Buy the dip while you can. Were going higher next time.
Buy the dip while you can. Were going higher next time
Other urls found in this thread:
Miku song about beans when?
>buy my bags please
Okay loser. Bitbean is still higher than what I bought it at. Fuck off.
Why don't you fuck off shill faggots and stop contaminating our board with this cancer. I'm sure it's higher than when you bought it but it will go lower for anyone that buys into it now.
This board is already cancer regardless so it doesn't matter. It would still be cancer even if crypto didn't exist, just a different type.
You'll be crying in a few months
get in now while its still
It will always be under 10k sat you piece of shit.
Don't be so confident about that. You nocoiners have no idea about cryptocurrencies at all. You know nothing. Your statements are worthless.
you are here
Reminder that all the people who are fudding BitBean are pedophiles and or support pedophilia
voat mods HATE beanman
This. If you don't have any bitbean you are definitely a child molesting pedophilic nonce
get this to r/the_donald
tell them that bitbean is a bank for centipedes by centipedes. remind them that all the major banks backed hillary clinton and this is a way for them to tell them to get fucked
100% this. BitBean is family-oriented. The BitBean dev is fully committed to the investigation and trial of John Podesta for sexual crimes against children.
Holy shit, so many creators and a fucking bean? Godammit alt pyramids are getting fucking cringe, At least doge-coin was a meme.
I really don't get why you NoBeaners are always flying off the handle like this. If you ever talk to me or my family like this ever again I will have to speak with the moderators at Veeky Forums to have your comments removed from the website permanently.
BitBean will start pumping in 5 hours. Load up while you can. Shitcoins like PoSW, Pivx and Bitbay will continue to dump.
When it doesn't pump will you shut the fuck up and stop spamming the board?
But user it will I am part of a Taiwanese insider trading board. We will pump bitbean very soon as we know it is the future. You should by those cheap beans while you can.
I can't buy the dip, and I'm infuriated because of that.
I'm stuck at my aunt for 4/5 days, she lives in the countryside, no car, so I can't go recharge my paypal.
I swear to god, for the first time since I got into bitb this coin dips heavily, and I can do nothing about it.
Stop with this FUCKING Bean bullshit I'm so sick of you fucking beaners shitting up this board seriously. I don't know why all you little 12 year olds keep investing in Crypto, you're all going to lose everything if you keep up. Its a fucking BEAN dude I'm NOT going to buy your shitcoin no matter how fast the transaction speed is
Why are nobeaners such aggressive?
i love the bean
i dont even own any beans, but every time i see the cute bean guy on Veeky Forums i smile
we finally have our own meme, which means we're finally a real board now
They have gone insane because of No Bean Having Syndrome.
t. legit doctor
post doctor beans
Up we go.
About to break 30 sats
this is perfect kek
the mods here really need to step up and ban faggot shit like this. my 3 year old son is sitting on my lap while i'm browsing biz & trading cryptos, and i'm sick and tired of having to shield his eyes from all the disgusting nobeaner posts. ugh, get a life losers.
cough music video later tonight standby cough
fucking KEK
just bought 2 million bean, how bad of an idea was that?
Smart move, you will be rich
is bitbean made by indian poos?
No. Only Aryans are allowed to be on the dev team.
they send non-white applicants to an on-site gas chamber but tell them it's a special interview
high effort beanposting lad
Bitbean dip is extra spicy can you handle it?