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DENIED Edition
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HAHAHAH Alliance being bad guys AGAIN
>horde defending against fascists
>alliance attacking civilians
What spicy elf recolor should I racechange my mage into?
>pugging mythic+
>pugging in general
post your dark ladies
>be white or be basketball american
hard decision.
I honestly expected to like the Nightborne more but the Velf looks way better.
male nightborne looks weird
>has the most political trade chat of any server i've seen
Bad day
Every day
Why have they made WoW a single player experience? I thought it was an MMORPG.
how do I make gold nowadays?
Post wowhead link.
Yeah, I just solod mythic antorus and it was epic for the win honestly
It's easier and faster that way and people are getting their social experience elsewhere when multitasking wasn't really an option before and there were less ways for people to keep in touch.
what mount would be retardely popular if it happend to be a rare drop? but is common right now
>MFW I see belf h8ers
ur mum LOL
how do you beat sub mage tower
>have 3 pieces of t21 sitting in the bag because can't give up t20 4p bonus
I'm just saying, there is literally no reason to ever talk to anyone for a huge part of the game. From lvl 1 to max, through the main quest and normal/heroic dungeons, to random raid finder. Then after that, maybe you have to find some people to play the harder raids with.
>be 930 enh shaman
>lose a quarter of my health to a WQ mob's auto attack
>picking the most normal void elf color
How boring can you be?
>playing shaman
[laughs in blizzard]
I wish it was single player so i didn't have to keep being rejected from pugs.
Same, nightborne male looks horrible.
Digital blackface is racist you shitlord
>Be affliction
>Losing hp is mathematically impossible
I hate this. I live in Sweden, I play games to escape diversity and now I have this shit.
Any good plate that looks kind of like leather?
help me out
1-15 quests
15-100 dungeons
100-110 ????
quest you dumb fuck
>People are mad they're getting rid of tier sets finally
Leveling up a mage after play an affli lock is painful
I see a lot of hate for WrA on here but as someone who has played on all of the RP servers for more than a year each, WrA is my favorite.
>Playing a literal "teleport behind u" meme race
How boring can YOU be?
Häng dig
did they say whether they intended to come up with something to replace them or not?
I won't. I will however be moving to Iceland.
As opposed to a race with "exciting" racials like *summon mailbox*?
be careful you might get arrested for racism. Or be the victim of a grenade attack, where the peaceful refugee "didn't know that the grenade would kill you" so he gets away free while you're awaiting burial.
Nothing the alliance can do will top the path of glory or development of a new plague. Just revel in that instead.
Ignore him. Hordebabies are mad jelly.
When somebody sneezes do you say bless you, or blesh you?
Hordeplayers being cringe again..
I don't think goth elves count as diversity.
>Jealous of a race they've had for 11 years with superior racials
why the fuck are the talent trees so fucking shit? theres only one ( maybe two ) viable talent builds in every spec. why even fucking have it if you're not just gonna bake the shit you want them to take into the class.
Archaeology is a lot of fun.
AT's getting nerfed into the ground.
Did you know that these days the swedish police has to join female joggers to protect them from rape?
Worse, when other nation's news agencies report this in the context of imigration being bad, the police themself see this as "warped information".
invasions and bgs with 2x heirloom arena pvp trinkets
How hard is to learn tanking in raids?
Do i have to know perfectly the encounters or just pretend i do like in m+
>tfw leveling sucks and is really fucking slow especially as a dps only class even with every heirloom
Fucking blizz, boosts are a ripoff too and I don't wanna spend my shiny gold
Shit specs are not options, just failed game design.
There is nothing to learn, you taunt the boss from the other tank when he have X number of the debuff the boss will apply.
>point fire hole away from raid
>point tail away from raid
>taunt at x stacks
>pick up the add(s)
There really isn't much to it.
>NA hours
>/pol/ retards who believe everything they read there
*not trap options
Download DBM and taunt when it says taunt
>2x heirloom arena pvp trinkets
too hard to get
Velfs seem like they have double the hair styles/colors, skin tones, and faces to pick from compared to NB. Not to mention Nightborne having no facial hair even though regular nelves have beards.
I'm suprised how much more work and effort they put into the asspull race over the fan favorite race from Legion. Horde got fucked big time.
>linking Breitbart
Okay, someone post the panda butts
What do you guys think about the leaked talent tree from BFA?
can you stop referencing the xenophobic japanese culture with your posts please
yes because these two links are clearly false
Fuck off, people like you are the reason I have to flee Sweden in fear that I'm going to get hit by a truck on my jog to the store.
too many options
>I'm suprised how much more work and effort they put into the asspull race over the fan favorite race from Legion
That's the thing they know how popular blood elves are and now you can be a blood elf in the alliance! Expect a shitload of money from race changes and faction changes.
*fan of blades and feint noise spam*
>not fake
Silly two-digit IQ /pol/ posters
>having to set up talents in the year of our lord 2017+1
I work twelve jobs and have twenty kids, well adjusted adults such as myself don't have time for this bullshit Blizz!!
Give me the rundown on them.
Here you go. Article by swedish national television news outlet.
>ignoring the grenade attacks one because he can't find a way to twist it. While I'm getting out of this hell hole of a continent you can enjoy your bombs and trucks of peace.
I just posted the breitbart article since it's in english. But by all means, go ahead and google translate the official swedish article.
how do i get good at balance druid
just tie-in your account with our curse-talenter, the newest addition to the curse client, downloadable from the curse facebook group. post an in-game selfie for one month free premium service
saying someone is a /pol/ poster over and over is not an argument
>en galen kärring i småland
Men lilla stormbög..
cast moonfire
Get the right legendaries
>alliance players are excited about getting blood elves
>"en galen kärring"
>40 pers varje kväll
haha, nej.
Would only apply if it got high elves tbqh.
>yuros shit up the general with their /pol/ shit
Post gnomes
>Queue for LFR
>one or two or the bosses are already dead
>have to do it again
>Great racials
>bitchin beards that btfo Horde soyboy elves
>don't have to associate with stinky orcs or undead
There is LITERALLY no reason to play Horde at this point
enjoy your rape and falafel
do you think she would make a good princes even tho she knows how to fling a sword
What's the most fun dps class?
>There is LITERALLY no reason to play Horde at this point
Except unless you want to be relevant in any PVE or PVP content.
I genuinely don't see the problem. I started in BC and talenting then really didn't take any more thought than talenting now.
She would make a perfect bodyguard for a blonde princess also her secret lesbian lover.
Where do you get that gear
looks like the type you hire to a 'supervisor' position to take calls and suck your dick all day