When will XIX-XX century meme about Slavs not being white end?
When will XIX-XX century meme about Slavs not being white end?
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"white" is a concept made by slavs and paddies to try and trick the superior Anglo into believing they aren't subhuman.
How is inbred genetical rape-trash from the isles better?
People often joke that slavs never contributed anything, but that's wrong.
Unlike German inventions in which majority of them came from German Jews, Slavs actually contributed important things.
When Russians stop being considered to be Slavic.
>genes from all sorts of conquerors
Not to bad in my book
desu Britannia major is literally the chads of europe interbreeding.
If that were true, then your average look wouldn't be that of a Witcher 2 roadside bandit.
>When Russians stop being considered to be Slavic.
Ethnic Russians have barely 3% of Asiatic admixtures in their gene pool, they even house the largest population of blonde-haired individuals in Eurasia.
In that case, the superior Anglo should stop using inventions that were invented by the subhuman Slav to insult him with, of which digital electronic computing, wireless transmission, AC electricity, electric trams, bullet-proof vests, lasers, light-emitting diodes, solar cells, space travel, the radio and color television are the frequently used.
>we were smart enough to make useful thins but get cucked eternally, g-get out reeeeeeeee!
>Ethnic Russians have barely 3% of Asiatic admixtures in their gene pool, they even house the largest population of blonde-haired individuals in Eurasia.
Don't stop them from being white niggers.
oh my.
And your nationality is?
It is a myth that the Nazis considered Slavs as untermensch (subhumans) non-Aryans, there is no evidence to suggest this but the actual opposite that Slavs WERE regarded as Aryan. See below:
The Ahnenpaß stated that "wherever they might live in the world" Aryans were "e.g. an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian".
"(Himmler) I know quite well my Germans. The German always likes to think himself better but I would like to avert this. It is important that every Waffen-SS officer obeys the order of another officer of another nationality, as the officer of the other nationality obeys the order of the German officer."
Why do people keep trying to push this "Slavs untermenschen" by the Nazis myth? Especially regarding Poles, Ukrainians, white ruthenians and Russians... there is no evidence to suggest this.
Anti-Slavic propaganda was used but then so again was anti-British propaganda used there is overwhelming evidence Slavs were still seen as Aryans by the Nazis. Nazi 'racial theorists' such as Rosenberg considered Slavs Aryan and even complained about the treatment they were getting. On the "Ahnenpass" it states that slavs are aryan aswell.
There is no evidence besides the pile of bodies they left in Poland.
Stop defending Germans, they were against Eastern Germanics, because they're unpure mutt trash. Just because they "liberated" Ukraine doesn't mean they were gonna create independent state for you.
Read Mein Kampf or Rosenberg's typology, and Generalplan Ost.
I think the white meme should just end in general.
>talk abot white and black
french, english, irish and ukrainian.
They're probably white by slavic standards. More refined races have every reason in the world to not consider cyka blyats to be white.
When Americans stop considering "white" to be r1b.
Ethnic Russians are like 30% Finnic and there's also a massive presence of Caucasian blood in southern Russians. Russians are probably the least Skavic of the Slavs but people meme about them like they're the default Slavic nation because they're the most rekevant.
>Rosenberg typology
Rosenbeg was not anti Slavic and Gunther outright said Slavic or Germanic are just linguistic cathegories that don't really correlate with race. Nazis were actually way more rational and down to Earth aboyt race than many Veeky Forums and /pol/ posters.
At no point were they considered not white. Even Madison Grant who considered them to be inferior still considered them to be a subtype of the white race.
These lists are not even close to being complete
> because they're impure mutt trash
As is everyone in Europe and for the record, Germans are more mixed than the most mixed and numerous Slavic nation .
>They're probably white by Slavic standards
More like by anthropological standards.
> More refined races have every reason in the world to not consider
Which races did you have in mind?
In other words, you're a colonial byproduct of several cycles of unregulated miscegenation?
Yes, the one that contains teachings that can actually help the afflicted to get better.
Afaik there's no single bad word about for example Poland in Mein Kampf
This. Lmaoing at dumbfucks who think Ruskies are the original Slavs and the epitome of slaviness
>Ethnic Russians are like 30% Finnic
Yes, but their subclades are the North European subclade (Z1936+,Z1935+) and the North-Baltic one (VL29+,L1022+), the ones they've intermarried with aren't Ugric (Z1936+,L1034+).
>also a massive presence of Caucasian blood in southern Russians
Certainly not, because Caucasians are ethnocentric and have rarely practiced miscegenation with Russians, who've they've regarded as enemies.
> Russians are probably the least Slavic of the Slavs
They have one of the highest admixtures of I2a and R1a in their gene pools?
are Russians mongolized Poles?
Not mogolized, Finno-Ugric-ized.
Also what's up with South Slavs on this picture?
I2a isn't Slavic at all, it's paleo-Balkanic, pre-Slavic. The fact its modern carriers speak Slavic languages is the same thing as blacks in Kenya speaking English - they were just assimilated.
As for R1a, it's not Slavic per se as it has many non-Slavic subclades. Russia is chock full of Iranoid and Caucasian R1a clades especially in the south.
>They have one of the highest admixtures of I2a and R1a in their gene pools?
Their DNA doesn't matter at all, dumbass.
Russians are barely Slavs because they are culturally, mentally and historically Asiatic nation, whereas Slavs are by definition European (being sister branch to Germanics and Celts) and are best represented by countries like Poland or Slovenia.
>Even Madison Grant
He was a lawyer who dabbled in human genetics and had no notion of human biology, why should his opinion matter?
>Nazis were actually way more rational and down to Earth
Operation Barbarossa, the Lebensraum Project, Generalplan Ost and Mein Kampf's 14th chapter beg to differ.
Linear algebra - Krylov
Nonlinear Differential equations - Ljapunov.
>Russians are barely Slavs because they are culturally, mentally and historically Asiatic nation
They tried to westernize but failed.
Madison Grant was a meme but he was influential on early 20th century racialists. At no point did he consider Slavs to be non-white, he just divided the European (white) race into three subsections.
>Generalplan Ost
You mean the thing that was reconstructed from scratch for the Nurnberg trials, was just a draft never approved by Hitler or Himmler and completely spared Slav nations that were allied to Germans, such as Slovaks and Croats? If this is supposed to be the most damning evidence then it's pretty weaksauce.
It is considered as "Slavic" because it's widespread among Ukrainians, Russians and South Slavs.
>Russia is chock full of Iranoid and Caucasian R1a clades
I'm aware of them, but they're vastly outnumbered by the Z283 subclade, which simply dominates in the gene pool of the ethnic Russians.
>XIX-XX century meme
According to the book "Inventing Eastern Europe" the idea that Eastern Euros are fundamentally different from Westerners already emerged in the 18th century, but you could probably even find older evidence
Before WW1 it was thought Eastern Europe began in the Ukraine. Nobody sane would consider Prague or Budapest or something to be Eastern, that paradigm shifted only with the Iron Curtain.
Yes, especially the democracy and freedom laws were so fucking asiatic in Poland while the whole Western Europe was full of greedy savage cunts.
You stupid fuck. Germans and Poles live next to each other for at least thousand years. Do you really fucking think they look different?
Just because some imbecile anti-polish cunt made some retarded book doesn't mean it's true.
Read Prussian von Moltke and stop being an idiot.
Also, about muh 'asiatic" or "tatar" admixture.
Germans are as "mongol" as Poles.
The only reason why he was influential is because he was one of the first of his kind.
>You mean the thing that was reconstructed from scratch for the Nuremberg trials
It's not the fault of the Allies that the Germans have failed to destroy the evidence of their attempting colonization of Eastern Europe.
> completely spared Slav nations that were allied to Germans, such as Slovaks and Croats
Because they were allied to them, and they desperately needed more manpower?
>If this is supposed to be the most damning evidence
The most damning evidence would the death of 38 million Slavs, of whom most were civilians, the rapes of 12 million women in all territories that encompassed the Eastern Front and the destruction nearly 84% of their material property in Southeastern, Central and Eastern Europe.
>kill your enemies
>reward your allies
I see nothing wrong or racial about this. Poland would also be treated as an ally if Pilsudski didn't die and Beck wasn't a turbo retard.
Somehow I didn't notice it's you until now, but will ignore from now on.
Gotta give credit to the author, he skipped all the East Nordids, Baltids, West Baltids, Neo-Danubians, Gorids and Sub-Nordids just so he could paint the profile of a Lipka Tatar.
>already emerged in the 18th century, but you could probably even find older evidence
The nazi period is seen pretty much as the golden age in Slovakia, especially by people who remember it.
>I see nothing wrong or racial about this
Retard, the number of killed and the level of material destruction perfectly coincides with the most dominant ideas of Generalplan Ost.
>Poland would also be treated as an ally if Pilsudski didn't die and Beck wasn't a turbo retard
Categorically false, the Germans have intentionally made over the top proposals because they've counted on the Polish refusing them, they merely needed an excuse to invade Poland. The German Reich was running out of hard currencies and had serious problems with liquidity. Hitler needed either to drastically cut spending and introduce austerity measures or find some territory to plunder and pay for his insane economic policy. Obviously he chose the latter, in large part because he was too scared to admit that his policies were a failure. Gdansk was just a pretext and everyone knew that at the time. This is also the reason why Poland refused to back down. In reality Poland offered Gdansk to Germany already in 1920’s in exchange for the Germans fucking off forever. Poland simply wanted to delay the handover until late 1940’s when the Polish seaport at Gdynia was to be complete.
>but will ignore from now on
Like I care if some subhuman ignores me.
>According to the book "Inventing Eastern Europe"
>books about Eastern Europe written by anglo-saxon and german "historians"
oh boy
It certainly does, at least to some extent.
I honestly feel that slavs are different. Personality wise and societal wise. I don't think the difference is a massive one, but it's still there when compared to western europe. Most slavs don't even care about being considered as "white" other than maybe some edgy kids on Veeky Forums.
t. Slav
There certainly is something distinctly Mongolic / Asian in Russian culture. Ivan IV actually claimed to be descended from Mamai, many Mongol and Tatar warlords were ennobled in Russia, the love of autocracy and eternal imperialistic thirst for clay is also a trait not at all common in Slavs, it's Asiatic.
Not even mentioning the Tatar onion domes on Russian churches which sure as fuck aren't Byzantine, numerous Turkic loanwords in Eastern Slavic languages (dengi, maidan, kirpich, bogatyr, izyum, saray, sunduk, etc) and even the meme shit like squatting and wallcarpets - both things explicitly Asian.
>Most slavs don't even care about being considered as "white"
Historically, the only countries that care about whiteness are those exposed to population of non-whites, such as the US or colonial Spain. So white vs non white conflict probably isn't a big deal in say, Poland, but it's a very big deal in Slovakia which is 5 to 10% Gypsy.
Ae you Russian/Belarusian by any chance?
There is, they've adopted their love for autocracy and mounted military organisation.
May Svetovid explain to me how the Baltic states didn't win a war against the Russian SFSR when they had to fend of invasions from said nations?
He failed to do that in another thread.
Svetovid is a feminine faggot who will skedaddle the moment he's getting BTFO, he's known for that.
When they start acting white
So import shitton of niggers and arabs to their countries?
He possess more knowledge than all of you retards put together
meant for and
12 of Germany's 100+ nobel laureates have been Jewish
Meanwhile, 6 of 9 Poles who won scientific nobel prizes were Jews
Out of the 20 Russian scientific nobel prize laureates 9 were of Jewish and two of German descent
At least I won't pussy out of a discussion as if it didn't happen
>Svetovid without his trip on
This is getting pathetic.
This, russians are finno-ugric.
From a nazi racial scientist.
Are you fucking retarded?
>maps from the beginning of previous century
I don't get why you're so mad at me, for the record, I didn't say that Slavs are non-white or savage or anything like that. I just noted that according to Larry Wolff's book "Inventing Eastern Europe", Western authors created the distinction between Western and Eastern Europe already in the 18th century. The author describes how that notion came to be, but he obviously doesn't share it himself.
But russians isnt slavic. Polish, Czech, Bulgarian... thats slavic people
bulgarians are turks
Anglo-Saxons and Germans are known for their anti-slavic sentiment.
They especially hate Poles and Poland.
UK was funding Prussia so the Poles were an enemy.
Bulgarians are unironically less Turkic than Russians.
>eternal Polish victim complex
Bet you also like Napoleon you dumb cuck.
culturally bulgarians, serbs and bosnians are the most turkish out of all slav people
It's not about victim complex, you fucking idiot.
It's about reality. And no I don't fucking like Napoleon and think he used Poles, many young died for nothing, while they could be used on rebuiliding Poland.
kill yourself you have no idea what youre talking about
The book I mentioned cites lots of authors. Before the 18th century, there were also some negative voices on Eastern Europe, but also positive ones, such as Erasmus.
>Western authors created the distinction between Western and Eastern Europe already in the 18th century
I'd like to see source of the above claim. Is this described in that book? If so, please quote the relevant fragment.
Yet another retarded 3rd worlder tripfag from /int/, yawn.
ok, but kill yourself kid
so fucking barbaric.
yet it was french shitting their pants and eating with hands like scum of the earth
biased niggers.
and culturally """turkish""" culture is a mixture of persian and byzantine culture
Problem? It's a decent sample of the best scientists of the last 110 years of a country.
It's biased bullshit.
People get that even for "peace"
>More like by anthropological standards.
kek there's no such thing as an anthropological standard when it comes to race. You can have races situated in a context where it makes sense to say they're white or not (like how people from the middle-east are considered white in the US simply because there was so few of them, while Finnish people being white or not had to be ruled in a fucking court) but there's no universal or standardized criteria for what's white or not in anthropology.
There's always genetics though. Anthropology is a bunch of hogwash on par with psychology and gender studies.
>Poland would also be treated as an ally if Pilsudski didn't die and Beck wasn't a turbo retard.
That's utter bullshit.
>The German Reich was running out of hard currencies and had serious problems with liquidity. Hitler needed either to drastically cut spending and introduce austerity measures or find some territory to plunder and pay for his insane economic policy. Obviously he chose the latter, in large part because he was too scared to admit that his policies were a failure. Gdansk was just a pretext and everyone knew that at the time. This is also the reason why Poland refused to back down. In reality Poland offered Gdansk to Germany already in 1920’s in exchange for the Germans fucking off forever. Poland simply wanted to delay the handover until late 1940’s when the Polish seaport at Gdynia was to be complete.
Shit, someone copypasted my post from like months ago.
Then go to Veeky Forums and bitch about it, I'm sure they'll enjoy your lesson on genetics.
Why are you so retarded?
>they are objectively white by every biological standard
Schlomo backpedalling this hard
Because Baltic states are incompetent buffer states with no military tradition.
The only thing I'm known for is triggering illiterate subhumans who, for some reason, have developed the belief that they "know history" just because they've watched several documentaries on that deplorable History Channel.
> he's known for that
The only time I was ever backed the fuck off was in a discussion about the Soviet-Afghani war. I've never abandoned discussions, matter of fact, I have a tendency of countering several people at the same.If I've some failed to respond on some comments, then it's because I've simply missed them.
Having a German mother doesn't make you German and only Élie Metchnikoff Selman Waksman were Jewish.
You're sorely misled if you believe that a good number of people on this thread support the claims of one of the few people who're consistent in their knowledge of history.