don't fall for it.
It's just full of Belkan shitposters

>Dision wanted to upload the world to the Electrosphere to drown out Grabacr and Ofnir
it all makes sense now

>Want to play 1 and 2 for completionist sake
>Can't get past the weird physics and dpad controls

You can play 2 with analog sticks.

How do I set that up? Epsx doesn't recognise analog for that game

But if you add the world to it, you also add more Belkans to it. So really that plan would've backfired

The only weird thing to me was that compared to the other games the planes turn best at a very specific speed.
Which makes some sense.

Post R A D things.
You should add and too, they're so nice.

You got to enable the analogs from the settings menu of the game

just remember then
Cipher is the Electrosphere's moderator

Yeah they are on the list, the S/MTD too

Favourite AC? I've finished 4 and it was pretty amazing, but I think my fav will be 3 when I complete it

0 for story, 6 for visuals and gameplay.

Zero all round
that game is literal perfection on a disk for £5

You could always IP range ban Belkans or make a containment cyberspace they think is the whole net.

Zero or 5. But ultimately I can never really decide on these they are all pretty great


Probably this: (but also honorable mention to 5 for muh nostalgia for it)

I've always loved the whole feel of 6 where you have a lot of buddies and banter between them. It also felt more challenging than the PS2

>making favourites when you bask in the glory of this series
I can't really say. AC6 gameplay-wise, AC0 story-wise, though I give a honourable mention to AC3 for that one, I also enjoy ACAHL a lot since it brings everything the series has had into one package within the limitations of the handheld.

>tfw I want to play the PW demo
>just this benchmark shoots my dreams down
On that note, what's the saddest song in the entire series, in your opinion?

Near the Border and Into the Dusk spring to mind

Overall - Zero.
Gameplay - X.
I must say that Operation X is my favorite bonus mission in the entire series.
Though I'm yet to buy xbox and play AC6

Near The Border and War-Torn Radiance

My buddy

Why is there no RTB line in 5?

There just isn't. That's a feature I really wish they'd left in, because there are a lot of missions where it'd really be useful.

Also Lanner sounds like Tear Grants

It only appears on certain missions after 4 IIRC. The get x points missions usually.

in 4 it became a quick way to just run and heal rather than attempt to continue a dogfight
they scrapped it completely in 5 without realizing in longer missions its needed but returned it in Zero for endurance/get x points missions

AC6 has them for almost every mission, including landing and take off in the middle of combat. That shit can be intense, you're coming in at 3000ft going 700mph and almost a right angle with a pair of Strigons assholes hot on your tail

I loved the fact that you could take and land at airfields in the middle of the combat zone, I hope 7 brings that back.

>trying to land and take-off as quick as possible as the enemies surround you overhead
>running out of missiles during the Pasternak fight and having to re-arm

>reloading cutscene finishes and you're left sitting at 0 mph on a runway with fucktons of enemies swarming overhead
10/10 would sweat about again

The only way it could be better? Carrier landing.

>bombs landing nearby causing the boat to rock as you start taking-off

4 and Zero tied for gameplay (Zero's edge) and story (4's edge), 6 for looks, and 5 for introducing normies to the series

You love it, if you're not challenged, and sweating bullets then you're not an ace.

Playing through 5 was nearly a punishment after playing through 4. Not because the game itself was terrible- it played pretty well- but because 4 had such confident and subtle storytelling and 5 was so forced and on-the-nose it was downright insufferable.

It's like they couldn't let you experience your own emotions in response to what they showed you without someone chiming in with "WOW THIS IS SO SAD" or "WOW THIS LOOKS DANGEROUS". It was like I had three clones of Owen Wilson as wingmates.

...okay, maybe just two. Chopper was alright.

>the sound of warcrimes typing up his 5000 word dissertation on why 5 is shit echoes through the thread
I hope you realize what an avalanche you may be starting.

How the fuck do I do that mission in 5 where you have to shoot down missiles attacking the space station?

For the record, don't think I hate the game in its entirety. Honestly the game's high points hit REALLY high and I love the overarching plot of the game, but even in the incredible grand finale the wingman peanut gallery wouldn't shut the hell up.

I have to seriously wonder how they went from AC04's relative subtlety to in 5 where they SHOVED IN MY FEEEH-HAAAAAAASE

This is the same scenario as anytime someone mentions the Typhoon, Val has a fit of autism.
For the record, I think 5 is a fantastic game, and IMO, the good stuff far outshines the bad.

I kinda gathered, but I'm willing to take the risk. No reason to let it shut down discussion, IMHO, especially when discussing 5 is more or less inevitable. We'll see if I've made a horrible mistake.

>No reason to let it shut down discussion
You've never witnessed warcrimes' autism at full power, have you?

they felt like real people from a show
thats good enough to make me suspend disbelief.
fucking rocked my socks off
3 4 5 and zero are flawed, but amazing

Speaking of wingmen, I've been trying to figure it out- which one was the one with the deep voice in 04? The one who becomes Mobius 8 in the final mission? Was it Omega 1 or Rapier 6?


He was Rapier 6.



>then AC5 and AC6 happen

what if the tunnel run in 7 is going to involve the elevator?

Aim better for much victory

What is typically (as in it shows up frequently on normal, real aircraft) the most powerful bomb or AtG missile in Ace Combat?


Nah, that has a wide coverage area but the actual damage can't take out hardened targets like pillboxes and some tanks.

Probably the GPB.

That's what I thought, but in AC6's Ragno Fortress there's structures that take at least two GPBs but they might just be really tough targets since it destroys all the pillboxes with just one.

>designed for the starfighter
>SPW when

5 is shit though, the gimmicky missions of the game and the annoying wingmen who won't shut up about muh peace and muh character development almost single handedly ruined the game for me. On top of that, it felt more like I was in student in a class on drama/theater more than a fighter pilot.


>ywn nuke commie fucking shits in mid air

I'd like to see another up-close encounter with a nuke, having all your instruments wig out in 0 was pretty cool.

I bet your aircraft ends up being struck by lightning in 7.

Actually, with all the cloud shenanigans. that wouldn't surprise me.

>duck into a cloud
>guy on your 6 follows you in
>he gets struck by lightning
I'd laugh 2bh

Why is FAEB > SFFS?

because SFFS requires more height to reach full effectiveness than FAEB

I still don't get how it works, you need to be at a certain elevation and speed for it to register as more than a normal UGB?

if you are high enough it splits like a bomblet dispenser but over a larger area

Sup Nuggets?

just got home from Episode 8
Why will we never get Ace Combat: Rogue Squadron

Why do I exist only to endure this torment

So how do you know what the right height is?

I don't want PA to do anything with Star Wars.

But why not? We could have a hilariously oversized battle station and have to fly inside it to blow it up-
Hang on

Because almost everything about it for the past 30 years has been awful, and the mediocrity will rub off on PA and transfer to Ace Combat.

>past 30 years
>Thrawn books and X-wing series
Come on man why you gotta be that way
Any other part I could grant you but man come on now

Spoiler request:
Did Poe lose his X-Wing at the end of the movie and how did he lose it if he did?

The amount of bullshit that has come into my mind contemplating this. Just picturing a tsundere Leia doing a stupid death star tunnel run with Luke...

Actual spoils
No he loses it like 20 minutes in and spends most of the film butting up against Resistance leadership. He gets I fly it in combat once properly, and the the only other flying he does is those weird skimmer things from the trailers.
He loses it thanks to the hangar bay getting r e k t with his x-wing and virtually all the other fighters the resistance has (and pilots) along with it. Including the qt a-wing pilot they set up. Boy was I mad

You mean Rey is Edge just like Poe is Blaze and Finn is Swordsman with Grimm's personality?

Thats why I said almost.
But really, anything SW related that Disney has managed to touch just puts me off more and more.

See what I mean? Sounds fantastically stupid and I want it.


Give me Wedge version of Ice Cage from AC5

And he loses it after the space battle, I presume??

Yeah he goes full ace and single handedly fucks up a mega destroyers turret defences, the after that fight is grounded for the whole of the film

Such a shame. I kinda like his X-Wing. I hope in Episode 9 he'll get another one.

I hope so, too. Though, with the way it ends, I really don't know what they'll be flying in 9. Depends where they take it. I hope more a- and x- wings though
>Ace Combat
>Japan's best video game

>remix of the bunker scene from Downfall #999999999999999999999999

This has got to be one of the most stale memes in history

Luke lost his X-Wing after he abandoned it on Cloud City at the end of Episode 5 and somehow he got another one at the beginning of Episode 6.

Sure, but ffull blown spoiler the resistance is down to like 30 people aboard the Falcon at the end of episode 8. Literally their only hope is to head out to the outer rim and find support from someone - I'm hoping independent fleets and the Imperial Remnant, but point being they have no fighters to replace his with. They're all gone

Or maybe Poe is gonna fly Luke's X-Wing. This will cement his status as Luke's pilot persona while Rey assumes Luke's Jedi persona. It would be sad if Poe were gonna spend the rest of the trilogy reduced from an ace pilot to a grunt.

How do I do Handful of Hope?

As in navigating the radar net or destroying the attacking fighters?

New targets will spawn as time goes on. Stay close to Mother Goose One.